Recent papers in Biogeomorphology
Attempts to understand the morphodynamics of rock coasts focus on the nature and rate of erosion and how this influences the evolution of coastal profiles over century to millennial timescales. Biological contributions to this process are... more
Although the geomorphic and ecological importance of large wood in streams and rivers is well recognized, most studies consider only dead wood in channels. However, we have observed that living parts of trees are often found within active... more
This review article presents recent advances in the field of biogeomorphology related to the reciprocal coupling between Earth surface processes and landforms, and ecological and evolutionary processes. The aim is to present to the Earth... more
Keywords: biogeomorphologic feedback landforms biogeomorphologic succession ecosystem engineers niche construction eco-evolutionary dynamics This review article presents recent advances in the field of biogeomorphology related to the... more
A partir d'une recension de la bibliographie, cet article dresse le bilan des connexions entre la biogéomorphologie et l'étude des croûtes cryptogamiques (CC). Constituées de nombreux lichens, mousses, algues ou cyanobactéries, les... more
A multi-scale and multi-method approach has been developed to evaluate the nature and effects of short-term biological colonisation. This method has been used at Falasarna, on the western coast of Crete, to investigate bioprotection and... more
Karst caves are unique biogeomorphological systems. Cave walls offer habitat for microorganismswhich in-turn have a geomorphological role via their involvement in rock weathering, erosion and mineralisation. The attenuation of light... more
Glacier forefields are dynamic environments dominated by active paraglacial processes and simultaneous vegetation succession, triggered by glacier retreat since the Little Ice Age. While these dynamics are accelerating in the last decades... more
Where a licence is displayed above, please note the terms and conditions of the licence govern your use of this document. When citing, please reference the published version. Take down policy While the University of Birmingham exercises... more
Although the ecosystem engineering concept is well established in ecology, cases of joint engineering by multiple species at large scales remain rare. Here, we combine observational studies and exclosure experiments to investigate how... more
Die Erforschung der Vegetationsdynamik hat in der jüngeren Vergangenheit zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die inzwischen vorliegende Menge an einschlägigen Theorien und detaillierten Studien erfordert heute zumindest den Versuch eines... more
Térraba-Sierpe National Wetland (TSNW) is the largest wetland in Costa Rica located in the southeastern part of the country. The protected area comprises the Térraba-Sierpe delta covered with dense mangrove vegetation. We aim to analyze... more
ABSTRACT Natural disturbances are the main drivers of pristine vegetation dynamics in humid high mountains such as the European Alps. The concept of natural disturbance provides an appropriate background for studying vegetation dynamics... more
An examination of GopherTortoises as ecosystem engineers, discussing a variety of examples of changes to local habitat that occur from den excavation. Animals that benefit from tortoise burrowing are also identified.
Wave flume facilities that are primarily designed for engineering studies are often complex and expensive to operate, and hence not ideal for long-term replicated experiments as commonly used in biology. This study describes a low-cost... more
River reaches upstream from dam reservoirs, where water level fluctuations occur due to backwater effects, may be utilized as a field laboratory of base-level rise effects on river morphology. Here I present the results of the aerial... more
W ood-including trees, logs, rootwads, and branchesperforms numerous geomorphic and ecological functions in streams and rivers throughout the world (Harmon et al. 1986, Gregory et al. 2003a). Recognizing the significant influence wood... more
Urbanisation is increasingly recognised as a major ecological pressure at the coast. By 2035, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs will have to spend £1 billion each year on flood defence and erosion control... more
Sedentary and mobile organisms grow profusely on hard substrates within the coastal zone and contribute to the deterioration of coastal engineering structures and the geomorphic evolution of rocky shores by both enhancing and retarding... more
Sedentary and mobile organisms grow profusely on hard substrates within the coastal zone and contribute to the deterioration of coastal engineering structures and the geomorphic evolution of rocky shores by both enhancing and retarding... more
The stability of many sand dunes and their interdunes is dependent on 41 vegetation and surface crust cover. When this cover is removed, the sand 42 can be activated and fine sediments deflated making the dunefields into 43 sources of... more
Özet Biyoloji ile jeomorfoloji arasındaki etkileşim olarak tanımlanan biyojeomorfoloji ile ilgili çalışmalar, bitkiler konusunda son yıllarda gerçekleştirilen araştırmalarda ön plana geçmiştir. Dünyadaki karaların dörtte birini kaplayan... more
The way in which rocks and engineering materials heat-up and dry-out in the intertidal zone is of relevance to both weathering and ecology. These behaviours can be measured in the laboratory under controlled conditions designed to... more
The spatial distribution and pattern of alpine treeline in the American West reflect the overarching influences of geological history, lithology and structure, and geomorphic processes and landforms. These influences occur at spatial... more
Karst caves are unique biogeomorphological systems. Cave walls offer habitat for microorganisms which in-turn have a geomorphological role via their involvement in rock weathering, erosion and mineralisation. The attenuation of light with... more
An abundance of moisture, salts and organic life make rock coasts a unique weathering environment. Here, mechanical and chemical processes act to break down rocks alongside the influence of waves, tides and geological factors. Organisms... more