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This article discusses the current status of open government data in Brazil and summarizes the lessons learned from publishing Brazilian government data as linked data.
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      Cognitive ScienceKnowledge ManagementElectronic publishingDatabase Systems
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      Set TheoryLogicComputer Aided DesignAutomata
For the class of monotone boolean functions f : {0, 1} n → {0, 1} where all 1-certificates have size 2, we prove the tight bound n (λ + 2) 2 /4, where λ is the size of the largest 0-certificate of f . This result can be translated to... more
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      EngineeringTheory Of ComputationComputational ComplexityInformation Processing
Synthesis of asynchronous circuits from Signal Transition Graphs (STGs) involves resolving state coding conflicts. The refinement process is generally done automatically using heuristics and often produces sub-optimal solutions, which... more
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      VisualizationGraph TheoryPetri NetsAsynchronous circuit design
We determine an explicit procedure for representing any Boolean expression in a recursive form which can be realized using memristive devices, and demonstrate how the truth value of any Boolean expression can be determined using no more... more
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      Computer HardwareConductivitySequential CircuitsVectors
In this paper, the complexity of applying a guess and determine attack to so-called Linear Feedback Shift register (LFSR)-based stream ciphers is analyzed. This family of stream ciphers uses a single or several LFSR and a filtering... more
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      CryptographyAlgorithmNonlinear filtersCryptanalysis
A method for computing the Disjoint-Sum-Of-Products (DSOP) form of Boolean functions is described. The algorithm exploits the property of the most binate variable in a set of cubes to compute a DSOP form. The technique uses a minimized... more
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      Boolean AlgebraSystem TheoryWaste minimisationBoolean Functions
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      Process ControlTaxonomyPetri NetsFault Tolerance
Fomin and Thilikos in conjectured that there is a constant c such that, for every 2connected planar graph G, pw(G * ) ≤ 2pw(G)+c (the same question was asked simutaneously by Coudert, Huc and Sereni in [4]). By the results of Boedlander... more
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      Pure MathematicsFacility LocationDiscrete MathematicsProof
This paper presents a Matlab based Scheduling toolbox TORSCHE (Time Optimization of Resources, SCHEduling). The toolbox offers a collection of data structures that allow the user to formalize various off-line and online scheduling... more
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      Linear ProgrammingInteger ProgrammingSchedulingData Structure
The concept of binary decision trees is extended to include multiple output Boolean functions. A systematic and programmable method is then developed for the minimization of trees realizing multiple output incompletely specified... more
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      Distributed ComputingLogic ProgrammingComputer HardwareDecision Trees
In conventional equalizers, the facts of bulky size and high cost are widespread. Particularly, the zero switching loss and zero-voltage gap (ZVG) between cells are difficult to implement due to the high-frequency hard switching and the... more
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      Data StructuresVoltage DropElectrical And Electronic EngineeringSwitches
In today's fast paced world of increasing and innovative new technology, fuzzy logic is a practical mathematical addition to classic Boolean logic. We can see its applications in many fields of science and engineering. This paper gives a... more
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      EngineeringElectronic EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
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      Ant Colony OptimizationVLSIBiologically inspired computingAdvanced Computing
The pressure of fundamental limits on classical computation and the promise of exponential speedups from quantum effects have recently brought quantum circuits [10] to the attention of the Electronic Design Automation community . We... more
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      Quantum ComputingComputer Aided DesignQuantum TheorySemiconductor Devices
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      Design MethodologyLow Power ConsumptionEncodingDigital Circuit Synthesis
In this paper an advanced genetic algorithm is used to find the maximum nonlinearity of n-argument Boolean homogenous functions. The best nonlinearity for Boolean functions number of arguments n was searched, where n= 8, 10, 12, 14 and... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsCryptographyApplication of Boolean Functions In CryptographyBoolean Functions
in this paper, we present the design of an efficient multiplication unit. This multiplier architecture is based on Radix 4 Booth multiplier. In order to improve his architecture, we have made 2 enhancements. The first is to modify the... more
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      DesignBoolean FunctionsPropagation delay
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      Quantum ComputingShapeRecurrence RelationLogic Design
The Binary Decision Diagram ( BDD ) has established its place as a modelling technique for digital systems.
