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The notion of the imitation of Christ is a key concept that has been used in history to express the relationship that exists between Christology and Christian ethical reflection and action. However, despite its prevalence, there is a... more
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      EthicsBiblical StudiesChristologyThe Christ Hymn in Philippians
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The central premise of this thesis is to re-vision what is known about Jesus Christ with a fresh set of Māori eyes to see what new insights can be added to Christological discourse. This thesis begins with a survey of Christological... more
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confession brings possesion
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In these few pages Tomasita Saenz Cantu gives her testimony of conversion to the Hispanic Pentecostal faith and her struggles as a single woman on the U.S.-Mexican Border. She gives a brief biography and ends with the history of the... more
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      Border StudiesPentecostalismChristHistory of Pentecostalism
Robert Mason
The  Advent of Ahriman
An Essay on the Deep Forces behind the World-Crisis


Christ and Antichrist
In the present world situation

Talks between Robert S. Mason and Julio Carreras
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    • Christ
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      MycologyNeuroscienceChemistryOrganic Chemistry
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      ChristianityOrthodox TheologyChristian PhilosophyTrinity (Theology)
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      ChristianityTheologyBibleAttributes of God
Por misericordia entendemos el correcto comportamiento del hombre respecto de su prójimo en necesidad ante cuya solicitud de ayuda responde favorablemente. La misericordia de Dios para con el hombre necesitado (pecador), es la de... more
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      SERMON ON THE MOUNTChristMisericordiaThe Beatitudes
This paper posits two significant revelations why Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the Philippine national hero is regarded by the Rizalista groups as "God" or "Christ" Himself. First, Filipino culture has something to do with it; and second, American... more
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      ReligionCultureFolk ChristianityReligious Studies
This paper illustrated how the scribes esoterically wrote the secrets of the Hebrew letter BETH into the first four chapters of Genesis; thus, the entire texts of the first four chapters of Genesis symbolizes BETH. In addition I show how... more
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      The Letter to the HebrewsChristian StudiesChristVesica Piscis
"Abstract. Cyril of Alexandria was not only one of the finest Christian theologians of his day, he also stands out in the ranks of the greatest patristic writers of all generations as perhaps the most powerful exponent of Christology the... more
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      ChristologyIncarnation of ChristHuman natureCyril of Alexandria
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The first part of this study looks into the exegesis of Philippians 2:6–8 in Aquinas’s commentary on St. Paul. The second provides some further details, drawn from other works of Aquinas, regarding the “exinanitio” of the Son. The goal of... more
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      TrinityChristologyThomas AquinasKenosis
Representing what may be termed 'evangelical Calvinism,' Thomas Forsyth Torrance's doctrine of election is, with critical modifications, recommended as a model worthy of contemporary acceptance. Torrance follows Barth's christologically... more
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Saulo de Tarso fue «escogido» para ser apóstol del evangelio (cf. Rm 1,1; Gal 1,1). Y en su encuentro y experiencia con Cristo fue «conquistado» por su amor, para que él pudiera «conquistar» luego al mayor número de hombre para Cristo... more
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      PasiónPassionSan PabloSt. Paul
In Tract. eu. Io. 5, Augustine preaches his anti-Donatist theology of baptism by emphasizing that Christ always retains the potestas of baptism. By focus- ing on the term potestas to argue that Christ, not the bishop, is the primary agent... more
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      PatristicsHistorical TheologyTrinityAugustine
What is the Soul and What is the Psyche are questions that are never satisfactorily answered in the world at large. This paper endeavors to explain the different between these two diametrically different concepts and why each acts out as... more
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      BuddhismPsychologyCarl G. JungDante Alighieri
The first four chapters of Genesis symbolizes the Genesis Creation Account, which illustrates how the dawn of Christianity was brought into existence. For those that read the bible via any translation of the Hebrew texts will never be... more
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      Mathematics EducationCarl G. JungActive ImaginationChrist
This paper describes the deepest ESOTERIC SECRET throughout all creation, which includes the deepest ESOTERIC SECRET throughout the Judaeo Christian Religions. In this paper I illustrate how the SHECHINAH'S (Divine Presence) matrix... more
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      Unconscious MindTorahChristIntertwining
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      TheologyBibleChurchKingdom of Heaven
Narcissus, and other tales, have been abundantly used in concretistic types of psychological interpretation. The article shows that they ought to be viewed in abstract terms as portraying processes in the individual and collective psyche.... more
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      PsychoanalysisMythologyJungian psychologyPsychoanalysis and religion
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      Spanish TheatrePassionChristLucas Fernández
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      TheologyBibleChurchKingdom of Heaven
The existence of God can be proven mathematically via the mathematical analysis of the MONAD (number one). THIS IS NO JOKE; rather, it is absolute TRUTH.
