China Overseas Investments
Recent papers in China Overseas Investments
Questo studio si propone di analizzare alcune recenti dinamiche della geopolitica dell'energia, focalizzando la trattazione degli argomenti sul contesto e sulle fattispecie che compongono il quadro di costituzione del partenariato... more
On Saturday March 23, 2019, during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit to Rome, Italy formally joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with the signing of an official Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between both countries.... more
The article describes main features of trade and investment partnership between Latin-American countries and PRC in last 15 years. Presents the basic tools of strengthening and institutionalizing economic relations of these... more
A Short viewpoint on FOCAC and China Africa Relations
published in IDSA's Africa Trends Volume 4, Issue 4, October-December 2015.
published in IDSA's Africa Trends Volume 4, Issue 4, October-December 2015.
When a billion Chinese jump, the earth definitely shakes. Despite the huge potential for Chinese investment in UK infrastructure, many challenges still persist, none more so than a negative perception of Chinese investment, in... more
"Authors: Adam Horálek and Pavel Ptáček "The book contains eight chapters in four major fields (each field contains two chapters) - environment, demography and population, economy, and geopolitics. As an introduction, the short outline... more
This paper analyses the display of the power relations involved in the trajectory of China's land grabbing in Argentina. Through a study of the failed agri-food project of Beidahuang Group in Rio Negro, it shows the centrality of the... more
China’s economic growth has increased demand for agricultural goods. At the same time, prices are volatile and can lead to social instability. This has led the Chinese government to launch a series of measures to secure foreign supplies.... more
Perspectives on Chinese Business and Law contributes to the debate and understanding on China by offering insights and perspectives from both Chinese and European scholars on themes related to business and economic affairs. The current... more
Chinese national oil companies have long been seen as rampantly overpaying for overseas assets. This has serious implications for the sustainability of the Chinese SOE model. This paper examines in detail how the prices paid for overseas... more
This paper looks at three potential factors that influenced the change in China's behavior towards the South China Sea dispute. These factors are one the interests and principles of China's foreign policy, two China's economic rise and... more
The recent lynching of a university student in Pakistan who had been falsely accused of blasphemy highlights the fact that terrorist and separatist violence are not the sole security threats facing the successful completion of the... more
A case study on the impact of China's Belt and Road Initiative in Pakistan
Elaboration et coordination du colloque terminal de l'ANR "Espaces de la culture chinoise en Afrique" (EsCA)
4月2日星期囚,大约早上5:30分,索马里青年党(Al Shabab,简称青年党)武装组织荷枪实弹的一队枪手,进人肯尼亚东北部的加里萨(Garissa)大学校园,射杀了正在宿舍睡觉的学生并捉拿人质。目击者称,武装分子特别针对基督教徒学生。在抢手被肯尼亚安全部队击毙后,长达15小时的人质危机终于结束。加里萨袭击事件造成至少147人死亡,79人受伤。
台北論壇基金會「政策創新研究獎勵」考察 政策建議報告
『被遺忘的遠方戰場: 十年「海」東、十年「海」西的兩岸僑政的競合─以柬埔寨為例』田野考察的政策反思
『被遺忘的遠方戰場: 十年「海」東、十年「海」西的兩岸僑政的競合─以柬埔寨為例』田野考察的政策反思
The automobile cars are usually designed to understeer and seldom do they oversteer. It's a main advantage in this particular era for the automobile cars to overcome these steering problems. All the people who drives usually prefers for... more
Neste trabalho, mostramos um panorama geral dos investimentos da China em outros três países dos BRICS, Brasil, África do Sul e Índia. Em nossa leitura, os BRICS configuram um marco do início do século XXI e geraram a expectativa de... more
Since China launched the 16+1 forum for meetings with the heads of state of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries in 2012, European observers have been struggling to make sense of the Chinese approach. Jonathan Holslag’s assertion... more
International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) Newsletter News from Northeast Asia: Northeast Asia’s engagements with the Middle East Regional Editor: Ilhong Ko China’s relations with the Middle East: A perspective from the region -... more
