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The termination of parental rights of parents with mental disabilities is a growing and crucial issue. In 2010, an estimated 45.9 million adults in the U.S. had experienced a mental illness in the past year. This represents 20% of the... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeEducationSociology of Education
Forensic interviews with children for suspected child sexual abuse require meeting children “where they are” in terms of their developmental level, readiness to disclose, culture, and language. The field lacks research indicating how to... more
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      Child protectionSexual ViolenceChild WelfareInterpretation
Denne artikkelen tar for seg resultatene av en undersøkelse av organisasjonsmessige endringer i barnevernet i Norge de siste årene. Dataene bygger på intervjuer med ledere og mellomledere ved tre barnevernskontorer og sammenlignes med... more
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      Public AdministrationNorwayCitizen participationChild Welfare, Child Protection
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      Sociology of SportChild abuse and neglectChild protectionSports Coaching
The precursors to and process of termination of parental rights (TPR) proceedings in parents with mental disabilities require examination because previous scholars have not approached this matter with the correct framework. The effects of... more
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      Mental HealthChildren and FamiliesFamily LawChild Welfare
If you are interested in understanding complex needs following a child abuse investigation, consider reading my article, which is free to access until 05/08/17 at:... more
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      Child abuse and neglectChild protectionChild WelfareChild Protection Social Work
Young people leaving care have been the subject of international research in the last decade, whilst in Africa studies are still few. The ability of young people to transition successfully from institutional care to independent living in... more
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      Qualitative methodologySub-Saharan AfricaLooked after children and care leaversChild Welfare, Child Protection
This study documents the child welfare experiences of youth who are LGBTQ and their perspectives on how these experiences influenced their housing instability and homelessness. Youth detailed incidents of gender segregation,... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesSex and GenderFamily studies
This is a set of overheads for a presentation at the Canadian Provincial Court Judges Education Association in Charlottetown, PEI, September 27, 2017
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      SociologyChild protectionChild and adolescent mental healthMass Communication
This is a keynote presentation to the Alberta FASD Conference October 21, 2014. It challenges several public policies and approaches to FASD prevention and intervention
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      Child protectionChild WelfareChild Protection Social WorkChild protection and family law
Bab ini mengkaji pemenuhan hak pendidikan bagi narapidana anak. Topik ini dianggap penting mengingat, selama dalam masa tahanan, narapidana anak tidak dapat mengakses pendidikan di luar lembaga pemasyarakatan (Lapas). Di sisi lain, hak... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodChildren's RightsChildrenChild Welfare, Child Protection
In the past five years, technology-related distracted behavior while caring for children, such as compulsive smartphone checking and tablet overuse, has come under increasing public scrutiny. Social science research shows that these... more
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      Applied EthicsChild DevelopmentChild WelfareChildcare policy
Children and adolescents who are exposed to traumatic events are helped by numcrous child-serving agencies, including health, mental health, education. child welfare, first responder, and criminal justice systems to assist them in their... more
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      Social PolicyChild and adolescent mental healthPovertyMental Health
Parenting Capacity Assessments (PCA) are used by child protection workers to assist in determining the ability of a parent to care for their children. They may be used at various stages of the case management process but these assessments... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesChild protectionFamily LawChild Welfare
Building upon this author’s previous work applying the new theoretical framework of Family Systems Theory to termination of parental rights (TPR) cases in parents with mental challenges, New Jersey statutes and case law bear close... more
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      Mental HealthCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesFamily LawChild Welfare
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      Child protectionChild protection and family lawChild protection issuesChild Welfare, Child Protection
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission report has challenged Canada to alter the relationship with Aboriginal peoples across the country. They have specifically identified child protection as one area that requires a significant... more
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      Indigenous StudiesChild protectionChild WelfareTruth and Reconciliiation
This article outlines how the social determinants of health disproportionately impact children living in poverty, and suggests steps to be taken to address and reduce the disparity in accessing health care. It then identifies and explores... more
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      Critical Race StudiesRace and RacismRace and Ethnic PoliticsCritical Race Theory, Anti-Racist Education, Social Justice Education
This Article examines the sources of the contemporary problems associated with the adjudication of parental rights matters in Maine’s probate courts and identifies specific reforms to address both the structural and substantive law... more
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      Child protectionChildren and FamiliesFamily LawLegal History
The Child Protection Hub in South East Europe with its partners in 8 countries have conducted the mapping of social service Workforce as related to child protection in the region. This report provides a summary and regional overview of... more
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      Social WorkChild protectionKosovoBulgaria
This research considers the validity of certain psychometrics used in parenting capacity assessments of Aboriginal peoples
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      Child protectionChild Protection Social WorkChild protection and family lawFirst Nations of Canada
Ben-David (this issue) introduced us to the complexity of the factors that courts consider in termination of parental rights (TPR). It is an opening to understanding which factors are taken into consideration and how courts make these... more
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      Child protectionChild WelfareCanadian LawChild Protection Social Work
Hvilken plass har brukermedvirkning i moderniseringen av norsk forvaltning? Argumenter for økt brukerinnflytelse bygger både på innarbeidede forestillinger om demokratisering, men også på nyere ideer om tilpassing av offentlige tjenester... more
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      Learning and TeachingCitizen participationChild Welfare, Child Protection
Special edition of Child Abuse & Neglect on the Australian Royal Commission
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      Historical SociologySociology of Children and ChildhoodOrganizational ChangeSexual Abuse