Baltimore City
Recent papers in Baltimore City
In responding to conversations on engaged infrastructure, racial and reparative justice, and transformational WPA leadership, I call for more writing teachers and writing programs to take up grantwriting as a way to create much needed... more
Slides de aula a convite, a respeito do livro "Condição pós-moderna", de David Harvey, na disciplina ARQ 5622 - História da Arte, Arquitetura e Urbanismo 2, ministrada no curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal de Santa... more
Many of the collections that form the core of the museums in the United States were assembled by women. While much literature looks at female collectors’ individual lives in-depth, few compare collectors through a steady narrative. To do... more
The Lloyd Street Synagogue in Baltimore was the first structure built specifically as a synagogue in the state of Maryland. Built in 1845, the synagogue included separate buildings for a school and a mikveh. These two buildings were... more
A syllabus for teachers and students regarding historical trauma and Baltimore Apartheid. This syllabus was compiled to highlight the impacts of ongoing historical trauma in Baltimore’s Black Butterfly communities. The syllabus... more
Maryland's Baltimore County native son, Colonel Beale Randall's life and participation in the defense of Maryland against the British in the War of 1812 is particularly poignant on this day, September 12, 2014 the Bicentennial of the... more
"in Scapegoat: Landscape, Architecture, Political Economy, issue 2 (Dec 2011). "This summer we went for a walk around Baltimore to explore the city and catch a glimpse of the fugitive power of “things” at work. Baltimore, a.k.a.... more
During the Jacksonian era the relationship between blacks Baltimoreans and the dominant society was a relationship primarily of abuse and mistreatment. Although Baltimore was becoming a place that European immigrants could establish roots... more
"The motorcar provided this superior means of going outside to be alone. As a corollary, Americans have a great dislike for public transit because public transit is where you go outside to be with people."
The landmark case Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954 held that de jure racial segregation in public schools in the United States (US) was unconstitutional as „separate educational facilities are inherently unequal“ (The Learning... more
The purpose of this essay is to analyse how the racial and class issue have conditioned Baltimore city and its citizens to follow a tendency to return to the past, to enlarge the social inequalities and to reduce life chances, according... more
When I move to Baltimore and become acquainted with the Black women in my Mormon congregation, I learn how they reconcile their conversion in a historically White church that at one time had withdrawn access to spiritually emancipitory... more
Walking is an everyday practice that shapes urban space and is shaped by the space in which it occurs. It can create new subjects, new forms of public space and provide alternate readings of the city. This essay examines the significance... more
Playlist featuring audio and selected images from "Baltimore, Then and Now" multimedia geolocated tour on izi.TRAVEL app/website.
This research is a case study of the Inclusionary Housing program in Baltimore, Maryland, United States which was established to secure a certain percentage of affordable housing units in market-rate residential developments. This... more