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P r F r e d e r i c k GRI NE P r B r u n o MA URE I L L E P r F r é d é r i c V A Y S S E 1 2 / 0 9 / 2 0 1 6 Acknowledgement I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the supervisor of my doctoral studies, Professor Jos é Braga,... more
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      Human EvolutionDental AnthropologyPhysical Anthropologyearly Homo
The record of early hominin evolution derives mainly from
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      PaleoanthropologyHuman EvolutionAustralopithecusSterkfontein
The importance of diet in primate ecology has motivated the use of a variety of methods to reconstruct dietary habits of extinct hominin taxa. Dental microwear is one such approach that preserves evidence from consumed food items. This... more
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      Dental microwearParanthropusSterkfonteinSwartkrans
Two analyses conclude that Sts 19 cannot be accommodated within the Australopithecus africanus hypodigm In
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)AustralopithecusSterkfonteinBasicranium
Understanding the manual abilities of fossil hominins has been a focus of palaeoanthropological research for decades. Of interest are the morphological characteristics of the thumb due to its fundamental role in manipulation, particularly... more
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      ManipulationAustralopithecus afarensisAustralopithecus sedibaHomo neanderthalensis
Ever since Tyson (1699), anatomists have noted and compared differences in the regional numbers of vertebrae among humans and other hominoids. Subsequent workers interpreted these differences in phylogenetic, functional, and behavioral... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleoanthropologyPaleontologyHuman Evolution
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      EthologyHominin DietEvolutionary EcologyAustralopithecus
Many antelopes have an excellent sense of smell, and our human relatives such as Paranthropus robustus may have associate themselves with those antelope species during the day to avoid predation by lions, leopards and carnivores. This... more
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      EthologyPredator-Prey InteractionsHominin DietEvolutionary Ecology
Estimation of endocranial volume in Australopithecus africanus is important in interpreting early hominin brain evolution. However, the number of individuals available for investigation is limited and most of these fossils are, to some... more
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      EndocrinologyComputed TomographyBrain evolutionAustralopithecus africanus
The importance of diet in primate ecology has motivated the use of a variety of methods to reconstruct dietary habits of extinct hominin taxa. Dental microwear is one such approach that preserves evidence from consumed food items. This... more
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      PaleoenvironmentDental Microwear Texture AnalysisAustralopithecus africanusParanthropus robustus
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      PalaeopathologyAustralopithecus africanusSouth African homininsinsect traces
First ribs – the first or most superior ribs in the thorax – are rare in the hominin fossil record, and when found, have the potential to provide information regarding the upper thorax shape of extinct hominins. Here, we describe a... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleoanthropologyPaleontologyBiological Anthropology
First ribs – the first or most superior ribs in the thorax – are rare in the hominin fossil record, and when found, have the potential to provide information regarding the upper thorax shape of extinct hominins. Here, we describe a... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleoanthropologyPaleontologyBiological Anthropology
The relatively small Australopithecus africanus specimen Sts 5 has figured prominently in taxonomic debates, and the determination of this specimen as a young male or an elderly female has the potential to offer a great deal of resolution... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropologyHuman Evolution
Deux bassins (STS 14, AL 288) et cinq os coxaux d'Australopithèques (SK 50, SK 3155. MLD 7), ainsi qu'un os coxal de Homo erectus (OH 28) ont été étudiés biométriquement à l'aide d'un programme d'analyse des correspondances, en... more
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      AustralopithecusAustralopithecus afarensisAnalyse Des DonnéesAustralopithecus africanus
The fossilized primate skull known as the Taungs Baby, discovered in South Africa, was put forward in 1925 as a controversial 'missing link' between humans and apes. This essay examines the controversy generated by the fossil, with a... more
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      PaleoanthropologyHistory of ScienceAustralopithecusFossils
This study quantifies the metacarpal 1 (MC 1) proximal articular surface using three-dimensional morphometrics in extant hominids and fossil hominins (SK 84, cf. Paranthropus robustus/Homo erectus and StW 418, Australopithecus africanus)... more
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      LocomotionManipulationAustralopithecus africanus3D Geometric Morphometrics
Distinctive expressions and incidences of discrete dental traits at the outer enamel surface (OES) contribute to the diagnoses of many early hominin taxa. Examination of the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ), imaged non-destructively using... more
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      ParanthropusTooth MorphologyMicro Computed TomographyHominin Taxonomy