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In this paper, I started from an analysis of the current rather tragic situation of female Oedipal rivalry between women in Flemish politics. To counter this, I argue for an Irigarayian inspired feminist politics, in which the figures of... more
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist PhilosophyContinental PhilosophyLuce Irigaray
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      PsychoanalysisIrish StudiesAestheticsIrish Literature
What compels us to write about art? Beyond the professionalisation of art-writing, what is it about aesthetic experiences that can stir up questions, emotions, laughter, tears and ideas that necessitate a written response? Is this... more
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      Feminist TheoryArt-WritingAdriana CavareroFreud and Feminist Psychoanalysis
This dissertation examines the written and artistic production of the Israeli-born artist, psychoanalyst, and feminist theorist Bracha L. Ettinger, whose practice of artworking incorporates her theoretical development of the Matrix and... more
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      PsychoanalysisJacques LacanFeminismMemory Studies
Elizabeth Wilson (2004:378) discusses the magical properties of textile media in relation to items of clothing, affect and perception. In this article, I take this enchanted sensibility further in a discussion of the strong confluence of... more
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      Jacques DerridaTextile and Fiber ArtContemporary South African ArtTraditional and contemporary Textile Craft Practice
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      Jacques LacanJulia KristevaHélène CixousBracha L. Ettinger
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      PsychoanalysisVisual StudiesVisual CultureTrauma Studies
Re-edited version of an older paper, with more information on Judith Butler's politics of livability, and Irigarayian feminist politics of livability.
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist PhilosophyContinental PhilosophyLuce Irigaray
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist TheoryArtArt Theory
Presented on the 10th October 2014 at the Subrealism conference in Maynooth (orgainised by Tina Kinsella, Michael O'Rourke and Moynagh Sullivan). The conference was dedicated to exploring the work of artist and psychoanalyst Bracha... more
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      Cultural TheoryDeconstructionBrian FrielBracha L. Ettinger
Much has been written about Antigone who buried her brother Polynices in Theban soil despite the prohibition issued by King Creon (her uncle) in the Sophocles tragedy. In order to understand the magnitude of Antigone’s radical act in the... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist psychoanalysisBracha L. EttingerAntigone Sophocles
In this paper I analyze and contrast Schachter-Shalomi's conception of gender through relating his thought to its Habad origins, utilizing Elliot Wolfson's study of Menahem Mendel Schneerson as a prism. I further contrast... more
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      Gender StudiesJewish StudiesJewish MysticismGender
Er(r)go... … a boundless proliferation of images, a gargantuan escalation of photographic narratives, overproduction, excessiveness and inflation of visuality, contamination by portalosis, gaze as the imperative. Images obscure reality;... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsArt HistoryLiterary Theory
In the current neoliberal climate, subjects are deemed autonomous, self-sufficient and free. This perspective on subjectivity has however led to an individualist culture, in which interdependency is seen as a weakness. Furthermore, the... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist PhilosophyNeoliberalismPoststructuralist Feminist Theory
This study is a practice-based exploration of the screen as a border site, where the concepts of division and encounter are performatively examined. My research strategy is shaped by applying autoethnographic performance strategies to the... more
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      Bracha L. EttingerAna MendietaBorders and Borderlands
Poligrafi is published with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. CIP -Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 113/119(082)(0.034.2) BODILY... more
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      Lacanian theoryBracha L. Ettinger
Invited lecture presented at Sociology Society, Waterford Institute of Technology, March 2015.
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      AestheticsJudith ButlerAesthetics and EthicsBracha Ettinger
I found it difficult to respond, or rather to write a response, to this book, especially in the light, or the glow, of yesterday's conversations. Having been affectedby reading the book and hence being in an intimate, yet distant,... more
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      PsychoanalysisGender StudiesQueer StudiesFeminist Theory
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      Visual StudiesArtArt TheoryContemporary Art
This book on Antigone, laws of femininity and cosmic justice was published by SUNY Press in 2021. The book elaborates on the feminine aspects of selected concepts from modern philosophical texts, such as the Matrix in Jakob Böhme, Clara... more
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      Luce IrigarayFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingJakob BöhmeJulia Kristeva
This article brings into conversation a Badiouian ethics and Karen Barad’s post-phenomenological relationality of “intra-actions” among the human and nonhuman so as to situate the environmentally and politically engaged poetry included in... more
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      EcofeminismJudith ButlerAlain BadiouEcopoetics
Er(r)go…, fiasko mowy – prosimy zachować ciszę, bo cisza jest skarbnicą dźwięków, ich nasyceniem, kumulacją brzmień. A dalej: cisza aktywna, energia ciszy, cisza dźwięków, język poetycki jako muzyka ciszy, pejzaż dźwięku, milczenie... more
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      PerformativityJacques LacanMaurice BlanchotGeorges Bataille
Catalogue Essay commissioned for 'Medusa-Eurydice,' Exhibition of Works by Bracha L. Ettinger at the Museo Leopoldo Flores (Toluca, Mexico) and the Galería Polivalente (Guanajuato, Mexico) November, 2014-March, 2015
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      PsychoanalysisVisual StudiesArtArt Theory
"Art today is an increasingly multifaceted phenomenon, encompassing transgressive works that intervene in war and ecological disasters, in inequalities and revolutionary changes in technology. Carnal Aesthetics is a fascinating, new... more
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      Gender StudiesAestheticsVisual StudiesPerception
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      PsychoanalysisIrish StudiesFeminist TheoryIrish Literature
