Brain and Culture
Recent papers in Brain and Culture
Cuprins: Războiul nevăzut din societatea spectacolului | Câteva provocări ale societăţii de consum | Inteligenţele multiple și inteligenţa spirituală - câteva indicii despre complexitatea și adâncimile fiinţei umane | Inteligenţa... more
Статья посвящена исследованию предлагаемого научно-фантастическим сериалом «Видоизмененный углерод» кейса возможного конфликта между практическими и этическими импликациями научного и религиозного дискурсов о природе человека. В... more
This article explores a possible conflict between the practical and ethical implications of scientific and religious discourses about human nature proposed in the sci-fi series "Altered Carbon". It discusses the clash between... more
Despite the growing progress of human knowledge about the neuro-cultural bases of human learning and development, its potential applications and implications for curriculum theory and practice have not been adequately investigated. In... more