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This paper uses the critical junctures framework developed by Hogan and Doyle (2007) to determine if there were critical junctures in privatization policy in Brazil and Argentina at the start of the 21 st century. The framework... more
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      Comparative PoliticsBrazilian StudiesBrazilian HistoryPolitical Science
Publicados 844. Relação de Trabalhos n. 1637.
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      Strategic PlanningBrazilian Political EconomyBrazilian Economics
A crise econômica e sanitária provocada pelo novo coronavírus trouxe uma série de dificuldades adicionais para a indústria brasileira. A paralisação de algumas linhas de produção reflete um cenário de deterioração das condições... more
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      ManufacturingInput-Output AnalysisEconomia BrasileiraIndústria
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      BrazilBrazilian Political EconomyBrazilian PoliticsBrazilian Foreign policy
Book chapter. In: Luiz Gonzaga de Mello Belluzzo e Paulo Zahluth Bastos (Org.). Austeridade para quem? balanço e perspectivas do governo Dilma Rousseff. 1ed. São Paulo: Carta Maior/Friedrich Ebert, 2015,
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      Fiscal policySocial InequalityBrazilian Economics
O Brasil dos Brasilianistas: um guia dos estudos sobre o Brasil nos Estados Unidos, 1945-2000; organizadores: Rubens Antônio Barbosa, Marshall C. Eakin e Paulo Roberto de Almeida (São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2002, 514 p.; ISBN:... more
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      Brazilian StudiesBrazilian HistoryBrazilian Political EconomyBrazilian Culture
Au moment où à Bruxelles, une exposition, objet de controverses passionnées, nous avons demandé à un Latino-américain d'exposer son opinion personnelle, appuyée sur des faits objectifs, sur ce qu'on appelle « le miracle brésilien ». Il... more
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      Brazilian StudiesBrazilian HistoryBrazilian Economics
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      Economic HistoryMacroeconomicsMacroeconomic PolicyInflation Targeting
A compreensão da formação de preços em uma economia é um dos principais objetivos da formulação de teorias e políticas econômicas. Como abordagem alternativa à Teoria Quantitativa da Moeda, a Teoria Fiscal do Nível de Preços alega que a... more
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      Monetary EconomicsFiscal policyMonetary PolicyInflation
Estudo de caso sobre o PAEG
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      Economic HistoryBrazilian Political EconomyBrazilian PoliticsBrazilian Economics
ProJeTos Para o Brasil 9.1PBDari.indd 18 26.11.13 16:45:21 ReguLAçãO DO TRABALhO e inSTiTuiçõeS PúBLiCAS ProJeTos Para o Brasil
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabor EconomicsBrazilian Economics
Após um longo período abarcando baixas taxas de crescimento, a economia brasileira viu esse panorama ser revertido graças a um cenário externo benéfico, mas também, sobretudo, graças a mudanças na política interna. A economia voltou a... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsMacroeconomicsDevelopment Studies
In 2019, Brazil will be ruled not by heirs of Fernando Henrique Cardoso or Lula, rather by someone estranged long ago. This transition involves a generation more cautious about the future and much less confident regarding the near... more
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      International RelationsBrazilian StudiesBrazilian HistoryBrazil
Introdução: um saudável retorno, depois de uma longa ausência A ordem econômica internacional do pós-guerra e a economia brasileira O multilateralismo econômico do pós-guerra e o Brasil Brasil: cronologia sumária do multilateralismo... more
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      Brazilian StudiesBrazilian Foreign policyBrazilian Economics
Dal 2011 si è avuta una netta virata di politica economica del governo, con l'intento di ridurre il ruolo diretto dello Stato nell'economia. Il Pt al potere ha tradizionalmente la tendenza a evitare lo scontro diretto con le classi... more
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      Brazilian StudiesBrazilian Political EconomyBrazilian PoliticsBrazilian Foreign policy
Investment is a key variable for any economy. To make the most of the multiplier effects investment creates, a developed and competitive national capital goods industry is necessary. Hence, all successful industrial policies have reserved... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsDevelopment StudiesIndustrial Economics
• Studying investment is important because of its dual character: i) short term effect of raising the aggregate demand; ii) long term effect of raising productive capacity;
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      Latin American StudiesEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsMacroeconomics
Este artigo apresenta uma metodologia de estimação dos fluxos de investimento em nível setorial para o Brasil, entre 2000 e 2009, por meio de matrizes de absorção de investimento (MAIs). Foram estimadas MAIs para a economia como um todo e... more
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      MacroeconomicsBrazilian StudiesNational Income and Product AccountsInput-Output Analysis
Brazil’s macroeconomic management will face four major immediate challenges in the near future.  The response to them will be strengthened if we could have some indication of how to steer the Brazilian economy back to a growth route.
