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One of four known ancient Maya books, the Grolier Codex depicts different manifestations of Venus; the column of glyphs on the left of each panel records days in a 104-year Venus almanac. These plaster-coated bark-paper pages,... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreEthnohistory
This article explores the tentative theories of Seán Ó Súilleabháin regarding the origin of certain legends connected to the Feast of St. Martin in Ireland. Ó Súilleabháin's theory proposed links with near-eastern mythology, and... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyIrish Folklore
Шарапов В.Э. Пермская экспедиция У.Т. Сирелиуса; Графическая и свободнокистевая роспись по дереву; Качели в календарной обрядности; Детская мебель у коми; Традиционные куклы в поверьях коми; Таинство крещенья в традиции коми христиан;... more
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      Ritual StudiesCalendar CustomsDollsKomi Traditional Worldviews
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      PaganismFestivalsModern Paganismscontemporary Paganism
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      Neo-Paganismcontemporary PaganismCalendar CustomsRitual Year
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      Cultural HistoryFolkloreEthnologyWitchcraft, Religion and Magic
The article focuses on the author's research on the chronographical background of the Zodiac Mosaic Calendar in Synagogue at Hammath-Tiberias. He researched to find the origin of mosaic decoration, the twelve zodiac sign, the four... more
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      ReligionHistoryHistoryAncient History
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      Gender StudiesNeo-Paganismcontemporary PaganismCalendar Customs
Speculation about what ancient Maya texts have to say about 2012 is becoming a global phenomenon in popular culture. This speculation, largely apocalyptic, is more often based on acquaintance with historical Western interpretations than... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
Свистопляска (Свистунья) – это старинный календарный обряд, ежегодно проводившийся в г. Вятке в 4-ю субботу после Пасхи. Согласно местной легенде, когда-то давным-давно вятчане по нелепой случайности перебили союзную рать из г. Великого... more
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      Russian StudiesEthnographyPopular CultureSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Долгая да широкая Масленица, разбитная бабёнка, гологузка и голохвостка, увешанная вениками и с хвостом ледовой горки – ещё бы ей самой не быть хвостатой! Как кошке и репке… Так мерцают и переплетаются в народной традиции различные образы... more
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      Russian StudiesFolkloreEthnographyRitual
Пасхальные яйца, изготовление которых известно во всех славянских традициях, представляют собой ритуальный символ, использовавшийся во всех пасхальных обычаях, обрядах и играх, а также в течение всего года -в апотропеических,... more
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      Calendar CustomsSlavic MythologySlavic folklore
The Old English text known as 'Aecerbot' presents readers with a number of challenges and has been interpreted in diverse ways. I approach it as an elaborate, quasi-liturgical healing text that proscribes a communal remedy for... more
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      FolkloreAnglo-Saxon StudiesSocial HistoryCharms
Excavations in the 1960s on the site of the short-lived motte-and-bailey castle at South Mimms (then in Middlesex, now in Hertfordshire) recovered, among mid-12th-century demolition debris, part of a red-deer skull and antler, a hole... more
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      FolkloreMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ritual and MagicArchaeology of Hunting
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      Komi MythologyCalendar CustomsKomi Traditional WorldviewsTheme of "swinging"
This paper explores the relationship between the eruptions of the abnormal which are a key part of the Gothic genre across media, and the use of the genre within mainstream television series to provide an occasional special episode that... more
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      Television StudiesBritish television historyGothic StudiesCult television
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      Classical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine History
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      DiasporasWomenSlavonic Folk CultureCalendars
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      History of EstoniaCalendar CustomsCultic PracticesFolk Calendar
THE LITURGICAL CALENDAR OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN ROMANIA – A LOCAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE BYZANTINE TRADITION The liturgical calendar used in the Orthodox Church in Romania dates back to the remote times of antiquity. The structure... more
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      Orthodox TheologyTime PerceptionCalendarsOrthodox Christianity
The medieval Robin Hood ballads and the Robin Hood games of early modern festal customs are both inextricably bound up with ideas of community and companionship. The “performative turn” in recent... more
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      Popular CulturePerformance TheoryEarly Modern DramaRobin Hood
This essay introduces the papers from the specially organized session on the theme‘The 2012 phenomenon: Maya calendar, astronomy, and apocalypticism in the worlds of scholarship and popular culture’.
