Recent papers in Basicranium
Understanding variation in the basicranium is of central importance to paleoanthropology because of its fundamental structural role in skull development and evolution. At the beginning of the 20th century it was suggested that... more
The Toumaï cranium TM 266 is the first known from any Late Miocene African hominoid clade, and is one of the best preserved crania of any Miocene hominoid. Since its publication there has been debate in the scientific literature and... more
In the last century, the study of the cranial base has gained much importance for paleoanthropology due to its structural and functional roles during development and evolution of the skull. Most studies have been centred on the analysis... more
Two analyses conclude that Sts 19 cannot be accommodated within the Australopithecus africanus hypodigm In
In spite of a long history of research in craniofacial biology the extent to which developmental cascades between the brain, the cranial base, and the face infl uences the evolution, development and variation of the skull, is not clear.... more
The higher carnivoran taxa significantly differ in the morphology of the auditory bulla, but little is known about its non-ectotympanic elements and their contribution to phylogenetically informative bullar characters. The ventral... more
Understanding variation in the basicranium is of central importance to paleoanthropology because of its fundamental structural role in skull development and evolution. Among primates, encephalisation is well known to be associated with... more