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      MathematicsRoman CatholicismMultiplication TablesChrist
The central premise of this thesis is to re-vision what is known about Jesus Christ with a fresh set of Māori eyes to see what new insights can be added to Christological discourse. This thesis begins with a survey of Christological... more
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Resumen: La interpretación de los Salmos por Cirilo de Alejandría muestra cómo la presencia de Dios Uno y Trino embellece las vidas de los creyentes en Él. Dios ayuda a la gente a deshacerse de la tristeza y los problemas, y a encontrar... more
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      ChristologyCyril of AlexandriaPsalmsTriadology
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    • Christ
This paper focuses on the marble relief with enthroned Christ built in the north wall in the interior of the church of St Mary at Rab. The author begins by giving an overview of the scholarly literature that mentions this relief before... more
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The aim of this essay is to unveil the interconnection between various instances of incarnation expressed in Allen Ginsberg's seminal twentieth century poem " Howl ". The Beat author seemingly plays with the theological notion of... more
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Extrait de : Antoine Birot, La Dramatique trinitaire de l'Amour. Pour une introduction à la théologie trinitaire de Hans Urs von Balthasar et Adrienne von Speyr, Parole et silence - Lethielleux, 2009, 224p., ici 21-71.
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      Hans Urs von BalthasarReconciliation, Restoration, RedemptionSalutChrist
L. W. M. Tworzydlo, John Lambert. The composer of our times. Selected scores for the piano, Lukasz Wojciech M. Tworzydlo, Gdańsk 2018.
-> ISMN 979-0-9020142-3-6
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      ChristianityRevelationBook of PsalmsHoly Spirit
The paper discusses Paul Ricoeur's contribution to Christology in general , which consists in prospecting the fundamental gratis-diaconal trait of hermeneutics of kerygma. Firstly the discussion focuses on the polyphonic name of the... more
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      Paul RicoeurChristologyLogosChrist
The Kingdom of God is God’s redemptive rule in the lives of those submissive to His eternal purpose and pleasure, (and God’s restraint and retribution against evil) as it is settled in heaven and revealed in the Scriptures of God’s Word,... more
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      TheologyBibleChurchKingdom of Heaven
The discovery of Origen's commentaries on Psalms in 2012 was an event for patristic studies. These commentaries are prepared in the form of homilies. It is said that Origen published them at the end of his life. In preparing his homilies,... more
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      EucharistOrigenEucharistic TheologyOrigen of Alexandria
RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é oferecer uma contribuição reflexiva sobre um tema central da antropologia bíblico-teológica: o ser humano como imagem de Deus. Para a antropologia veterotestamentária, Adão, criado à imagem Deus, está em... more
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      Body and SoulCristoCreatureHuman Beings
"Cyril of Alexandria was not only one of the finest Christian theologians of his day, he also stands out in the ranks of the greatest patristic writers of all generations as perhaps the most powerful exponent of Christology the church has... more
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      Cyril of AlexandriaTHEOTOKOSNestoriusMother of God
« Entre mon marxisme et mon décadentisme, il manquait la médiation d’un troisième terme qui est justement le christianisme ». Ainsi s’exprime Pasolini en 1964. Cette thèse propose de réexaminer La ricotta à partir d’une notion théologique... more
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      MarxismLiberation TheologyFascismCinema
Background: Widening of the tracheal bifurcation angle on chest radiograph is mentioned as a sign of left atrial (LA) enlargement. However, the clinical usefulness of this sign as a diagnostic tool remains controversial. The aims of our... more
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It doesn't exist a physiological criterion, neither chemical, neither physical: the marker it's biological. The apoptosis it's a physical phenomenon: and it is the marker of what we understand, of how the organic became understood. A... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentOld Testament TheologyOld Testament
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      TheologyBibleChurchKingdom of Heaven
تتحدث هذه المقالة عن حقيقة طبيعة السيد المسيح بين ألوهيته وبشريته أو ما تسمى حسب المصطلح المسيحي ب )الكرستولوجيا( وتتناول حقيقة شخصية المسيح وأعماله ودعوته وكل ذلك من منظور فلسفة وأفكار إحدى أهم الشخصيات العلمية والأكاديمية والفلسفية... more
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      ChristologyJohn HickIncarnationChrist
El rescate de las viñetas originales de 1963 de “La feria” de Arreola ante la versión de 1971 de Joaquín Mortiz y las de la Editorial Planeta Mexicana. RESUMEN: Y aquí estoy yo, rescatando a las viñetas originales de “La feria” de Arreola... more
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      Early ChristianityChristEirini Artemi
In the beginning God created heaven and earth. The earth was void and empty, darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved across the waters. And then He spoke. He said, "Let there be light". And all was very good.... more
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      GodLightSalvation ArmyGenesis