Australian geology
Recent papers in Australian geology
Western Australia has one of the most diverse floras in the world. From the giant Karri and Tingle forests in the south, to the scattered tropical rainforests in the north; from the incredibly species-rich sand heath flora in the... more
Strata of Jurassic age occur extensively across onshore Australia, but they are predominantly of non-marine origin. Marine Jurassic strata have only limited onshore exposure in northwestern and central-western Australia, with thick marine... more
The northern Perth Basin lies between about 27 and 31 30'S adjacent to the Yilgarn Craton on the western margin of Western Australia. The basin contains up to 12 km of Ordovician and mid-Carboniferous to Cretaceous, primarily... more
Fossil assemblages are described from the Tyers River Subgroup (late Berriasian to Hauterivian), Gippsland Basin, Victoria. The assemblages include plant macrofossils referable to 33 form-species including five new species (Isoetites... more
The prehistory of the Australian vegetation is summarized – from the earliest traces of life in the Precambrian to the events of the Cenozoic that shaped the continent’s modern flora. Australia’s oldest land plants appear in the Silurian... more
Permian non-marine strata in the southern Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia, yield abundant plant megafossils preserved as impressions, coalified compressions, siliceous petrifactions, and mudstone casts. Plant megafossi1s (excluding... more
Although the major features of the evolution of life have shaped the flora and fauna on whichever continent one explores, each has its own peculiarities. These are largely because of differences in each continent’s tectonic and climatic... more
The fertile glossopterid Senotheca is represented by linear fructifications with broad wings attached to the midribs of Glossopteris leaves. The architecture of the reproductive structures supports their placement within the... more
This paper presents an overview of the space and time distributions of Lopingian strata and biotas in Australia, New Zealand, Timor and New Caledonia. Based on this review, we propose a new schematic Late Permian (Lopingian) regional... more
Glossopterid gymnosperms dominate the Late Permian floras of the Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia. Seven new species of Glosopteris (viz., G. indicoides, G. kingii, G. linguiforma, G. plumata, G. rhombimaculata, G. truncata, and G.... more
, one of the less common fossil fish from the deposit.
Lelstotheca lanceolata and Sphenophyllum morganae are newly described from the Irwin River Coal Measures (Artinskian), northern Perth Basin. The distribution of Raniganjia minima Rigby, 1966 is extended to the Muja Member, Collie Coal... more
Though the oldest terrestrial plant remains in Western Australia are of Devonian age, the first abundant fossil floras were preserved during the Permian. Thick accumulations of these plant remains constitute the economically important... more
Plant remains occur in all post-Devonian, lowland, terrestrial depositional systems, with distinctive assemblages characterizing discrete environments. Glossopterid gymnosperms dominate most Australian Permian coal-bearing sediments.... more
The Strzelecki Group incorporates Berriasian to Albian, fluvial sediments deposited in the Gippsland Basin during initial rifting between Australia and Antarctica. Neocomian strata of the lowermost Strzelecki Group are assigned to the... more
Anatomically preserved vegetative Glossopteris leaves in silicified peat deposits of Late Permian age are described from the Bowen Basin of Queensland and the Sydney Basin of New South Wales, Australia. Glossopteris homevalensis Pigg et... more
An Early Cretaceous (Aptian or earliest Albian) impression flora is described from the upper part of the Maryborough Formation in the Maryborough Basin, southern Queensland. The flora is preserved in marine sediments hosting an abundant... more
A low-diversity Early Jurassic flora preserved in floodbasin siltstones of the Marburg Subgroup at Inverleigh Quarry in the Clarence-Moreton Basin, eastern Australia, is dominated by Allocladus helgei Jansson sp. nov., a conifer with... more
The northern Perth Basin lies between about 27° and 31°30'S adjacent to the Yilgarn Craton on the western margin of Western Australia. The basin contains up to 12 km of Ordovician and mid-Carboniferous to Cretaceous, primarily nonmarine... more
Mineralogy of phosphatized and zeolitized hydrogenous cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts from Dirck Hartog Ridge (DHR), the Perth Abyssal Plain (PAP), formed on an altered basaltic substrate, is described. Detail studies of crusts were... more