China’s increasingly significant economic and security interests in the Middle East have several impacts. It affects not only its energy security but also its regional posture, relations with regional powers as well as the United States,... more
La Singapore indipendente e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese (RPC) hanno una relazione storica varia e complessa. I due stati godono di legami economici eccellenti, che hanno rappresentato una chiave caratteristica delle interazioni... more
a book on the rise of Chinese entrepreneur Jack Ma, his e-commerce company Alibaba and the special world of the Chinese internet
Although there have been extensive studies on Chinese urbanization, few researches focus on the migrant workers in the world factory city and contextualize their livelihoods in those neighborhoods. This paper pays attention to the... more
Note 1. The 11th five-year plan (2006-2010) calls for upgrading the industrial structures, developing of rural and western areas, becoming environmentally friendly,
As part of the gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom) results and book series, a book was published CHINA’S INFLUENCE ON NON-TRADE CONCERNS IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW, Climate Change, Sustainable... more
2013年9月,中国主席习近平在位于哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳的纳扎尔巴耶夫大学演讲中提到了丝绸之路经济带的战略远景一一这将是一个跨越中国、中亚以及中东最后延伸到欧洲的经济发展区域,也是一个远远超越古代丝绸贸易路线的区域。一个月后,习近平在印尼国会演讲,提到21 世纪海上丝绸之路的战略远景一一这将是沿着南中国海和印度洋主要港口和贸易航线的经济发展区域。这两项战略远景构成了" 一带一路"的战略框架。在一带一路所涵盖的广袤区域,大量基础设施工程的实施投人,... more
The study aimed to address three main questions. Firstly, do Chinese mining, oil and gas (MOG) operations in Africa occur in areas of conservation value as defined by the Integrated Biodiversity and Assessment Tool (IBAT) and Conservation... more
This article is an attempt to clarify the current state of EU-China relations based on a critical analysis of recent developments and emerging trends within a framework of International Relations theory. It compares Chinese attitudes to... more
History and proximity have been integral to foreign aid and trade in aviation services in Africa. Due to colonial administrative, trade and cultural ties, West European influence has always been strong. Post-colonial geopolitical... more
Abstract (English) This paper analyzes the multilateral Brazilian foreign policy, making the country a regional pivot in Latin America, a leading nation among developing countries, and an emerging world power. Without the status of... more
Although the US and its Western allies had long relationship with Africa in various categories of aid and development, China’s recent entry into the Dark Continent caused huge displeasure to the traditional donors. The Asian giant’s... more
In 2013 Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Together, both development initiatives promise to deepen China’s economic connections with the world’s key growth regions... more
China’s stock markets are barely 25 years old however, they already boast more members than China’s communist party, “90 million individual investors, compared with 87.8 million members of the Communist Party” (Faux 2015). First, this... more
In Indonesia, Chinese voluntary associations took on a new level of importance after the fall of Suharto’s New Order regime in 1998 that ushered in a revival of Chinese identity politics. At the same time, Sino-Indonesian relations are... more
Contemporary impressions of Taiwan’s relations with Southeast Asia tend to focus on flows of labor, capital, tourism, and marriage. Countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand carry the impression that they are the... more
This report assesses potential threats and risks that could affect the implementation of the CPEC project in terms of insecurity and violence that pervade Pakistan, internal political and economic constraints, and also global and regional... more
This article examines the openly adversarial neoconservative foundation under George Bush to the supposedly more ‘engaged’ diplomatic interaction under Barack Obama. What will be exposed is a fairly uninspired and non-innovative American... more
The massive overseas expansion of Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is a central aspect of China’s ‘rise’ to great-power status. There is significant disagreement, however, over how to interpret SOEs’ role. Are they instruments of... more
La inversión extranjera directa (IED) es una fuerza impulsora de la globalización y un motor importante del crecimiento económico. La IED no solo puede aportar capital a una economía, sino que también puede contribuir a la modernización... more