Recent papers in Biblica
In an article written forty years ago, Dominique Barthélemy bound together two supposed scribal corrections introduced in the second Century BCE: the correction of the number of the Israelites who went down to Egypt (Gen 46,27; Exod... more
The women of the apostles in 1 Cor 9,5 have posed a riddle in the history of interpretation. With few exceptions commentators over the last one hundred years have identified them as wives and dismissed the text in a few lines. Recent... more
A detailed case that the New Testament Epistle of Jude was written against the so-called Cainite sectaries, who were in possession of a Gospel of Judas as Irenaeus attests is presented here. Because the names Judas and Jude were the same,... more
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... Further, the reference to the 144,000 as dou=loi (Rev 7,3) leads to the assumption that this alludes to the custom, normal in Hellenistic times, of the purchase of a female slave for the purpose of. _____ 159. marriage 22 . ...
Is God, at the end of the book of Jonah, claiming that he will not destroy Nineveh? Or should the straight-forward reading of the Hebrew and Greek texts be taken at face value as claimed ten years ago by Alan Cooper? Although they do not... more
Alter von 87 Jahren verstorbene Nahman Avigad, Professor für Archáologie an dem von ihm mitbegründeten Institute of Archaeology der Hebräischen Universität in Jerusalem, hatte sich seit Mitte der 40er Jahre in Dutzenden von Artikeln immer... more
Most translations of Job 13,4 have Job calling his companions something like "smearers of a lie" and "worthless physicians". Instead, in light of philological and comparative data, he seems to be comparing his friends... more
This paper examines the contribution that a cognitive linguistic model of meaning can make towards the semantic analysis and description of Biblical Hebrew. It commences with a brief description of some of the basic insights provided by... more
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This article is about the problematic identity of Malky-sedeq, in relation to his 'adherents' and YHWH. The method adopted analyzes the 11QMelch text, considered one of the most important Qumran MSS that mentions the figure of an... more
While studies of the Old Greek (OG) of Daniel 7,13-14 are not uncommon, they are often undertaken as part of a broader examination of the "one like a son of man". Rarely, if ever, do these studies focus on the description of... more
This contribution investigates the translation of the hapax legomenon katoptrizo/menoi in 2 Cor 3,18; in addition to philological and religionhistorical arguments, in particular the article takes into account the broader literary context... more
The Vita Adam et Evae uses an unusual metaphor to describe Eve's state when she ceases her penitential immersion in the Tigris river: 'her flesh was as grass from the cold of the water' (caro eius erat sicut herba). While a... more
... is nursling. Difficulties perceived in this interpretation are contrived and of no substance. Theinterpretation defended here is proven decisively by the previously unnoticed existence of transitive association indicating a bonded... more
A detailed case that the New Testament Epistle of Jude was written against the so-called Cainite sectaries, who were in possession of a Gospel of Judas as Irenaeus attests is presented here. Because the names Judas and Jude were the same,... more
In the Gospels, Jesus' last supper involves custom and legal issues: chronological discrepancies between the Synoptics and John, a mock trial before the Sanhedrin, two trials before Pilate (John), and so on. This study focuses on the... more
Résumé/Abstract The present article investigates the basic constellation of life and death in Ancient Israel. Significant concepts are found in Prov 3, the blessing texts from Chirbet el-Qom and Ketef Hinnom, Ps 63 and Qoh 3, 16-22. The... more
In 1 Cor 14,37 Paul mentions a "command of the Lord". The language Paul uses indicates that he is not referring to his own apostolic authority but to a saying of Jesus. The context in 1 Corinthians 12-14 makes clear that the... more
The narrative in Isa 7 unfolds a particular scenario in which only the initial verse 7,1 refers to the historical situation of the so-called Syriac-Ephraimitic war. What follows exhibits a completely different situation involving a threat... more
This study reads the Songs of Ascents (Psalms 120-134) from the perspective of the concept of "space" and argues that they form as a single, interrelated unit that tells a meaningful "story". By applying the principles... more