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      AlgorithmsStatistical MechanicsComplexityAutomatic Control
A Boolean relation can specify some types of flexibility of a combinational circuit that cannot be expressed with don't cares. Several problems in logic synthesis, such as Boolean decomposition or multilevel minimization, can be modeled... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer Aided EngineeringDecompositionComputer Hardware
Nested words are a structured model of execution paths in procedural programs, reflecting their call and return nesting structure. Finite nested words also capture the structure of parse trees and other tree-structured data, such as XML.... more
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      Computer ScienceModel CheckingXMLAutomata
An algorithm for compact neural-network hardware implementation is presented, which exploits the special properties of the Boolean functions describing the operation of artificial neurons with step activation function. The algorithm... more
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      EngineeringFPGANeural NetworksHardware Description Languages
A method for performing Boolean division and factorization using a new cofactor operation, the interval cofactor, is proposed. This method is efficiently implemented using BDD's and allows for the use of external and internal don't care... more
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      Data MiningComputer HardwareBoolean AlgebraData Structures
Theoretical computer scientists have been debating the role of oracles since the 1970's. This paper illustrates both that oracles can give us nontrivial insights about the barrier problems in circuit complexity, and that they need... more
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      Computational ComplexityComputational Learning TheoryCircuit ComplexityQuantum Circuits
In this paper, a C++ class for analising Vector Boolean Functions from a cryptographic perspective is presented. This implementation uses the NTL library from Victor Shoup, replacing some of the general purpose modules of this library by... more
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We are proposing a cost-efficient realization scheme for completely-specified logic functions characterized by a huge disproportion. The functions described contain millions of input words but only few of them can give us information. An... more
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      FPGADecompositionField-Programmable Gate ArraysClassical Logic
We propose a novel preprocessing technique that helps to significantly simplify a CNF instance, such that the resulting formula is easier for any SAT-solver to solve. The core of this simplification centers on a suite of lemmas and... more
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      SAT Solver DesignComputabilityBoolean Functions
As semiconductor technology scales into the deep submicron regime the occurrence of transient or soft errors will increase. This will require new approaches to error detection. Software checking approaches are attractive because they... more
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      LogicFault DetectionFault ToleranceBoolean Algebra
Reversible logic is the basis for several emerging technologies such as quantum computing, optical computing, or DNA computing and has further applications in domains like low-power design and nanotechnologies. However, current methods... more
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      Quantum ComputingQuantum LogicOptical computingData Structures
SU X'= 0, To = T d E = 4, time 2 - g the pucess. togethex wth the comsponding cu@ut values, in E. Ifno test in Thas acriciul input scf dsize one. p to skp (8). Select n primany input x, such lhat (xi I is n critical input set fa the... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingCombinatorial OptimizationSimulated Annealing
In this paper a new fast simplification method is presented. Such method realizes karnough map with large number of variables. In order to accelerate the operation of the proposed method, a new approach for fast detection of group of ones... more
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      Cross CorrelationSimplificationBoolean FunctionsFrequency Domain
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      AlgebraComputer NetworksPattern RecognitionNeural Networks
In this paper, a C++ class for analising Vector Boolean Functions from a cryptographic perspective is presented. This implementation uses the NTL library from Victor Shoup, replacing some of the general purpose modules of this library by... more
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While monadic second-order logic is a prominent logic for specifying languages of finite words, it lacks the power to compute quantitative properties, e.g. to count. An automata model capable of computing such properties are weighted... more
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      Computer ScienceComputational ComplexitySemanticsComputational Modeling
In recent years, reversible logic has emerged as a promising computing paradigm having application in low-power CMOS, quantum computing, nanotechnology and optical computing. Optical logic gates have the potential to work at macroscopic... more
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      Quantum ComputingInformation ProcessingNumerical SimulationReversible Logic
We present a new algorithm, EST, that accelerates any combinatorial circuit Automatic Test-Pattern Generation algorithm. EST detects equivalent search states, which are saved for all faults during ATPG. The search space is reduced by... more
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      Fault DetectionSearch AlgorithmRedundancyData Structures
Analog and mixed signal (AMS) designs are an important part of embedded systems that link digital designs to the analog world. Due to challenges associated with its verification process, AMS designs require a considerable portion of the... more
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      Analog CircuitsMicroelectronicsSurvey ResearchFormal methods
Analog and mixed signal (AMS) designs are an important part of embedded systems that link digital designs to the analog world. Due to challenges associated with its verification process, AMS designs require a considerable portion of the... more
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      Analog CircuitsMicroelectronicsSurvey ResearchFormal methods
Recently, Shparlinski proved several results on the interpolation of the discrete logarithm in ÿnite prime ÿelds by Boolean functions. In the ÿrst part of the paper, these results are extended to arbitrary ÿnite ÿelds of odd... more
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      Applied MathematicsCommunication TheoryCryptographyFinite Fields
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      MathematicsIntuitionistic LogicCalculusComputer Science
Vedic Mathematics is the ancient methodology of Indian mathematics which has a unique computational technique for calculations based on 16 Sutras (Formulae). Novel divider architecture for high speed VLSI application using such ancient... more
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      Iterative MethodsVLSIPower ConsumptionIteration
This paper introduces an incremental algorithm for learning a Boolean function from examples. The functions are constructed in the disjunctive normal form (DNF) or the conjunctive normal form (CNF) and emphasis is placed in inferring... more
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      Applied MathematicsMachine LearningData MiningIncremental learning
In ant societies, and, more in general, in insect societies, the activities of the individuals, as well as of the society as a whole, are not regulated by any explicit form of centralized control. On the other hand, adaptive and robust... more
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      Ant Colony OptimizationVLSIBiologically Inspired RoboticsAdvanced Computing
Processing Letters 44 (1992) 23-29.
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceMathematical Sciencesexpert System
This paper presents a new concurrent method for the decomposition and factorization of Boolean expressions. The method uses only two-literal single-cube divisors and double-cube divisors considered concurrently with their complements. We... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceDecompositionComputer Hardware
A new design methodology for mapping circuits is discussed in this paper. It proposes two new techniques for mapping circuits. The rst method, known as the odd-level transistor replacement OTR method, has a goal that is similar to that of... more
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      Computer ScienceDesign MethodologyData StructuresHigh performance
This paper presents rough sets generating prediction rules scheme for stock price movement. The scheme was able to extract knowledge in the form of rules from daily stock movements. These rules then could be used to guide investors... more
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      Neural NetworkDecision TreesRough SetRough set theory
A theory has been developed to calculate the Rademacher-Walsh transform from a cube a r r a y specification of incompletely specified Boolean functions. T h e importance of representing Boolean functions a s a r r a y s of disjoint ON-a n... more
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      CalculusComputer Aided DesignData CompressionComputer Hardware
The design of feed-forward ADALINE neural networks can be split into two independent optimization problems.
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      DesignPattern RecognitionLinear ProgrammingNeural Networks