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      Lacanian theoryFeminist ArtFeminist Art HistoryPsychoanalysis and art
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      Visual StudiesVisual CultureSurrealismVisual Arts
In the paper, I will do a reflection on my piece “The last place where we were together” where I artistically reflect on Ettinger’s concepts of ‘encounter’ and ‘borderspace’ through my personal landscape. Furthermore, I will compare and... more
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    • Bracha L. Ettinger
The fragility of the subject is a recurring issue in the work of Anne Enright, one of Ireland’s most remarkable and innovative writers. It is this specific interest, together with her attempt to make women into subjects, that inevitably... more
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      PsychoanalysisIrish LiteratureSubjectivityBracha Ettinger
The aim of this article is to study the underpinnings of the matrixial theory introduced by Bracha L. Ettinger, and her installation in the Freud Museum - to be more precise, Freud's study room-so as to examine their paradoxical status in... more
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      PsychoanalysisPsychoanalysis and artLacanian psychoanalysisBracha L. Ettinger
El crítico de cine Alain Bergala hace referencia a otro autor en su libro seminal La hipótesis del cine: Serge Daney. Bergala comenta la frustración de Daney al participar en coloquios con cuya premisa o estructura estamos ya muy... more
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      PsychoanalysisFilm StudiesHispanic StudiesBook Review
Fascinance seeks to navigate how the way we both use language and perceptually frame our interactions with the world & each other determines the way the conventional world ‘becomes.’ Engaging the ideas of the artist and psychoanalyst... more
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      Social PsychologySelf and IdentityArtArt Theory
In the House and Space2 photographic series, Francesca Woodman captures the environments that may be considered disruptive; still, it is a female model-in her inconstant poses, always partially blurred or hidden-that holds the viewer's... more
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      PsychoanalysisRoland BarthesPhotography TheorySubjectivity
This chapter meditates on the art installation, 'Tremble Tremble' by Jesse Jones which was first shown at the 57th Venice Biennale in 2017. Taking Jones' installation as a starting point, this work considers the maternal body as a site... more
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      PsychoanalysisArt HistoryPerformance StudiesContemporary Art
The chapter examines Post-Partum Document, an iconic feminist art work of the late 1970s by visual artist Mary Kelly. The installation exemplifies contemporary concerns with mainstream art and traditional concepts of autobiography as it... more
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      American art/ Art of the United StatesFeminist ArtDonald W. WinnicottBracha L. Ettinger
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      Visual StudiesFeminist TheoryContemporary ArtFeminist Philosophy
Total History, Anti-History, and the Face that is Other motions towards a metaphysics of the body that is identically groundless—ground, wherein the delineation of the body, in propinquity, contradiction, and separation—as the body of a... more
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      Jacques DerridaJean-Paul SartreG.W.F. HegelBracha L. Ettinger
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      Cultural StudiesCultural TheoryRoberto EspositoBiopolitics
Dr. Tina Kinsella, Social Pathologies of Contemporary Civilisation 5th International Conference, Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL, 30-31 October, 2014
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      PsychoanalysisVisual StudiesVisual CultureVisual Arts
The article focuses on both theoretical and artistic activities of Bracha L. Ettinger, an Israeli artist, author of the matrixial theory, psychoanalyst, feminist, and daughter of Holocaust survivors. It endeavours to prove that Ettinger’s... more
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      Trauma StudiesHolocaustBracha L. EttingerMatrixial Theory
Since the 1970s, theories by feminist psychoanalysts trained in the Lacanian school have highlighted the repression of the maternal in Western societies, deemed necessary to enter the symbolic realm and to become a full subject. Most... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesRitualDance
This presentation responds to In the Shadow of the State (2016), a work by contemporary Irish visual artists Sarah Browne and Jesse Jones. In the Shadow of the State explores the female body as a site of repressed history and political... more
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      PsychoanalysisVisual StudiesArt HistoryPerforming Arts
The paper comprises a meditation and an attempt at an ethical analysis of the humanitarian crisis of migrants at Lampedusa. First, a refl ection on the mythical tale of Fair Vida is offered in order to inaugurate the poetical and ethical... more
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      EthicsHumanitarianismJacques DerridaBracha L. Ettinger
Proposta di laboratorio per Convegno SIL 2017 che ha come tema"Abitare. Corpi, spazi, scritture" . A partire da testi teorici e scritture letterarie e musicali, si articolerà un ripensamento critico dei concetti di luogo/casa,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsTransnational migrationFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesHome, Belonging and Displacement
Comparative reading of Bracha Ettinger's Matrixial Subjectivity and Queer theory
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist TheoryQueer TheoryBracha L. Ettinger
Invited paper at 3rd Sidi Bel Abbes International Conference on Intercultural Understanding, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria, 20 November 2014
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      Visual StudiesVisual CulturePsychoanalysis and artBracha L. Ettinger
Effects of dietary garlic (Allium sativum Linn.) supplementation on body weight and gut morphometry of commercial broilers. Int. J. Morphol., 30(1):238-240, 2012.
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      Bracha L. EttingerGarlicEthnoveterinaryBody Weight
Maynooth University, 2013
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      Critical TheoryArtFilm StudiesFilm Theory
In the picture entitled Self-portrait talking to Vince Francesca Woodman, an American photographer, endeavoured to capture her own voice. That which had been uttered became thereby unutterable, resulting in a sequence of doodles coming... more
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      Jacques LacanLacanian psychoanalysisBracha L. EttingerFrancesca Woodman