Capetian Kings
Recent papers in Capetian Kings
Rollo, the viking who captured Rouen over 1100 years ago and is ancestral to the Normandy Dukes and Norman Kings of England, was not the son of Rognvaldr, Jarl of More in Norway as has been popularly believed. His true origin was... more
Le cardinal Eudes de Châteauroux (1190 ?-1273) a laissé près de douze cents sermons, encore largement inédits. Certains d’entre eux possèdent des rubriques très précises, montrant les liens étroits qu’entretenait ce fameux prédicateur... more
The rise of the Capetian dynasty across the long thirteenth century, which rested in part on the family's perceived sanctity, is a story most often told through the actions of male figures, from Louis IX's metamorphosis into "Saint Louis"... more
Meredith C, e Sainte-Chapelle and the Construction of Sacral Monarchy. Royal Architecture in irteenth-Century Paris, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 25,5 cm, 293 p., [148] fig. en n. et bl., xvi pl. h. t. en coul., cartes,... more
On the occasion of the eight hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Bouvines ( July 27, 1214), this essay examines its significance for the Capetian monarchy and its impact inside and outside the French kingdom. It argues that Philip II... more
GREAT collection of 388 books on French numismatics. Rare books and works about coins, tokens and médals, royal and féodal. GRANDE collection de 388 livres sur la numismatique française. Des livres et des ouvrages rares sur les... more
È il 1354, i primi giorni di ottobre. Il ricco mercante Giannino viene convocato in Campidoglio da Cola di Rienzo, che gli rivela: "Voi siete il legittimo re di Francia, vittima di uno scambio in culla avvenuto pochi giorni dopo la vostra... more
La construction de la saintété de Louis IX dans les œuvres de Geoffroy de Beaulieu et Guillaume de Chartres, 1270-1276
ABSTRACT On the night of the 13th of February 1308, exactly four months after the general arrest of the Knights Templars in France on the order of King Philip IV the Fair, Giacomo da Montecucco, the master of the Templar province of... more
Trois papes successifs, Alexandre IV, Urbain IV et Clément IV, ont fait mener six années durant une « affaire d’enquête » ("inquisitionis negocium") contre l'évêque de Rodez Vézian. Ce dernier était accusé devant leur justice, sans qu’il... more
The aim of present paper is to demonstrate the iconographical interpretations of the north rose window of the cathedral of Chartres. In the centre of the upper section Virgin Mary is enthroned, with prophets and kings from the Old... more
Throughout the ninth and tenth centuries the look and language of West Frankish royal charters were extraordinarily stable. This changed with dramatic suddenness under Robert the Pious (987/996-1031). Among the most important changes in... more
Actes des journées doctorales internationales “Quel lieu choisir ? Implantation, représentation et mention de l’édifice et de l’objet (XIe-XVIe siècles)” organisées les 29 et 30 mai 2018 à Amiens, par Julie Colaye et Marie Quillent, en... more
and teaching purposes, and we request that all citations still be to the 2014 version published in History Compass. This longer version allows us to include a section on the relations between the University and the court (which had been... more
This article sets of the surviving Coffret or Casket of John of Montmirail in the context of Capetian politics and saintly practice. Focusing on the coffret as an object made to display the arms of numerous northern French aristocratic... more
It is a well known fact that medieval clergymen felt the need to seek protection from violent secular lords. They often complained about the aggression and violence of nobles, and we read their complaints and lamentations as recorded in... more
Etude des débuts de la carrière de Raoul Grosparmi, originaire de Périers (Manche, diocèse de Coutances), garde du sceau du roi Louis IX de France (1254-1259) puis évêque d'Evreux (1259-1261/62) avant d'être nommé cardinal.
Forgery and Memory at the End of the First Millennium takes a fresh look at documentary forgery and historical memory in the Middle Ages. In the tenth and eleventh centuries, religious houses across Europe began falsifying texts to... more
In Michael D. Bailey and Sean L. Field, eds., 'Late Medieval Heresy: New Perspectives. Essays in Honor of Robert E. Lerner' (York: York Medieval Press, 2018), 14-34.
in: Anna Becker et al., Körper – Macht – Geschlecht. Festschrift für Claudia Opitz, Frankfurt a. M. 2020, S. 213–225.
Interpretatio rerum gestaruln" Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Januszowi Ostoja-Zagórslćiemu W 70. rocznicę urodzin, red. Aleksander Jankowski, Jacek Maciejewski, Bydgoszcz 2013 RADOSŁAW KOTECKI ajpob z ej szym by K sc1 ła 0 rońcą"
Richer of Rheims (fl. c.991 – 998) has traditionally had a poor reputation as a historian, being cast as an overly-imaginative and naïve imitator of ancient Roman historians who played fast and loose with the truth. His four books of... more
Le traité de Paris passé entre Louis IX et Henri III en 1259 est souvent perçu comme un accord bancal, préparant peu ou prou la guerre de Cent ans. L'étude contextualisée de la diplomatie franco-anglaise au XIII e siècle modifie la donne,... more
Dans ses lettres du XIII e siècle, la papauté multiplie les privilèges à l'adresse de la monarchie française. À l'époque de la « hiérocratie » -aussi nommée théocratie -pontificale, le chef du corps ecclésial, qui n'hésite, par ailleurs,... more
The Last Judgment portal of Reims Cathedral has long played a role in histories of the cathedral's construction, yet questions of its original location and audience remain. Was the portal designed for its present location on the north... more