Burnout syndrome
Recent papers in Burnout syndrome
Research on Why Target failed in Canada with comparison of Walmart. Explored various concepts of Organizational Behaviour in relevance with Target corporation.
Maslach ve Jackons'un tükenmişlik modeli bağlamında tükenmişlik kavramı Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Maslach ve Jackson'un çalışmaları bağlamında tükenmişlik kavramına ilişkin kavramsal bir çerçeve çizmektir. Tükenmişlik; sıklıkla... more
BACKGROUND: Due to exhaustive working climate, health‑care professionals (HCPs) are highly exposed to emotional strain and work‑related stress that leads to burnout syndrome (BOS). AIM: We aimed to explore the prevalence of BOS among HCPs... more
Burnout is intimately related to and often used interchangeably with the term stress. It was Freudburger who coined the term burnout; burnout syndrome is a result of prolonged stress, primarily-characterized by physical, emotional and... more
Burnout is a negative situation that occurs triggered by chronic stress and leading to a reduction in the individual's cynicism and personal accomplishment. Education, which has significant effects on all stages of human life, may be... more
Health workers and caregivers working with HIV/AIDS patients are at risk of burnout syndrome. Although Papua New Guinea has generally done well in confronting the challenge of the HIV/AIDS epidemic over the last 30 years, and the... more
This international comparative case study with two humanitarian organizations, one located in Quiche, Guatemala and the other one in Chiang Mai, Thailand, aimed to assess and address levels of staff burnout, based on the syndrome’s three... more
El sindrome de burnout es, segun Gil Monte (2005)(1), “una forma de acoso psicosocial en el trabajo. Es una situacion en la que el trabajador se ve desbordado y se percibe impotente para hacer frente a los problemas que le genera su... more
Academic burnout is an occupational health syndrome with both psychological and physiological symptoms. It manifests as a debilitating and sometimes life-threatening condition when the extremely educated are under excessive social and... more
Aim: The purpose of this paper is to study the occupational satisfaction and burnout syndrome of health professionals in the N.N.A.(Naval Hospital of Athens) before and after the onset of the economic crisis. Methods and Material: OLBI... more
A 20. századi avantgárd szellemiség legfőbb jellemzője volt, hogy provokatív, formabontó és forradalmi. Ezeket az elemeket az 1960-70-es évek performanszművészete és a body art alkalmazta a legmarkánsabban és leghatásosabban. Dolgozatom... more
This thesis deals with the issue of anxiety in the workplace and whether it affects the person mentally and physically, and also mentions ways to deal with it. The work was divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical and... more
Resumo Este estudo objetivou verificar as associações entre as manifestações clínicas e comportamentais do Transtorno de Ansiedade Social (TAS) e aferir a validade discriminativa do Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del-Prette) no... more
И з в е с т и я на Съюза на учените-Сливен Том 28, кн. 3, 2014 г. 47 УВОД Синдромът на бърнаут (синдромът на професионално изпепеляване) е описан за първи път през 1974 г. от Херберт Фройденбергер при работещи в социални служби. Най-често... more
Ruh ve beden sağlığı insanın özel yaşamını etkilediği gibi, çalışma yaşamındaki verimliliğini de etkiler. Çalışma yaşamında genel olarak günün ortalama sekiz saatinin ve haftanın da beş gününün iş yerinde geçirildiği düşünüldüğünde, bu... more
This study aims to describe the influence of organizational communication climate on employee burnout syndrome. Burnout syndrome is a kind of stress, boredom or frustration that can cause fatigue, irritability and physical energy.... more
espanolEl presente articulo tiene como objetivo identificar los niveles de burnout y ansiedad en profesionales del area de la salud en la ciudad de Santa Marta, Colombia. En terminos metodologicos, es una investigacion de caracter... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the personal accomplishment of the sales department employees working in pharmaceutical industry is affected by emotional exhaustion and deper-sonalization or not. Based on the internal... more
Objetivo. Determinar la relación entre el clima laboral y la aparición del síndrome de burnout en un grupo de trabajadores de instituciones de educación superior. Métodos. Investigación de tipo observacional, descriptivo, transversal, con... more
Burnout Syndrome is a result of chronic stress manifested by chronic fatigue both physical and mental, anger, feelings of self-criticism, impotence, negativity, irritability, among others. It manifests in the athletes in three main areas:... more
STRESZCZENIE ZESPÓŁ WYPALENIA ZAWODOWEGO WŚRÓD PERSONELU PIELĘGNIARSKIEGO ZATRUDNIONEGO W ODDZIAŁACH INTENSYWNEJ TERAPII Wstęp. Pracownicy ochrony zdrowia są narażeni na występowanie zespołu wypalenia zawodowego (ZWZ). Cel pracy. Celem... more