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Cd (53P1) t Hz (X, u = 0, J = 3 ) + Cd (53P0) t Hz ( X ' Z , u = 0 , J = 4) (1) suggests that it should be feasible to construct a CW Cd laser on the 480 nm line using low-pressure lamps after the manner of Djeu and Burnham [ 11 .
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      Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)Optical physicsHigh resolution satelite imageBackground Noise
A novel method of parametric active contours with geometric shape prior is presented in this paper. The main idea of the method consists in minimizing an energy function that includes additional information on a shape reference called a... more
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      Computer VisionImage segmentationEdge DetectionObject Tracking
This paper studies a novel decomposition technique, suitable for blind separation of linear mixtures of signals comprising finite-length symbols. The observed symbols are first modeled as channel responses in a... more
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      Signal ProcessingBlind Source SeparationAlgorithmMultidisciplinary
This study examined the regulation of speech volume in hypophonic subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD) and age-and gender-matched controls. The ®rst two experiments investigated the ability of subjects with PD to automatically regulate... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAttentionSpeech Acoustics
This paper presents a novel voice activity detector (VAD) for improving speech detection robustness in noisy environments and the performance of speech recognition systems in real-time applications. The algorithm is based on a generalized... more
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      EngineeringSpeech RecognitionAlgorithmSpeech Processing
Digital feedback loops for d.c. SQUIDs using pulse-rate modulation are proposed and investigated by simulations and measurements. The design of a d.c. SQUID magnetometer yields a simulated energy resolution of ~-11 h (h = Planck's... more
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Acoustic echo canceler and postfilter for residual echo suppression are two essential building blocks of a hands-free voice communication system. Based on the Kalman filter theory, we derive a simple and advanced algorithm for the optimum... more
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      EngineeringTechnologySignal ProcessingCommunication System
This paper describes a method for enhancing speech corrupted by broadband noise. The method is based on the spectral noise subtraction method. The original method entails subtracting an estimate of the noise power spectrum from the speech... more
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      Speech AcousticsSpeech enhancementNoise reductionAcoustic Noise
A 24-dimensional model for the ‘harmonic content’ of pieces of music has proved to be remarkably robust in the retrieval of polyphonic queries from a database of polyphonic music in the presence of quite significant noise and errors in... more
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      Information RetrievalModelingMusical acousticsMusic Information Retrieval
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsSignal ProcessingPsychoacoustics
Reçu le 30 avril 2012 ; reçu sous la forme révisée le 20 novembre 2012 ; accepté le 20 novembre 2012 Disponible sur Internet le 23 février 2013
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    • Background Noise
This work focuses on presenting a novel high efficiency channel encoding for transmitting acoustical signals in the hope of improving wireless underwater communication. Yet, water puts a damper on communication capacity, slowing down the... more
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      Channel CodingCommunication SystemCommunity CapacityNoise
For Motion Picture Special Effects, it is often necessary to take a source image of an acto& segment the actor from the unwanted background, and then composite over a new background. The standard approach requires the unwanted background... more
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      Computer VisionVideo CompressionImage segmentationChannel Estimation
Speech reception in noise is an especially difficult problem for listeners with hearing impairment as well as for users of cochlear implants (CIs). One likely cause of this is an inability to 'glimpse' a target talker in a fluctuating... more
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      Speech perceptionSpeechHearingNoise
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      AcousticsSignal ProcessingHigh PressureConstruction
For Motion Picture Special Effects, it is often necessary to take a source image of an actor, segment the actor from the unwanted background, and then composite over a new background. The standard approach requires the unwanted background... more
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      Computer VisionVideo CompressionImage segmentationChannel Estimation
Seven Triticum aestivum (cv. Moisson)-Aegilops ventricosa addition lines and four VPM-1 lines were studied by C-banding, and compared with the parental common wheat cultivars Marne-Desprez (hereafter Marne), Moisson, and A. ventricosa... more
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      GeneticsTechnologyAgricultureBiological Sciences
