Cognitive aspects of afterlife beliefs
Recent papers in Cognitive aspects of afterlife beliefs
My new annotated verse translation of Paradiso canto 22, completed (on a bus from Glasgow to Dundee) 16.11.2024.
Paradiso Canto 18 in my translation, completed 20.8.24.
Inroduction Biographical note Further reading A note on the text The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Appendix: A selection from the correspondence of Marcus Cornelius Fronto and Marcus Aurelius Explanatory notes Comparative style... more
In a good will there's always the distilling of that pure love that always inspires rightas mal-aimed wants all form from impure willing. Good will now made that song cease at its height, and brought to silence all the holy strings that... more
Paradiso Canto 14, 19.5.24
completed 3.12.23
Despite a wealth of research exploring developmental patterns of children’s understanding of the thoughts and desires of another (or, their theory of mind), relatively little research has explored children’s developing understanding of... more
On what basis do we attribute phenomenal states to others? One answer, defended by John Stuart Mill, appeals to an analogy between ourselves and the similar bodies and actions of others (1865, p. 208). Despite its intuitive plausibility,... more
Purgatorio 31, 5.8.23.
completed 22.6.23
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
Jesse Bering's (2002) recent study of the ways dead agents are mentally represented is a very interesting and important contribution to the cognitive science of religion. In showing that our conceptions of afterlife clearly cannot be just... more
A psychological struggle between good and evil, lasting for centuries and still on despite time passing, both aiming at a positive outcome. The two sides of the same coin, that is, the human heart and soul, the real driving force of... more
One of the central claims of Norenzayan et al.'s article is that supernatural monitoring and intergroup competition have facilitated the rise of large-scale prosocial religions. Although the authors outline in detail how social... more
Religion has long been a prominent subject of study by scholars in both humanities and social sciences. It is only recently, however, that religious phenomena have exercised scholars employing the theoretical perspectives and analytical... more
The present study investigated predictions from the preparedness hypothesis that children's God concepts may not be strictly anthropomorphic along certain dimensions. In particular, 39 American children (ages 3 to 7) predicted the visual,... more
Prior research has investigated children’s ability to distinguish between possible and impossible events in our own world, but relatively little empirical research has investigated adults’ intuitions about the boundaries or limitations of... more
This study aimed at exploring of the concepts of irreversibility, universality, finality, causality of death and Filipino children’s other concepts of death. It involved 30 children, ages 7–11. Findings show that the development... more
Background: The extent to which people ascribe mind to others has been shown to predict the extent to which human rights are conferred. Therefore, in the context of disorders of consciousness (DOC), mind ascription can influence end of... more
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The Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR) is a scientific approach to the study of religion that seeks to provide causal explanations of religious beliefs and practices. Proponents of CSR seek to explain the process of the formation,... more
Imagination plays a fundamental role in conceptualizing superhuman agents, namely, gods, spirits, demons, angels and so forth in all human cultures where they appear in mythic narratives, oral and written, as well as ritual structure and... more
The paper explores the application of methods of polysemy as used by Dante Alighieri in interpreting The Divine Comedy in select films.
The author argues that, contrary to received wisdom, neurotypical humans (a.k.a., the folk) do not conceive of death as the annihilation of the individual. If that received wisdom were true, then afterlife beliefs, which have proven to be... more
The author introduces and critically analyzes two recent, curious findings and their accompanying explanations regarding how the folk intuits the capabilities of the dead and those in a persistent vegetative state (PVS). The dead are... more
This paper is an invitation to reflect on the advisability of analysing philosophy from a naturalistic perspective. That is, from a perspective that considers philosophy as if it was one more cultural object, which can be studied using... more
Science investigates phenomena in nature that are either experienced or observed by people. However, one special class of phenomena is generally considered unscientific, i.e., unworthy of scientific investigation, by the majority of... more
Cognitive science of religion (CSR) brings theories from the cognitive sciences to bear on why religious thought and action is so common in humans and why religious phenomena take on the features that they do. The field is characterized... more
One of the short stories present in Anita Desai's collections of stories.
It is commonly supposed that religious experience requires a belief in the existence of the (presumably transcendent) object of the experience. Yet it is not clear that this must be so. In this essay, I defend the possibility that a... more
The classical "laws of thought" (such as the law of non-contradiction) do not describe the way we always think but denote the way we ought and ought not to think. Likewise, moral, legal, and prudential laws do not describe the way we... more
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A series of studies have found an association between the content of beliefs in the supernatural and increased cooperation in social groups. " High Moralizing Gods, " " fear of supernatural punishment, " and " supernatural monitoring "... more
Our age is retrospective. It builds the sepulchres of the fathers. It writes biographies, histories, and criticism. The foregoing generations beheld God and nature face to face; we, through their eyes. Why should not we also enjoy an... more
Ancient Egyptian Bird-Prophet & Winged Eye has formed first conception of democracy - first in afterlife, then in very life of Egyptians.
This paper examines how the cognitive science of religion (CSR) relates to naturalism, both as a methodological and a metaphysical principle. CSR is heir to a rich tradition of natural histories of religion. They provided integrated... more
Both philosophers and scientists have long assumed that the impetus to develop and hold afterlife beliefs was primarily provided by one’s fear of one’s own death (an egocentric view). Recent empirical studies, however, present compelling... more