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      Brazilian StudiesBrazilBrazilian Economics
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      HistoryInternational EconomicsHistory of BrazilEconomic History of Brazil as part of the World-Economy
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      Development theoryBrazilian Economics
One major policy issue in Brazil is how to boost productivity, while following a path of fiscal consolidation that will take at least a decade to bring the public-debt-to-GDP ratio back to 2000 levels. The productivity-boosting agenda... more
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      FinanceDevelopment EconomicsFinancial EconomicsDevelopment Studies
Brazil's future participation in the Belt and Road Initiative will promote economic growth, increase the importance of the initiative on the international scene and contribute to the promotion of bilateral economic and trade relations... more
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      ChinaBrazilian Political EconomyBrazilian EconomicsSynthetic Control Methods
Brasília, 13 outubro 2012, 24 p. Texto-base para palestras no ciclo Ordem Livre na Estrada: “Brasil, país do futuro: até quando?” (Porto Alegre, FCE/UFRGS, dia 17/10/2012, 19:00hs), no “Papo Amigo” da Associação dos Dirigentes Cristãos de... more
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      Brazilian PoliticsBrazilian Economics
Brasília, 19 outubro 2007, 22 p. Ensaio histórico para a Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional (vol. 50, n. 2, julho-dezembro 2007, p. 60-79; ISSN: 0034-7329). Scielo (ALMEIDA, Paulo Roberto de. As relações econômicas... more
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      Brazilian HistoryBrazilian EconomicsRevista Brasileira De Política Internacional
This review paper discusses the perspectives for development of low carbon technologies in the Brazilian energy sector, leading the country to less carbon intensive emission patterns within the next decades. Brazil's current plans for... more
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      Climate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesLow Carbon EconomyBrazilian Economics
Investment is one of the key drivers of effective demand and plays a pivotal role in determining long-term growth of monetary economies. Heterodox theory stresses several factors which contribute to define investment dynamics, especially... more
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      Financial Crisis of 2008/2009InvestmentDebtBrazilian Economics
The paper approaches the theme of the relatively higher level of pluralism in Brazilian economics, when compared to the other countries, from a different approach used in the literature. Considering the Qualis as an instrument of great... more
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      EconomicsBibliometricsPolitical ScienceHeterodox Economics
Brazil's future participation in the Belt and Road Initiative will promote economic growth, increase the importance of the initiative on the international scene and contribute to the promotion of bilateral economic and trade relations... more
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      ChinaBrazilian Political EconomyBrazilian EconomicsSynthetic Control Methods
Goal: The aim of this viewpoint is characterized by emphasizing the importance of the management standards of the International Organization for Standardization as an information base for improvements to Brazilian managers in a scenario... more
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    • Brazilian Economics
This book approaches the opportunities and challenges faced by developing countries to raise their per capita income levels during the recent phase of globalization. After dealing with the post-global financial crisis economic landscape... more
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      Development EconomicsGlobalizationNatural Resource ManagementDeveloping Countries
For several reasons the capital goods industry (CGI) is strategic for Brazil. This study aims to analyze this industry’s recent behavior in a period when the Brazilian economy regained momentum. We will evaluate some opportunities for... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment EconomicsDevelopment StudiesIndustrial Economics
Por diversas razões, o setor de bens de capital é estratégico para o país. Neste trabalho, busca-se analisar o comportamento recente do setor em um período em que a economia brasileira voltou a crescer de forma mais acelerada. Serão... more
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      Latin American StudiesEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsMicroeconomics
Profit rate is still dominating and driving the regulation of developed capitalist countries and of multinational enterprises (MNEs) all around the world. But it encounters profound new conditions in the context of the objective radical... more
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      GlobalizationMarxismMarxist EconomicsSocialisms
