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Molt especialment des de la seva obra gràfica, d’una rigorositat tècnica a l’abast de pocs, Colom va assolir un llenguatge propi, una mirada particular i única, conreant gairebé totes les tècniques de gravat, directes i indirectes,... more
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      DrawingCatalan PaintingEtchingsWoodcuts
En nuestros tiempos, el museo no se limita a las tradicionales funciones de recolección, aumento y presentación de sus fondos, sino que ha adquirido, una dimensión social, lo que implica una serie de vicisitudes que marcan este proceso de... more
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      Catalan PaintingArt History, Exhibition History, Museum and Curating StudiesMuseo De Arte
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      IconographyMedieval StudiesMedieval & Renaissance Hagiography & Didactic TextsMedieval Art
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      IconographyPaintingEuropean paintingMedieval Art
The eighteen years of the American stage of Lluís Graner Arrufí (1863-1929) have almost always been full of doubts and documentary lagoons in the painter's biographies and they limited to affirm in the space of a couple of lines about... more
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      Catalan PaintingPintura catalana S.XIXPintura catalana S.XX
Sulla base di alcuni documenti inediti, il contributo propone di identificare dietro la sigla di Maestro di Castelsardo un atelier, del quale potrebbero avere fatto parte i pittori Joan Dunyat e Miquel Spanya, documentati a Cagliari nel... more
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      Spanish paintingCatalan PaintingArte, archeologia e architettura religiosa in SardegnaMaestro Di Castelsardo
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      Medieval ArtSpanish paintingGothic PaintingLate Gothic Painting
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      PortraitsPortraitureSpanish paintingCatalan Painting
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      Medieval ArtSpanish paintingLate Gothic PaintingCatalan Painting
This study represents an approach to the murals of the church of Sant Miquel de Montmagastre (Artesa de Segre, Lleida), that were transferred to a new support in 1958 and now preserved in the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (inv. 66133,... more
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      Patronage (History)Medieval ArtMural paintingsGothic Art
Le corpus des devants d’autel catalans est le plus important en nombre et en variété d’Europe, bien avant celui des panneaux peints norvégiens. Le premier ensemble a largement participé au rayonnement des musées catalans, et les... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArtCatalan PaintingCatalan Medieval Art
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      Medieval ArtSpanish paintingGothic ArtCatalan Painting
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      Catalan StudiesRenaissance ArtCatalan PaintingSpanish Renaissance and Baroque Art
A principios de 1893 los artistas Miquel Utrillo (1862- 1934), Pere Romeu (1862 – 1908), Frederic Homdedeu (1861- 1908) y “Samp” son contratados en París para llevar a cabo un espectáculo de sombras chinescas en Chicago coincidiendo con... more
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      Chicago HistoryCatalan PaintingXIX Century Spanish PaintingWorld's Columbian Exposition
En los últimos años se ha planteado la posibilidad de que los anónimos maestros de Alcañiz y Balaguer sean la misma persona, y se ha propuesto que esta persona sea un pintor desconocido llamado Baltasar Gui. En esta nota se discute este... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtMedieval Crown of AragonGothic Painting
Estudio de los pintores orientalistas decimonónicos que se inspiraron en Marruecos.
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      Border area Spain - MoroccoOrientalismCatalan PaintingTanger
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      Medieval ArtMedieval Crown of AragonLate Gothic PaintingGothic Art
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      Gothic PaintingLate Gothic PaintingGothic ArtCatalan Painting
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      Medieval ArtSpanish paintingGothic PaintingLate Gothic Painting
One of the main actors of the XVth Barcelonan’s artistic scene, Jaume Huguet, is remarkable for the altar-pieces he made on request of the Barcelonan’s guild and as the King painter, Peter of Portugal (1464-1466). By searching through... more
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      Art HistoryCatalan StudiesMedieval ArtSpanish Art
Painter dedicated to the greatest barcelonian’s guilds, Jaume Huguet (Valls 1412 – Barcelona 1492) was one of the most famous artists of the Spanish XVth century. He is mentioned in many documentary sources and master pieces. By examining... more
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      Catalan StudiesMedieval StudiesPaintingMedieval Art
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      Catalan PaintingFerrer Bassa
Veu sobre el pintor i il·lustrador català Andreu Solà i Vidal per al Diccionario Biográfico Español (DBE) de la Real Academia de la Historia (Madrid, RAH, 2013, vol. 46). Versió electrònica (DB-e) del mateix diccionari publicada en xarxa... more
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      DrawingCatalan PaintingCatalan ArtistsCatalan Modernism
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      PaintingCataloniaCatalan Painting14th Century painting
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      Medieval ArtSpanish paintingGothic PaintingLate Gothic Painting
Chapter of 'The postmodernist painters and the Barcelona of the end of the nineteenth century', for the Session IV 'Artistic invention and social echo', published electronically by the Historical Archive of the City (Barcelona History... more
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      PostmodernismCatalan PaintingCatalan ArtistsCatalan Hystory of Art
Breu recorregut per l'obra del pintor, dibuixant, gravador, il·lustrador i exlibrista Josep Triadó i Mayol a la Biblioteca de Catalunya. El 2020 passat es va complir el 150è aniversari del seu naixement, de qui la Biblioteca de Catalunya... more
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      ModernismExlibrisEphemeraCatalan Painting
“Josep Berga, s/t, s/d;” “Ramon Casas, Montmartre, 1891;” “Isidre Nonell, Gitana, 1909;” “Joaquim Mir, Casa humil, 1936,” in Picasso, Miró, Dalí e la pittura catalana del primo Novecento. Cremona: Museo Civico Ala Ponzone, 2003. (Four... more
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      Art HistoryCatalan Painting
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      Catalan StudiesFrench ImpressionismRealismImpressionist and Post-impressionist art