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Background: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the short-term effects of microthread location on peri-implant marginal bone levels.
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      DentistryTitaniumDental MaterialsDental Implants
The primary goal of this research was to provide image processing support to aid in the identification of those subjects most affected by bone loss when exposed to weightlessness and provide insight into the causes for large variability.... more
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      GeneticsImage ProcessingComputed TomographyImage segmentation
Decreased bone mineral density (BMD) in astronauts returning from long-duration spaceflight missions has been well documented, but the altered mechanical loading environment experienced by the musculoskeletal system, which may contribute... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsActivities of Daily Living
Plaque-induced lesions can produce peri-implant bone loss with ultimate implant loss. Although the peri-implant tissues seem to be more resistant than the periodontal ones to plaque and calculus, they can produce a more extensive spread... more
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      BiomaterialsHydroxyapatiteTitaniumDental Implants
Background: Most dental implant systems are presently made of two pieces: the implant itself and the abutment. The connection tightness between those two pieces is a key point to prevent bacterial proliferation, tissue inflammation and... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringDental ImplantsNitrogenCoefficient of Variation
We report the case of a 24 year-old patient who underwent a novel treatment for a lateral femoral condyle fracture. The fracture was associated with extensive joint line depression and not considered suitable for conventional fixation... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringComputer Aided DesignMedicineKnee
The effects of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) on bone in paralyzed areas are well documented but there are few data for the importance of the level of injury in the decrease of mechanical strength in paralyzed legs. The aim of the present study... more
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      AnthropometrySpinal Cord InjuryParaplegiaTibia
Objective: To evaluate the effect of premature ovarian failure on bone mineral density. Materials and methods: Forty-five women with karyotypically normal spontaneous premature ovarian failure underwent hip and spinal bone density... more
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      SpineAdolescentOsteoporosisBone Density
Osteoprotegerin (OPG, osteoclastogenesis inhibitory factor) is a secretory glycoprotein involved as a soluble factor in the regulation of bone mass. OPG and its ligand (RANKL) levels in serum indicate the osteoclast formation activity.... more
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      Analytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringElectrochemistryNanotechnology
Disuse induces rapid and severe bone loss in larger mammals as a result of greatly elevated osteoclastic resorption. In this study, we tested whether risedronate (RIS), a potent inhibitor of osteoclastic activity, would effectively... more
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      EngineeringBiological SciencesDogsCancellous bone
The suitability of a mouse model for host response in the induction of alveolar bone loss by Porphyromonas gingiualis was explored. The mouths of immunocompetent and severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice were infected with P.... more
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      GeneticsZoologyDentistryBiomedical Engineering
In several studies on patients with rheumatoid arthritis, an association of bone loss with a persistently high disease activity has been found. The aim of our study was to investigate the relation between disease activity and serum levels... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringVitamin DRheumatoid ArthritisAdolescent
Physical exercise is recommended for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. However. its exact role and effectiveness in adulthood IS unclear. While vigorous exercise of long duration enhances bone density, few adult individuals... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringVibrationStatistical SignificanceBone Density
Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is the most frequent cause of sec- ondary osteoporosis. Glucocorticoids cause a rapid bone loss in the first few months of use, but the most important effect of the drug is suppres- sion of bone... more
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      Vitamin DRisk factorsAdverse Drug ReactionBone Loss
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcome of trabecular metal (TM) acetabular components used in revision hip arthroplasty with major bone deficiency. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 46 patients undergoing revision... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringTreatment OutcomeFollow-up studiesDislocations
Vitamin K2 may preserve bone strength and reduce fracture risk. In this randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial among healthy postmenopausal Norwegian women, 1 year supplementation of vitamin K2 in the form of Natto capsules had... more
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      Medication AdherenceOlive OilLumbar spineOsteoporosis
Chemotherapy for breast cancer causes early-onset menopause for most women older than age 40 and is associated with accelerated bone loss. The primary objective of this study was to compare the effects of intravenous (IV) zoledronic acid... more
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      Breast CancerQuality of lifePhysical ActivityVitamin D
The normal bone resorption after tooth extraction can be significantly aggravated in the case of pre-existing severe bone loss and chronic infection. Bone augmentation procedures have been proposed, but they require adequate closure of... more
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      DentistrySurgeryTreatmentWound Healing
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      OsteoimmunologyDexamethasoneOsteoclastsBone Loss
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringDental ImplantsLinear models
This paper investigates the process of diagenesis in mammal, bird and fish bone after burial of fresh and freshly cooked specimens in selected soil types for 7 years. Almost all soft tissue had disappeared, but fur, feathers and hoof... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceAcid Soil
Aim: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess and compare peri-implant marginal bone loss in cement- and screw-retained prostheses. Material and Methods: Electronic database and manual searches were undertaken to... more
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      Meta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewDental ImplantsSystematic ReviewsDental Implantology
Glenoid wear following shoulder hemiarthroplasty (HA) has been reported around 80% in long-term follow-up studies. Radiographic analysis is useful to depict glenoid erosion but does not evaluate accurately glenoid bone loss. Multichannel... more
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      Computed TomographySpatial InformationArthroplastyAged
