Susan Turner
Currently working on Welsh Borderland, Australian and Iranian thelodonts and on various 'sharks' (Silurian-Cretaceous)
Working on history of women: in palaeontology, in the IUGS, as illustrators in palaeontology
Historical projects also on Geological collecting/collectors in Queensland (for HOGG in April 2011); on von Huene family and Heber Longman; and history of dinosaur trackway discovery in Australia; on Thomas Sopwith and 3-D geological models
Supervisors: Lambert Beverly Halstead and Stanley Westoll
Address: Brisbane, Australia
Working on history of women: in palaeontology, in the IUGS, as illustrators in palaeontology
Historical projects also on Geological collecting/collectors in Queensland (for HOGG in April 2011); on von Huene family and Heber Longman; and history of dinosaur trackway discovery in Australia; on Thomas Sopwith and 3-D geological models
Supervisors: Lambert Beverly Halstead and Stanley Westoll
Address: Brisbane, Australia
InterestsView All (149)
Books by Susan Turner
History): now NHMUK) London played a major role in assessing the palaeontology and stratigraphical
relations of samples sent across long distances by local men, both professional and amateur.
Eighteen-year-old Arthur Woodward (1864–1944) joined the museum in 1882, was ordered
to change his name and was catapulted into vertebrate palaeontology, beginning work on Australian
fossils in 1888. His subsequent career spanned six decades across the nineteenth to mid-twentieth
centuries and, although Smith (renamed to distinguish him from NHMUK colleagues)
Woodward never visited Australia, he made significant contributions to the study of Australian fossil
fishes and other vertebrates. ‘ASW’ described Australian and Antarctic Palaeozoic to Quaternary
fossils in some 30 papers, often deciding or confirming the age of Australasian rock units
for the first time, many of which have contributed to our understanding of fish evolution. Smith
Woodward’s legacy to vertebrate palaeontology was blighted by one late middle-age misjudgement,
which led him away from his first-chosen path. ASW’s work, especially on palaeoichthyology
with his four-part Catalogue of Fossil Fishes, was one of the foundations for vertebrate
palaeontology in Australia; it continues to resonate, and influenced subsequent generations via
his unofficial student Edwin Sherbon Hills. Some taxa, however, have never been revisited.
History): now NHMUK) London played a major role in assessing the palaeontology and stratigraphical
relations of samples sent across long distances by local men, both professional and amateur.
Eighteen-year-old Arthur Woodward (1864–1944) joined the museum in 1882, was ordered
to change his name and was catapulted into vertebrate palaeontology, beginning work on Australian
fossils in 1888. His subsequent career spanned six decades across the nineteenth to mid-twentieth
centuries and, although Smith (renamed to distinguish him from NHMUK colleagues)
Woodward never visited Australia, he made significant contributions to the study of Australian fossil
fishes and other vertebrates. ‘ASW’ described Australian and Antarctic Palaeozoic to Quaternary
fossils in some 30 papers, often deciding or confirming the age of Australasian rock units
for the first time, many of which have contributed to our understanding of fish evolution. Smith
Woodward’s legacy to vertebrate palaeontology was blighted by one late middle-age misjudgement,
which led him away from his first-chosen path. ASW’s work, especially on palaeoichthyology
with his four-part Catalogue of Fossil Fishes, was one of the foundations for vertebrate
palaeontology in Australia; it continues to resonate, and influenced subsequent generations via
his unofficial student Edwin Sherbon Hills. Some taxa, however, have never been revisited.
who lived, worked and died mainly within the nineteenth century or earlier, and supplementary
table 2 gives a selection of geoscience women who lived, worked and died mainly within the twentieth
century; they are both available at
In SVP Abstracts, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 22 Suppl.