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The trip starts at the Beale Library parking lot at Truxtun and Q Streets in Bakersfield, California. From the parking lot the tour will proceed east onto Truxtun Avenue, south on Union Avenue, west on State Highway 58 Freeway, south on... more
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      GeologyField Geology
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      GeologyStratigraphyVolcanologyStructural Geology
The northern Perth Basin lies between about 27 and 31 30'S adjacent to the Yilgarn Craton on the western margin of Western Australia. The basin contains up to 12 km of Ordovician and mid-Carboniferous to Cretaceous, primarily... more
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      PaleontologyStratigraphyField GeologyCretaceous life
Origin of Permeability in Carbonate Rocks Carbonate reservoirs, which are typically dual or triple porosity systems, produce a major portion of the world’s oil and gas and hold more than half of the world’s largest crude oil and natural... more
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      HistoryGeologyNatural ResourcesHistory of Geology
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      GeologyStratigraphyIsland StudiesGreat Lakes
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      PedagogyAffective response to learningField GeologyGeoEd-Research
Travelling in the interior of Iceland is very arduous work, for the country lies high and consists for the most part of sand and lava deserts, often absolutely without grass. The traveller has consequently to take with him even fodder for... more
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      StratigraphyClimate ChangePalynologyTectonics
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      GeographyEnvironmental GeographyPalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatology
La riscoperta e il rilievo di due vecchie miniere di pirolusite hanno consentito interessanti osservazioni mineralogiche, stratigrafiche e sedimentologiche.
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      MineralogyField Geology
This abstract only covers my 1990/91 research-Many area residents believe that the sinkholes in Alligator Lake leak year-round. This is of concern because it is believed that this leakage pollutes the groundwater. The bottom of the lake... more
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      HydrologyFlorida StudiesField GeologyKarst hydrogeology
This booklet was constructed by undergraduate geology students in a Geologic Research and Writing class at the University of Montana Western under the supervision of Dr. Rob Thomas. The booklet is a geohistory of the Dillon area, a famous... more
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      Geoscience EducationField Geology
Field guide to the Bahariya Oasis
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    • Field Geology
The eruptive sequences linked to the Cumbre Nueva Collapse of La Palma's Taburiente volcano provide ideal material for a study that integrates field volcanology, geochronology, lava petrology and whole rock magmatic geochemistry. Lavas... more
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      VolcanologyIgneous petrologyField GeologyInterdisciplinary research
Por procesos de diferenciación magmática y de cristalización fraccionada los magmas cambian de composición gradualmente, por eso se establece la serie de rocas ígneas.
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      Environmental EngineeringGeologyGeochemistryHydrogeology
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      GeologyField GeologyEngineering GeologyHistoria de la Geología
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    • Field Geology
The invention of new forms of geo-social knowledge has become one of the imperatives for resisting the so-called Anthropocene. Critical theorists have called for enhanced interdisciplinarity collaborations between the earth sciences and... more
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      PosthumanismField GeologyFeminist science and technology studiesGeophilosophy
Se presenta una metodología básica para la selección, toma y transporte de muestras de interés geológico para sistematizar la toma de datos en campo y así agilizar los estudios posteriores en gabinete o laboratorio.
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      GeologyField GeologyGeologiaPetrografia
This book deals with the geologists' major subject, the geological mapping, through the geological maps and cross-sections. It provides all those geological elements, methodologies and techniques needed to properly read, interpret and... more
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      GeologyStructural GeologyField Geology
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      Economic GeologyField Geology
Front cover image: Carboniferous age (Namurian) rocks exposed at Sugar Sands Bay, near Alnwick, Northumberland, UK. These are part of a succession of rocks interpreted as infi ll of an interdistributary bay or lagoon along the shore of a... more
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      GeologyField GeologyGeological mappingGeologia
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      GeologyCoastal ProcessesLandscape ArchaeologyCoastal Geomorphology
A view at wadi al Athrun mouth sea-cliff exposure showing Maastrichtian chalk slump structure. It is a testament of the ongoing tectonic activities of Cyrenaica due to the compressive forces induced by the conversion of Eurasian and... more
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      GeologyField GeologyLibyaCyrenaica
Banyak kendala yang ditemukan oleh mhasiswa geologi dalam belajar geologi, salah satunya dalam memhami dan mengaplikasikan materi kuliah kristalografi dan mineralogi, hal ini disebabkan oleh kesalahan yang terjadi yang umumnya adalah... more
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      Field GeologyPetroleum geologyGeological EngineeringGeologist
The purpose of this field trip is to allow participants to examine the stratigraphy, sedimentology, and palaeontology of the Shoalhaven Group and the Illawarra Coal Measures of the southern Sydney Basin exposed along the south coast of... more
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The purpose of this study was to determine the groundwater potential of the Freetown Complex and the Granite Greenstone Terrain in Sierra Leone. The geology of the Granite Greenstone Terrain constitutes medium- to coarse-grained granite... more
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      HydrogeologyField GeologyApplied Geophysics
Ankara, Ankara'nın Jeolojisi, Ankara'nın Jeolojik İncelemeleri, Ankara Jeoloji, Çayyolu Jeoloji, Bağlıca Jeoloji, Geology, Geological Engineering, Bağlıca, Çayyolu, Lisans Tezi, Jeoloji, Jeoloji Mühendisi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği, Jeoloji... more
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      EngineeringGeographyEarth SciencesGeology
The excursion will touch some of the sections where to collect plant fossil remains of Carboniferous, Permian and Jurassic deposits. To gather a fossil plant collection from the Miocene lacustrine sections is today very difficult because... more
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      Field GeologyPalaeobotanyJurassicSardinia
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      Structural GeologyField GeologyPlate Tectonics
Virtual field trips (VFTs) have become popular with both university students and teachers as a means of learning and teaching during the last decade. They are generally presented on computer by means of the Internet or on CD-ROM and... more
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    • Field Geology
Resumen de los pasos a seguir en el campo.
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    • Field Geology
Belajar ilmu geologi tidak hanya sebatas penyajian materi kulih di kampus, materi kuliah yang telah disajikan akan lebih mudah dipahami jika diaplikasikan dilapangan. Pengaplikasian ini dapat dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dalam kegiatan field... more
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      Field GeologyPetroleum geologyGeological EngineeringGeologist
Daerah penelitian berada di daerah Karangsambung berada di Zona Pegunungan Serayu Selatan dan merupakan bagian dari Cekungan Jawa Tengah bagian Selatan yang diklasifikasikan sebagai cekungan busur depan, dibatasi oleh Antiklinorium... more
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      GeologyMineralogyField GeologyExploration and Mining Geology
Mata kuliah Ekskursi Geologi Regional/EGR (TKG 3122) merupakan mata kuliah wajib bagi mahasiswa program strata satu (S1) di Departemen Teknik Geologi FT UGM. Mata kuliah ini bersifat kegiatan lapangan, dengan bertujuan untuk mengenal... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyStratigraphyStructural Geology
The field geology of Nigeria was carried out by the Department of Geological Sciences, Achievers University between Monday, 25th April and Saturday, 30th April 2016. The aim of the field trip was to expose students to the regional geology... more
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      Structural GeologyField Geology
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      GeomorphologyField GeologyMapping
Geophysics is the study of the earth by the quantitative observation of its physical properties, Geophysical mapping is the process of selecting an area of interest and identifying all the geophysical aspects of the area with the purpose... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsField Geology
This field guide describes the geology and mining history of the Owens Valley and Mono Basin regions. It is keyed to 31 area maps and 4 regional maps found at Area Maps... more
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      GeologyField GeologyMining HistoryOwens Valley
The Great Basin harbors at least sixty Tertiary calderas and inferred sources of tuff and several tens of thousands of cubic kilometers of ash-flow deposits, making it one of the greatest manifestations of prolonged ash-flow volcanism in... more
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      VolcanologyField GeologyBasin and Range
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      Field GeologyKarst hydrogeologyGeological Mapping Structural Geology NeotectonicsELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY
This is to certify that the "Report on Geological Field work at Gingee, Tiruvanamalai and Usilampati areas of Tamil Nadu" is a bonafide document prepared by Dibyaranjan Dash of 1 st Year M. Sc. Applied Geology based on the field training... more
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      GeologyPetrologyField Geology
In engineering projects such as tunnels, dams, foundations, and slope stability, the strength and elastic properties of the intact rock affect both the project design and the construction operation. Geological, geophysical and... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyHydrogeologyEnvironmental Geology
The northern Balkan Peninsula, including Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia and the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia, represents an excellent region for the study of tectonic processes related to Mesozoic Tethyan ophiolite... more
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    • Field Geology
Field outcrop and petrographic data were used to infer the geologic history and depositional environment of the sediments in Akpagher, in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria. The method of investigation involved field... more
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      Structural GeologyIgneous petrologyField GeologySedimentary geology and stratigraphy
In this paper we explore Aboriginal oral traditions that relate to Australian meteorite craters. Using the literature, first-hand ethnographic records and fieldtrip data, we identify oral traditions and artworks associated with four... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyCultural History
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      GeologyMetamorphic PetrologyIgneous petrologyPetrology and Geochemistry
Batuan di daerah penelitian terdiri atas 5 satuan, yaitu intrusi batuan andesit yang secara umum berwarna abu-abu dan telah mengalami proses alterasi hidrothermal yang berumur oligosen akhir hingga miosen awal yang mana batuan beku inilah... more
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      GeologyMineralogyPetrologyIgneous petrology
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      StratigraphyStructural GeologyField GeologyStructural Analysis
Dalam melakukan identifikasi geologi suatu wilayah, salah satu faktor utama yang harus dipertimbangkan adalah Struktut Geologi, yang mana tidak hanya mnegacu kepada data-data primer berupa data observasi lapangan maupun data sekunder... more
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      Structural GeologyField GeologyRegional Geology