Este artigo apresenta uma metodologia de estimação dos fluxos de investimento em nível setorial para o Brasil, entre 2000 e 2009, por meio de matrizes de absorção de investimento (MAIs). Foram estimadas MAIs para a economia como um todo e... more
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      MacroeconomicsBrazilian StudiesNational Income and Product AccountsInput-Output Analysis
This work aims to study and analyze the macroeconomic cycles impact over poverty composition in Brazilian contemporaneous economy (1987-2005). Specifically, it intends to find answers to three questions: first, who are the demographic... more
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      EconomicsWelfare EconomicsMacroeconomicsEconomic Growth
Este documento reporta os primeiros resultados do estudo sobre Potenciais impactos macroeconômicos e setoriais da epidemia de Covid-19 na economia brasileira em 2020. A partir do modelo insumo-produto desenvolvido pelo Grupo de Indústria... more
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      ManufacturingInput-Output AnalysisIndústriaBrazilian Economics
In this article we analyze the current institutional crisis in Brazil, from the perspective of contemporary politics. This had caused the paradigmatic inversion of the Cooperative Brazilian State formula, framed originally by the... more
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      Latino/A StudiesLatin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryLatin American politics
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      Brazilian StudiesBrazilian PoliticsBrazilian Foreign policyUS-Brazil relations
O artigo segue a visão da avaliação de progresso social centrada nas capacitações das pessoas, medindo o bem-estar dos municípios do estado de Santa Catarina no período 2010-2017. A metodologia utilizada neste trabalho para construir um... more
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      Development EconomicsBrazilian EconomicsHuman Development Index (HDI)
The paper approaches the theme of the relatively higher level of pluralism in Brazilian economics, when compared to other countries, from a bibliometric approach. Considering the Qualis as an instrument of great impact in the research of... more
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      BibliometricsHeterodox EconomicsEconomics of Higher Education and ResearchPluralism
This paper uses the critical junctures framework developed by Hogan and Doyle (2007) to determine if there were critical junctures in privatization policy in Brazil and Argentina at the start of the 21 st century. The framework... more
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      Comparative PoliticsBrazilian StudiesBrazilian HistoryHistorical Institutionalism
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      Development EconomicsMacroeconomicsDevelopment StudiesIndustrial Economics
Em todo o mundo, a reversão da trajetória sofrida pela economia brasileira após ter atingido o apogeu de 2010 tem confundido igualmente comentaristas profissionais, analistas experientes e agentes do mercado. À medida que transcorria o... more
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      Brazilian StudiesBrazilian Political EconomyBrazilian PoliticsBrazilian Politics (Political Science)
As origens dos maiores grupos econômicos brasileiros permanecem como lacunas na historiografia econômica. A Votorantim, oitavo maior grupo brasileiro em 2007, teve origem em 1891, quando o banco União de São Paulo criou na cidade de... more
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      Economic HistoryBusiness HistoryBrazilian Economics
BRIC – Brazil, Russia, India and China – were, in the recent past, not only considered to be the largest and fastest growing economies amongst the emerging markets but also the engines of global economic growth. However, since 2012 cracks... more
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      Monetary EconomicsMacroeconomicsIndian Economic problemsFiscal policy
This paper explores the current issues in teaching of economics and analyzes the evolution of teaching of economics in Brazil. We study the contents of Brazilian curriculum ever since the beginning of the 20th century in order to assess... more
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      History of Economic ThoughtTeaching of Economics (Education and Social Science)Brazilian EconomicsHistória Do Pensamento Econômico Brasileiro
The present paper aims to investigate the relationships between the economic growth of the advantages of clustering and the specific institutional arrangements used to perform transactions along the leather and shoe production chain in... more
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      Regional EconomicsSupply Chainleather IndustryBrazilian Economics
Há uma lacuna no entendimento do processo que levou o capital estrangeiro a controlar a exportação do café brasileiro no XIX. Nosso trabalho elucida o aparecimento de casas estrangeiras –sobretudo inglesas e alemãs– em meados daquele... more
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      Economic HistoryBrazilian Economics
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      EconomicsBrazilian PoliticsBrazilian Economics