Bergiopteris sp. cf. B. archangelskyi Rigby 1991 foliage is identified for the first time from late Early or early Late Permian strata of the Wagina Sandstone, Perth Basin, Western Australia. The pinnate frond impressions represent the... more
Southeast Queensland’s geomorphology is characterised by northwest – southeast-trending trunk drainage channels and highlands that strongly correlate with the distribution of geological units and major faults. Other geomorphological... more
A low-diversity Early Jurassic flora preserved in floodbasin siltstones of the Marburg Subgroup at Inverleigh Quarry in the Clarence-Moreton Basin, eastern Australia, is dominated by Allocladus helgei Jansson sp. nov., a conifer with... more
Jambadostrobus was established to accommodate fossils consisting of several multiovulate elliptical–ovate fructifications attached to the midline of glossopterid leaves. Two species have been assigned to the genus: J. pretiosus (the type... more
Mineralogy of phosphatized and zeolitized hydrogenous cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts from Dirck Hartog Ridge (DHR), the Perth Abyssal Plain (PAP), formed on an altered basaltic substrate, is described. Detail studies of crusts were... more
A new leaf species of Nothofagaceae, Nothofagus plicata, from southern and southwestern continental Australia is described. N. plicata has plicate vernation and is therefore considered to be a deciduous species. This provides the first... more
A low-diversity Early Jurassic flora preserved in floodbasin siltstones of the Marburg Subgroup at Inverleigh Quarry in the Clarence-Moreton Basin, eastern Australia, is dominated by Allocladus helgei Jansson sp. nov., a conifer with... more
The Inglis Dome is an anticlinal structure located in the Denison Trough on the western side of the Bowen Basin, east central Queensland. Approximately 4000 m of Permian sediments accumulalcd in this area during several transgressive and... more
The northern Perth Basin lies between about 27 and 31 30'S adjacent to the Yilgarn Craton on the western margin of Western Australia. The basin contains up to 12 km of Ordovician and mid-Carboniferous to Cretaceous, primarily... more
The relationship between geological fabric and drainage patterns in the 81.8 km2 Laceys Creek sub-catchment of the North Pine River catchment, southeast Queensland, Australia, is analysed using a new channel–ordination system. The Laceys... more
A new species of fossil conifer foliage, Bellarinea richardsii, is described and illustrated from Neocomian (Early Cretaceous) sediments of the Tyers River Subgroup in south eastern Victoria. The specimens consist of intact seasonal... more
Liknopetalon is an unusual fern-like taxon with fan-shaped pinnae that bear ovate sporangial bodies in a single series along the distal margin. Previously, Liknopetalon has been described from two Permian localities in South Africa, and a... more
Ten fluvial sedimentary facies are identified in the lowermost Strzelecki Group: two gravelly facies; four sandy facies; and four mudrock facies. Associations of these facies indicate: (i) prevalence of gravelly braided-river and... more
The Cretaceous saw dramatic changes in the tectonic setting, landscape and biodiversity of Australasia. Continental fragmentation, marine transgression, the rise of ‘modern’ faunas and floras, and the Cretaceous–Paleogene mass extinction... more
A small assemblage of clitellate annelid cocoons (egg cases) is described from the Early Jurassic Marburg Subgroup, Clarence-Moreton Basin, eastern Australia. Two complete specimens are preserved on bedding planes, and numerous fragments... more
Three new glossopterid fructifications and a new Glossopteris leaf are described from Late Permian sediments of the southwest and central Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia. Glossopteris bucklandensis sp. nov. and the female... more
Two new species of the gymnospermous leaf form-genus Rochipteris Herbst, Troncoso and Gnaedinger are described. Leaves belonging to this genus are apetiolate, flabellate, with an entire to variably dissected apex, a truncate to slightly... more
This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
Mineral and aqueous geochemical data are combined with a conceptual groundwater flow model, to establish the origin and fate of iron, aluminium and manganese in the groundwater system of a small backbarrier island. The flow model domain... more
Jurassic plant remains in Western Australia are sparse but small assemblages of impression fossils have been deposited in the collections of the Australian Museum, Sydney, over the past century. They reveal the presence of ?Matoniaceae... more
Western Australian, Lower Cretaceous, macrofloras from the Broome Sandstone• and Callawa Formation (Canning Basin), Nanutarra Formation and Birdrong Sandstone (Carnarvon Basin), Cronin Sandstone (Officer Basin), and Leederville and... more