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      Mythology And FolkloreCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
In his wide-ranging discussion of the origins and significance of the festival of Martinmas, ( “Medieval English Martinmesse: The Archaeology of a Forgotten Festival.” Folklore 111 (2000):231-54), Martin Walsh alluded to the medieval... more
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      FolkloreHagiographyFolk and Fairy TalesCalendar Customs
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      Calendar CustomsSlavic MythologySlavic folklore
Time is an important element of social organization. The temporal models such as the calendar provide social rhythm by regulating various activities. The changing ways of managing time are indicative of social change. This paper presents... more
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      Critical TheoryLanguagesReligionHinduism
Calendar feast system, the changes within the system and factors responsible for them present an important research topic in the study of the contemporary societies in the Soviet-influenced area. This paper elaborates on the trends of... more
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      FolkloreSoviet HistoryRitual FeastingCalendar Customs
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      Komi MythologyCalendar CustomsKomi Traditional WorldviewsTheme of "swinging"
This paper explores how the Reformation remoulded the medieval ritual of beating the bounds, whereby at Rogationtide English parishioners progressed around the borders of the parish, often with banners, handbells, and crosses.... more
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      FolkloreReformation StudiesEnglish ReformationWilliam Shakespeare
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    • Calendar Customs
One of four known ancient Maya books, the Grolier Codex (Codice Maya de Mexico, CMM) depicts different manifestations of the planet Venus; the column of glyphs on the left of each panel records days in a 104-year Venus almanac. These... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
Review of three documentary films by the British author and filmmaker Timothy Neat: 'The Merry Morning of May', on a Cornish calendar festival; 'The Summer Walkers' (with Hamish Henderson), on the traveling people of Scotland; and 'Tig!... more
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      FolkloreScottish StudiesDocumentary FilmCalendar Customs
Собранные за последние десятилетия карпатские этнолингвистические данные (карпатские экспедиции Института славяноведения РАН проводились в несколько этапов, в разном составе и с разными целями 1 ) содержат интересный материал, позволяющий... more
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    • Calendar Customs
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      TraditionFestivalsCalendar CustomsRitual Year
This article aims to present an overview of changes in the Easter tradition in Estonia throughout centuries and to characterise its celebration in modern times. Also, a brief introduction of the local peculiarities of the tradition in a... more
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      FolkloreRitualCalendarsCalendar Customs
Обрядовое использование творожистых изделий (так называемого «сыра») характерно для восточнославянских народно-православных обычаев Петрова дня. А ещё – для русских традиционных свадебных обычаев. Очевидно, такие кушанья были связаны с... more
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      Anthropology of FoodRitualFoodCulture Studies
Paper delivered at Notes and Narratives, The Piper's Club, Dublin, April 2014.

Presentation available online.
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      Festivals and musicCalendar CustomsCommunity Identity
The beautiful county of Yorkshire is the largest in Britain, and yet still possesses a strong and cohesive regional identity. Built on centuries of shared tradition, a characteristic body of folklore has thrived and endured well into the... more
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      FolkloreApotropaic DevicesCultural History Of GhostsApotropaic Objects
Short article on Dingle the performance of calendar custom in Dingle, Ireland.
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      Festivals and musicCalendar Customs
This paper will explore the relationship between the eruptions of the abnormal which are a key part of the Gothic genre across media, and the use of the genre within mainstream television series to provide an occasional special episode... more
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      Television StudiesBritish television historyCult televisionTelevision History