Sound absorption and optical transparency are among the most useful properties of noise barriers. While the latter is required to reduce visual impact and for aesthetical reasons, the former is required whenever conditions of multiple... more
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      MultidisciplinaryNoise ControlBackground Noise
A multi-element graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) method was elaborated for the simultaneous determination of As, Cd, Cu, and Pb in wine samples of various sugar contents using the transversally heated graphite... more
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      Analytical ChemistryArsenicTrace MetalsPyrolysis
In radar signal detection, the problem is to automatically detect a target in a nonstationary noise and clutter background while maintaining a constant probability of false alarm. Classical detection using a matched filter receiver and a... more
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      Probability TheoryProbabilityAdaptive SystemsSignals
Man machine interaction requires an acoustic interface for providing full duplex hands-free communication. The transfer-function generalized sidelobe canceller (TF-GSC) is an adaptive beamformer suitable for enhancing a speech signal... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSignal ProcessingLinguisticsSpeech Communication
We have recently extended the capabilities of BBN's large-vocabulary discrete-utterance speech recognition system (BYBLOS) to operate on raw audio recordings of radio news programming. The recordings are given to the system as large... more
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      Speech RecognitionHidden Markov ModelsTraining dataChannel
Traditional noise-suppression algorithms have been shown to improve speech quality, but not speech intelligibility. Motivated by prior intelligibility studies of speech synthesized using the ideal binary mask, an algorithm is proposed... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligencePsychoacousticsSpeech perception
A bstract-We consider the optical direct-detection channel and show how simple trellis coded modulation (TCM) can be used to improve performance or increase throughput (in bits per second) without bandwidth expansion or performance loss.... more
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      Probability TheoryOptical CommunicationThroughputOptical telecommunication
In this paper we introduce a new adaptive array beamformer able to work well even when the desired signal and the interference are coherent. The present adaptive beamformers fail to operate in these cases. The results of simulations... more
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      Sensor ArraysDistortionCoherenceInterference
The classification of acoustic events in indoor environments is an important task for many practical applications in smart environments. In this paper a novel approach for classifying acoustic events that is based on a Bag-of-Features... more
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      Speech ProcessingSpeechSupervised LearningVectors
ABSTRACT When a sound exposure stems from a sound source that is close to the ear of the exposed person, the noise is described in terms of the free-field related or diffuse-field related sound pressure level, i.e. the level of a free or... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringStatistical AnalysisClassical PhysicsTransfer Function
The performance of present-day automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems is seriously compromised by levels of acoustic interference (such as additive noise and room reverberation) representative of real-world speaking conditions.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAutomatic Speech RecognitionSpeech RecognitionLinguistics
Sound absorption and optical transparency are among the most useful properties of noise barriers. While the latter is required to reduce visual impact and for aesthetical reasons, the former is required whenever conditions of multiple... more
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      MultidisciplinaryNoise ControlBackground Noise
In the present study a new approach for the chemometric background correction in on-line gradient LC-FTIR is introduced. For this purpose, the spectral changes of the elution mixture during gradient elution were analyzed applying 2D... more
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It is often necessary to check the intrinsic acoustic characteristics of installed noise barriers, like sound reflection and airborne sound insulation, to verify their compliance to design specifications or their quality after some years... more
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      Impulse responseBackground NoiseEuropean StandardsNoise Barriers
In the digital smoothing of data in AES and XPS two basic methods. Savitzky and Golay convolutional sm(n~thing and the optimal Wiener filter Fourier transform approach are popular. In the recent work of Piyakis and Sachet misleadingly... more
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      MultidisciplinarySurfaceDigital filteringDigital Filter Design
An improved hidden Markov model-based (HMMbased) speech enhancement system designed using the minimum mean square error principle is implemented and compared with a conventional spectral subtraction system. The improvements to the system... more
