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The internet and social networking sites play a significant role in the marketing, sale and the distribution of drugs. The internet is being used both as a source of information and communication but also as a tool to disseminate... more
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      BusinessPsychologyCognitive SciencePharmacy
Introduction Venlafaxine is one of the most frequently prescribed antidepressants worldwide, despite its toxicity risk in overdose. Furthermore, the molecule has been recently identified at the EU-wide level as one of the novel... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychiatryAddiction
Cholinesterases are targets for organophosphorus compounds which are used as insecticides, chemical warfare agents and drugs for the treatment of disease such as glaucoma, or parasitic infections. The widespread use of these chemicals... more
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      Computer ScienceCaenorhabditis elegansProtein FoldingKinetics
The HomBRex database indexes basic research on homeopathy ( It includes research on effects of homeopathic preparations in bioassays and physico-chemical effects of the homeopathic preparation process... more
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      Research DesignComplementary and Alternative MedicineHomeopathyMedicine
The review concluded that occupational health and safety training positively affected worker behaviours, but there was insufficient evidence of the effect on health, attitudes and beliefs, and knowledge. The review was generally well... more
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      PsychologyAlgorithmsOccupational HealthMedicine
Summary: VTag is an application for identifying the type, genomic location and genomic state-change of acquired genomic aberrations described in text. The application uses a machine learning technique called conditional random fields.... more
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      BioinformaticsGeneticsComputer ScienceAlgorithms
Purpose: In this literature review we evaluated the feasibility and clinimetric quality of quality-of-life (QoL) measurement instruments suitable for use in palliative care. Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review to identify... more
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      Research DesignPalliative CareItem Response TheoryQuality of life
This systematic review provides a synthesis of the growing fıeld of public health systems research related to the structure and organization of state and local governmental public health agencies. It includes an overview of research... more
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      BusinessEducationPublic RelationsLocal Government
The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) is frequently used as an outcome measure for clinical trials in neuromuscular disease. Since this submaximal endurance test is not feasible for non-ambulatory patients, the motor-assisted 6-minute cycling... more
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      PsychometricsAdolescentMedicinePhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Background-In schizophrenia patients, one of the most commonly studied deficits of social cognition is emotion processing (EP), which has documented links to facial recognition (FR). But, how are deficits in facial recognition linked to... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologySchizophreniaCognition
Background-Neurocognitive functioning in schizophrenia has received considerable attention because of its robust prediction of functional outcome. Psychiatric symptoms, in particular negative symptoms, have also been shown to predict... more
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from where he also received his MSc and PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences. As medical specialties, he is board certified both in Physiatry (Physical Rehabilitation) and Acupuncture. Currently, he is President of the Medical Spiritist... more
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Introduction: Advanced paternal age (APA) is a reported risk factor for schizophrenia in the offspring. We performed a meta-analysis of this association, considering the effect of gender and study design. Methods: We identified articles... more
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      MedicineBMJ Quality & Safety
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This paper discuss the potentials of research data management services in academic libraries in general with emphasis on academic libraries in Nigeria. It summarizes the research data management life cycle to include: data creation; data... more
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    • Data Management
Plant diseases lead to significant yield losses in agricultural production, creating profound impacts in social, economic, and commercial domains. This study aims to examine in detail the historical development of phytopathology from the... more
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    • Osmanlı Bilim Tarihi
Objective: To analyze the usefulness of MEDLINE and EMBASE biomedical databases in rehabilitation and to identify descriptors and text words necessary to do a comprehensive search. Methods: We looked for articles published since 1990... more
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      Research DesignRehabilitationMedicinePhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Aim—This paper is a report of a study of the correlates of mammogram use among Korean American women. Background—Despite the increasing incidence of and mortality from breast cancer, Asian women in the United States of America report... more
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Introduction. In 2023, amidst a period of profound relativisation and denial of Fundamental Rights, Chile commemorated 50 years of the civil-military dictatorship. During the October 2019 revolt, serious human rights violations were... more
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      Social WorkHuman RightsHigher EducationSocial Work Education
Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate healthcare for specific clinical circumstances. There is a limited number of studies on guidelines... more
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      Research DesignHealth CareTurkeyLanguage
Лектор и коректор радова на српском језику Марија Селаковић Kоректура резимеа на енглеском језику Clare McGinn Zubac Превод и коректура резимеа на руском језику Светлана Гољак, Эльвира Анатольевна Сорокина Коректура радова на руском... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalTerminologySlavic Linguistics
Bu calisma, Turkiye’nin Akdeniz Bolgesinde bulunan 8 ilde gerceklesmistir (Adana, Antalya, Burdur, Hatay, Icel, Isparta, K.Maras ve Osmaniye). Calismada elde edilen veriler, 2005 yilinda 198 alabalik ciftliginden yuzyuze anket yoluyla... more
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Depot antipsychotic medication is used widely in the treatment medication is used widely in the treatment and prophylaxis of severe mental illness. and prophylaxis of severe mental illness. To review the literature on patient and nurse... more
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This study was carried out in olive orchards in Adana, Gaziantep, Hatay, Osmaniye, KahramanmaraĢ, Kilis and Mersin provinces of the eastern Mediterranean region between the years 2008-2010. In this study, it was aimed to determine... more
