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Background: In monitoring mode only two leads are used so that ECG waveform has large R wave amplitude so lead II is chosen. The monitoring mode bandwidth is 0.5-50 Hz as only rhythmic information is required. The present paper deals with... more
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      Elliptic curvesElectrocardiogramChebyshevNotch Filters
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesNon-newtonian Fluid Mechanics
254 La termodinámica del flujo se apoya en los balances de masa, energía y entropía, que se han desarrollado en los capítulos 2 y 5. En el presente capítulo se examina la aplicación de estos balances a procesos específicos. La disciplina... more
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      Nueva YorkButterworths
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    • Butterworths
... Part 1 : Islamic finance techniques : the Sunni schools' differing approaches. Ali, Shaheen Sardar and Abubakar, Musa Usman (2010) Part 1 : Islamic finance techniques : the Sunni schools' differing... more
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      IslamIslamic FinanceButterworths