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      EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingExperience Design
The North Atlantic right whale inhabits the coastal waters off the east coasts of the United States and Canada, areas characterized by high levels of shipping and fishing activities. Acoustic communication plays an important role in the... more
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      AcousticsUnderwater AcousticsMultidisciplinaryGeorgia
This paper addresses the problem of radar target detection in severely heterogeneous clutter environments. Speciÿcally, we present the performance of the normalized matched ÿlter test in a background of disturbance consisting of clutter... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsComputer ScienceMethodology
Rolling-element bearing vibrations are random cyclostationary. This property is so symptomatic when an incipient fault develops that it can be exploited for diagnostics. This paper discusses which cyclic spectral tools should be... more
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      EngineeringRandom VibrationMeasurementPhysical sciences
The "noise" of chromatographic baselines has been investigated in regard to the detector, the nature and extent of filtering or smoothing. and the methodologies of qualitative and quantitative assessment: a11 in order to clarify the role... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyChromatographyCHEMICAL SCIENCES
In MPEG-4, the boundary blocks of reference video objects are padded by replicating the boundary samples towards the exterior. This scheme does not make use ofthe trend of pixel value variation 0ft.n present near object boundaries in... more
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      Data CompressionVideo CompressionMotion compensationMPEG
This paper presents a statistical measure for the identification of the presence, the location, and the calibration of the strength of singularity in a signal or in any of its derivatives in the presence of measurement noise without the... more
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      Statistical AnalysisModelingWaveletsWavelet Analysis
We report the first experimental demonstration of two-photon imaging with a pseudo-thermal source. Similarly to the case of entangled states, a two-photon Gaussian thin lens equation is observed, indicating EPR type correlation in... more
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      PhysicsQuantum OpticsNonlinear OpticsOptical Imaging
Identification functions of 20 initial and 20 final consonants were characterized in 9600 randomly sampled consonant-vowel-consonant ͑CVC͒ tokens presented in speech-spectrum noise. Because of differences in the response criteria for... more
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      PhoneticsSpeech perceptionSpeech RecognitionAdolescent
Robust detection of speech embedded in real acoustic background noise is considered using an approach based on subband amplitude modulation spectral (AMS) features and trained discriminative classifiers. Performance is evaluated in... more
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      PhysicsSupport Vector MachinesSpeech RecognitionSpeech Processing
The Australian Parliamentary Chambers present difficult circumstances for the reinforcement of speech, including an unusually wide dynamic range, large orator-to-microphone distances, high levels of uproar noise, and architectural and... more
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      EngineeringRoom AcousticsIntelligibilitySound reproduction
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsSemiconductor DevicesNanotechnology
Multiaccess communications over a slot-synchronized collision channel without feedback (CCw/oFB) is considered. In the CCw/oFB the sources do not transmit siinultsiieously and continuously over the channel but according to protocol... more
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      Communication systemsProtocolsFeedbackBackground Noise
This study investigates masking effects occurring during speech comprehension in the presence of concurrent speech signals. We examined the differential effects of acoustic–phonetic and lexical content of 4- to 8-talker babble (natural... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhoneticsSignal ProcessingLinguistics
An efficient method for the enhancement of lung sounds (LS) and bowel sounds (BS), based on wavelet transform (WT), and fractal dimension (FD) analysis is presented in this paper. The proposed method combines multiresolution analysis with... more
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      BioinformaticsAlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringBioacoustics
Hands-free devices are often used in a noisy and reverberant environment. Therefore, the received microphone signal does not only contain the desired near-end speech signal but also interferences such as room reverberation that is caused... more
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      EngineeringSignal ProcessingSpeech ProcessingNoise reduction
The paper proposes a performance evaluation and comparison of G.729, AMR, and fuzzy voice activity detection (FVAD) algorithms. The comparison was made using objective, psychoacoustic, and subjective parameters. A highly varied speech... more
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      PsychologyLanguageDatabasesSpeech Processing