Osteoporosis (OP) is a well documented complication of some rheumatic diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) represents the paradigm of bone loss which occurs both locally (iuxta-articular OP and bone erosions) and systemically (generalized... more
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      Rheumatoid ArthritisSystemic Lupus ErythematosusLow DoseRheumatic Heart Disease
Objectives: The aim of this study was to histologically assess whether elevation of partial-thickness flaps results in reduced bone alterations, as compared with fullthickness flap preparations. Material and Methods: In five beagle dogs,... more
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En dehors des problèmes posés par le risque de rejet, les suites d'une transplantation rénale peuvent être émaillées de diverses complications non immunologiques qui peuvent entre autres mettre en jeu le pronostic fonctionnel du greffon.... more
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      Drug metabolismAcute renal failureRenal transplantationHigh Blood Pressure
In postmenopausal women, the use of aromatase inhibitors increases bone turnover and induces bone loss at sites rich in trabecular bone at an average rate of 1-3% per year leading to an increase in fracture incidence compared to that seen... more
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      Breast CancerCancer treatmentBone DensityTamoxifen
To treat systemic bone loss as in osteoporosis and/or focal osteolysis as in rheumatoid arthritis or periodontal disease, most approaches target the osteoclasts, the cells that resorb bone. Bisphosphonates are currently the most widely... more
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      EngineeringRheumatoid ArthritisBiological SciencesOsteoporosis
The purpose of this study was to examine the most frequently used criteria to define treatment success in implant dentistry. An electronic MEDLINE/ PubMED search was conducted to identify randomized controlled trials and prospective... more
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      PharmacologyOxidative StressSignal TransductionAntioxidants
Background: Implant supported dental prostheses are increasingly used in dental practice. The article describes causes of bone loss around the dental implant. Moreover, properties of different materials are compared and discussed. The... more
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      DentistryDental ImplantsBone LossFixture
Cancer patients are at risk for adverse events involving bone. Metastasis of cancer to bone and primary bone tumors can compromise the integrity of bone. Various cancer therapies cause long-term skeletal disorders, particularly bone loss,... more
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      CancerCancer treatmentCancer TherapyBone Metastasis
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      NursingAdolescentDistraction OsteogenesisChild
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      Breast CancerProstate CancerCancer treatmentTumor microenvironment
PURPOSE: The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess and compare the marginal bone loss around implants supporting single fixed prostheses and multiple-unit screw-retained prostheses. MATERIALS AND METHODS:... more
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      Meta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewSystematic ReviewsDental Implants, Periodontal Plastic SurgeryDental prostheses
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      RheumatologyBiomedical EngineeringSpineGeneral Surgery
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is characterized by degenerating lower motor neurons and an increased incidence of congenital bone fractures. Survival motor neuron (SMN) levels are significantly reduced due to deletions/mutations in the... more
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      GeneticsPathologyGene expressionSignal Transduction
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      DentistryNonparametric StatisticsDental ImplantsDogs
Osteoporosis, a classical age-related disease and known to be more common in women than in men, has been reported increasingly often in men during the past few years. Although men at all ages after puberty have larger bones than women,... more
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The authors retrospectively analyzed 27 hips with periprosthetic femoral fractures (types B2 and B3) treated with distal fixation using a modular, fluted, femoral stem. The average follow-up was 4.8 years. Most fractures (25 hips) were... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringTreatment OutcomeBone graftFemur
Bisphosphonates are primary agents in the current pharmacological arsenal against osteoclastmediated bone loss due to osteoporosis, Paget disease of bone, malignancies metastatic to bone, multiple myeloma, and hypercalcemia of malignancy.... more
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      ArsenicClinical PracticeOsteoporosisOsteogenesis Imperfecta
Background Loosening of acetabular components often leads to bony defects. Management of extensive acetabular bone loss in hip revision arthroplasty can be a tremendous challenge. Questions/purposes We asked whether a reconstruction with... more
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      OsseointegrationSoil CementationBone graftClinical Sciences
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      NursingTreatment OutcomeBone graftInjury
As glenoid bone erosion has been related to high rates of recurrence after traditional Bankart repair, the necessity to diagnose existing bone loss is fundamental to avoiding the recurrence of shoulder dislocation. There are many... more
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    • Bone Loss
The purpose of this study was the clinical and radiographic comparison of dental implants with surfaces roughened by anodic oxidation (TiUnite), dual acid-etched implants (Osseotite), and machined implants. Seventy-four patients (mean... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringMetallurgyTitanium
This 5-year follow-up report presents the outcome of early and delayed placement of single-tooth implants. An implant was placed on average 10 days after tooth extraction in 23 patients (early) and 3 months after tooth extraction in 22... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringNonparametric StatisticsTreatment Outcome
The ability of alprazolam to diminish cortisol response and favor ovarian function could make it useful in the prevention of osteopenia in athletes in selected cases. A sample of 45 female Wistar rats, all 93 days old and with a mean... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringCortisolFemurBone Density
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      Quality of lifeVitamin DBone MetabolismPostmenopausal Women
Acetabular bone loss hampers implantation of a total hip arthroplasty in patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip. The bone impaction grafting technique in combination with a cemented total hip can restore the bone stock in these... more
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      Treatment OutcomeFollow-up studiesDislocationsClinical Sciences
Purpose: To assess the clinical effectiveness of immediate nonfunctional loading for single-tooth implants placed in the anterior maxilla following augmentation with cancellous freeze-dried block graft. Materials and Methods: The clinical... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringAdolescentMaxilla