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Tot i la importància que va tenir la fabricació de puntes al coixí a una part de Catalunya, aquesta varietat de l’art del teixit –una autèntica art sumptuària, a l’abast de ben pocs– continua estant relegada a la cua del llistat d’arts... more
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      TextilesLaceBobbin LaceTejidos
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      Modernism (Art History)Decorative ArtsApplied ArtsArt Nouveau
Page 1. Simulation of Drying Behavior of Cotton Bobbins by a Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Model Ugur Akyol 1,a , Kamil Kahveci 2,b , Ahmet Cihan 2,c and Dinçer Akal 3,d 1Namik Kemal University, Faculty of Çorlu Engineering, Çorlu,... more
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'Both the decorative nature of lace and its tendency to expose skin led it, particularly in the 19th and 20th centuries, to be associated with femininity. Recent use of lace in men's fashion has functioned to refocus the desiring gaze... more
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      Gender StudiesFashion designFashion TheoryGender History
"Lace-making" and issuization of vivisection in Lewis Carroll's and Henry Holiday's "The Hunting of the Snark". --- Appendix: Lewis Carroll, “Some Popular Fallacies About Vivisection”, Fortnightly Review 17 (1875 Jun), 847-854 See also:... more
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      English LiteratureHuman-Animal RelationsResearch EthicsChildren's Literature
In an excavation carried out in 1968 four headdresses dating from the early to first half of the 16th century were discovered in a crypt in the parish church of Lienz in East Tyrol (Austria). All four headdresses are remarkably well... more
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      Fashion History16th Century (History)Archaeological textilesArchaeological textiles and clothing
1968 wurden bei einer Ausgrabung in der Pfarrkirche von Lienz in Osttirol in einer Gruft vier Kopfbedeckungen aus dem frühen 16. Jahrhundert entdeckt. Alle vier Kopfbedeckungen sind bemerkenswert gut erhalten und zwei von ihnen zeigen... more
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      Archaeological textiles and clothingHistory of clothing and fashion16th C17th embroidery lace & textilesBobbin Lace
La vertadera edat d'or de la punta va tenir lloc sense cap mena de dubte durant el Modernisme, en un ampli espai cronològic que podem situar entre els darrers anys del segle XIX i les dues primeres dècades del segle XX. Aquest període... more
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      Modernism (Art History)Art NouveauArts and CraftsModernismo
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      Art HistoryHistoria del ArteLeone XIIILace
É comummente aceite e a bibliografia é unânime em consagrar a renda de bilros vilacondense como uma tradição já antiga, que remonta ao século XVII. Foi-se criando uma série de ideias míticas em torno da organização desta arte, sendo,... more
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      History of WorkCrochet, Lace, TextilesBobbin LaceVila Do Conde
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      Modernism (Art History)Art NouveauDesignerModernisme
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      Decorative ArtsExhibitionsExhibitionExposiciones
Entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, periodo durante el cual se desarrolla el estilo artístico llamado Modernismo, el interés mostrado por artistas y diseñadores hacia el arte de la Edad Media tuvo como consecuencia la... more
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      Art HistoryDesignTextilesReligious art
La revitalització dels oficis artístics experimentada durant el Modernisme afectà també, en nombrosos aspectes, l'art de les puntes al coixí, indústria de tradició secular especialment en un sector determinat del país-l'anomenada Costa de... more
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      Modernism (Art History)Art NouveauModernismoModernisme
A partir da compreensão da renda de bilros enquanto uma prática que configura objetos, pessoas, relações e subjetividades próprias, essa tese busca destacar a importância e a participação dos gestos e engajamentos técnicos em tais... more
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      AnthropologyTools and TechniquesBobbin LaceAnthropology of Techniques
La vinculació dels arquitectes catalans de final del segle XIX i començament del XX amb l'art del tèxtil no només queda palesa en la corresponent aplicació d'aquest producte en els interiors dels edificis projectats-feina duta a terme... more
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      ArchitectureDecorative ArtsApplied ArtsArt Nouveau
Resum. El modernisme, com per a totes les denominades arts aplicades, va significar per a l'art de la punta al coixí un moment d'apogeu. Al llarg d'aquest període, a cavall entre el segle XIX i el XX, aquesta activitat del tèxtil no només... more
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      Women's StudiesWomenDecorative ArtsApplied Arts
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      Art HistoryTextilesDecorative ArtsTapestry
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryDress and identitySpanish ArtFemale Labour Force Participation
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      Art HistoryReligious artHistory of ExhibitionsIndumentaria
Handicrafts can be part of the heritage of a local community and are potential resources both economically and socially. Bobbin lace, as a traditional craft practice, have and important role in some Galician villages. It is performed... more
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      Cultural HeritageFeminismTraditional CraftsBobbin Lace
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      Modernism (Art History)Decorative ArtsApplied ArtsArt Nouveau
La reine Olga, d'origine russe, épousa en 1887 le roi Georges 1er de Grèce et devint reine de Grèce jusqu'en 1913, année de la mort de son mari. Elle établit un costume de cour qui incorpora des élements autant du costume de la cour russe... more
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      Woven TextilesBobbin LaceFolk Costumes
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      The Industrial RevolutionSampleLaceBobbin Lace
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      Art HistoryDesignModernism (Art History)Art Nouveau
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      Art HistoryGraphic DesignPoster DesignGraphic design history
Notational systems are useful devices for recording the movements of craftspeople, dancers, and artists. Because of the predominantly haptic nature of their skills, these practitioners experience difficulty in verbalizing descriptions of... more
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      FolkloreTeaching and LearningEthnographySocial and Cultural Anthropology
L'uomo è per natura portato ad apprezzare il bello oggettivo; in ogni epoca ha sempre portato nella domus Dei e nel culto divino, quanto di più bello i tempi e le condizioni economiche permettevano. Tra le forme di decoro e abbellimento... more
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      Bobbin LaceArte del merletto
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      FolkloreArt HistoryCultural HeritageArts and Crafts
Paradójicamente, en un campo tan socialmente vinculado a las mujeres como es el de los encajes –y por extensión el de las llamadas labores femeninas–, la atención de los, hasta hoy, pocos historiadores que han tratado este tema se ha... more
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      DesignWomen's StudiesDecorative ArtsWomen and Gender Studies
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      ShakespeareGarden HistoryOthelloTübingen
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      Textiles DesignMuseums and Exhibition DesignDecorative ArtsLace
The heritage of Jewish Venice 500 years after the establishment of the first ghetto.
Foreword by Jack Arbib
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      Cultural HeritageHistory of TextilesJewish - Christian RelationsMuseums and Exhibition Design
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      Women's StudiesWomenModernism (Art History)Art Nouveau
Resum. El modernisme, com per a totes les denominades arts aplicades, va significar per a l'art de la punta al coixí un moment d'apogeu. Al llarg d'aquest període, a cavall entre el segle XIX i el XX, aquesta... more
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      FolkloreArtWomenModernism (Art History)
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      EngineeringDesignVibration ControlDamping
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      TextilesModernism (Art History)Art NouveauArts and Crafts
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      ArchitectureModernism (Art History)Decorative ArtsApplied Arts
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      AnthropologyTools and TechniquesBobbin LaceAnthropology of Techniques
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      ArchitectureModernism (Art History)Decorative ArtsApplied Arts
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      ArchitectureModernism (Art History)Decorative ArtsApplied Arts