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The availability of web search engines provides opportunities in addition to those provided by bibliographic databases for identifying academic literature, but their usefulness for retrieving research is uncertain. A rigorous literature... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalAcademic LibrarianshipLibrary and Information Studies
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      PsychiatryDecision MakingInformed ConsentMedicine
Bu çalışma ile Erzurum ve çevresinde patates bitkisinde 7 fa milyaya ait '23 heteropter türünün varlığı saptanmıştır. Bunlar içe risinde en yoğun populasyonu Exolyqus rugulipennis (Popp.) oluş turmakta, ıbunu Polymerus coqnatus (Bb.) ve... more
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Purpose: This study addressed two questions: first, what is the yield of PubMed MEDLINE for CAM studies compared to other databases; second, what is an effective search strategy to answer a sample research question on spinal palpation? We... more
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      Information RetrievalComplementary and Alternative MedicineSpineChiropractic
The purpose of this study is to analyze the Electronic Journal of Educational Research (REDIE) on its path towards the common manner of scientific dissemination. This research presents the evolution of Mexican policy with regards to the... more
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      HumanitiesLibrary ScienceOpen AccessPolitical Science
External morphology of the eggs of Coron us contrarius Reuter, 1881 (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) The eggs of Coronus contrarius Reuter, 1881 were studied with light and scanning electron microscopes. The females were collected... more
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      ZoologyBiologyHeteropteraTheoretical Morphology (in Biology)
Разработка приложения осуществляется на базе графической платформы Unity 5. Данное приложение будет включать в себя алфавит, словарь жестов и переводчик текстов. С его помощью возможно уменьшение проблем в общении глухим людей.Application... more
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      UnityRussian Sign LanguageThree Dimensional Visualization and Replicationsign language translation
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMedicineClinical Sciences
From the whole plant of Klainedoxa gabonenses betulinic acid (1), lupeol (2), ß-sitosterol (3), βamyran-3-one (4) and 3,3',4'-triO -methylellagic acid (5) were isolated. Similarly paullinomide A (6), β-amyrin (7),... more
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      ChemistryTraditional MedicineBiologyBetulinic Acid
BACKGROUND-Sporadic-onset ataxia is common in a tertiary care setting but a significant percentage remains unidentified despite extensive evaluation. Rare genetic ataxias, reported only in specific populations or families, may contribute... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMagnetic Resonance ImagingBiologyMedicine
This study has been conducted to determine Bemisia species in Adana province and surroundings of Turkey and totally 259 samples were collected from different host plants in 2015-2016. According to identification results, Bemisia afer... more
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      PharmacologyImmunologyDepressionChronic Pain
Azita Malmir (Corresponding author) M.A. of LIS, Shahid Beheshti University [email protected] Received: 3 July, 2010; Accepted: 8 May, 2011 Abstract Purpose: This study was carried out to determine the level of precision, recall, and... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalDatabaseBibliographic Database
Background-Systematic reviews typically require searching for, retrieving, and screening a large volume of literature, yet little guidance is available on how to manage this volume. Purpose-We detail methods used to search for and manage... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalNursingAdolescent
A. PAOLO, J. RYAN, & A. TROSTER. Demographically Based Regression Equations to Estimate WAIS-R Subtest Scaled Scores. The WAIS-R and elderly VVAIS-R standardization samples were combined to develop demographically based regression... more
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Background: Systematic reviews often investigate the effectiveness of interventions for one sex. However, identifying interventions with data presented according to the sex of study participants can be challenging due to suboptimal... more
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      Information RetrievalGenderMedicineSystematic Reviews
For genetic research to contribute more fully to furthering our knowledge of neuropathic pain, we require an agreed, valid, and feasible approach to phenotyping, to allow collaboration and replication in samples of sufficient size.... more
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      GeneticsAnesthesiologyExpert testimonyDelphi survey
Consumers of research (researchers, administrators, educators and clinicians) frequently use standard critical appraisal tools to evaluate the quality of published research reports. However, there is no consensus regarding the most... more
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      Research DesignPsychometricsEvidence Based MedicineCritical Appraisal
Objectives: This study synthesized current research evidence on the effectiveness of physiotherapy for the management of children diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS-1), to provide up-to-date physiotherapy treatment... more
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Before undertaking new biomedical research, identifying concepts that have already been patented is essential. A traditional keyword-based search on patent databases may not be sufficient to retrieve all the relevant information,... more
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    • Computer Science
Background: Reliable information extraction applications have been a long sought goal of the biomedical text mining community, a goal that if reached would provide valuable tools to benchside biologists in their increasingly difficult... more
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      Computer ScienceBiologyInformation ExtractionResearch
Study Design. A systematic review of randomized controlled trials was performed. Summary of Background Data. Exercise therapy is a widely used treatment for low back pain. Objectives. To evaluate the effectiveness of exercise therapy for... more
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      SpineMedicineMedlineSystematic review
, designing studies in this field is challenging. There are significant variations in the patient population as the condition is not uniform. There is considerable variation in selection criteria, age at surgery, choice of procedures,... more
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      NeuroscienceEpilepsyMedicineCortical Dysplasia
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Increased frequency of retractions has recently been observed, and retractions are important events that deserve scientific investigation. This study aimed to characterize cases of retraction within general and... more
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      PublishingResearch MethodologyMedicineInternal Medicine