Atomic Energy
Recent papers in Atomic Energy
The period between 1945 and 1960 represents a major moment in the consolidation of the so-called the “Cold War”. It was in this period that the atomic weapons were consolidated – and thermonuclear weapons shortly after – as devices to be... more
Im Kalten Krieg avancierten Atombomben zur bedeutendsten Bedrohung, Kernkraftwerke versprachen riesige Mengen an Energie und Radioisotope befeuerten biomedizinische Forschungen. Strahlen bündelten die Zukunftsversprechen und Visionen,... more
Tesis - Maestría en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) Esta investigación tiene por objeto analizar el abastecimiento de radioisótopos para uso médico en Argentina entre los años 1950 y 1971. La... more
The Monte Carlo method is used to simulate electronuclear systems consisting of two-cascade subcritical zones: a liquid-metal fast reactor, which is used as a booster, and a thermal reactor, where most of the energy is released. Reactors... more
During the 20 years of its existence, the German Democratic Republic (GDR) has become a modern Socialist state with a powerful industrial potential and with industrialized agriculture.
Four agricultural wastes: 1) castor bean leaves (CBL), 2) castor bean capsules (CBC), 3) jojoba leaves (JL), and 4) jojoba capsules (JC), were used as adsorbents for the adsorption of Strontium (Sr) from Abu Zaabal industrial wastewater.... more
"Gareth Porter has been the most conscientious follower of the fantasy danger of Iran’s purported “nuclear weapons program.” In this new, meticulously documented book, he exposes the many lies and half-truths that have been promulgated... more
The finite element method (FEM) is a powerful computational technique for approximate solutions to a variety of ‘‘real-world” engineering problems having complex domains subjected to general boundary conditions. In this paper FEM is... more
ESPAÑOL: De mediados de los años cuarenta a finales de los sesenta, Estados Unidos vivió una extraña relación con la energía atómica. Por un lado, estaban maravillados por aquel nuevo poder que podría aniquilar una ciudad enemiga u... more
The a tomic energy progra m initia ted in a modest manner and later developed into multi-dimensiona l orga nizations under DAE. The spectrum of significa nt activities includes resea rch a nd development in nuclear sciences a nd... more
The principal sources of plutonium and americium entering the environment are tests of nuclear weapons, the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station, and discharges from radiochemical factories. It is necessary to monitor the... more
We describe a mechanism for cold fusion that is able to explain how two hydrogen ions may come close enough so as to fusion as well as many of the different and independent experimental observations made during years of experiments. We... more
Because of his short term of office, President Kennedy's energy policies have not been critiqued, reviewed, or analyzed in the same manner, or to the same degree, as other administrations. This essay fills part of that void by reviewing... more
FIELD OF INVENTION Photosensitized Decomposition of methane under Specific Heat, Light and Vacuum Conditions. This is a Free Radical Chain Reaction of Mercury and Methane, in Which Mercury is used as a Catalyst and Provides Alternate... more
A new group of thermoelectric materials, trigonal and tetragonal XYZ 2 (X, Y: rare earth or transition metals, Z: group VI elements), the prototype of which is TmAgTe 2 , is identified by means of high-throughput computational screening... more
A new group of thermoelectric materials, trigonal and tetragonal XYZ 2 (X, Y: rare earth or transition metals, Z: group VI elements), the prototype of which is TmAgTe 2 , is identified by means of high-throughput computational screening... more
A generally applicable, synthetic simulation model and computational tool has been elaborated for dynamic simulation of solenoid valves (SV) applied as control elements in fast-response pneumatic fluid power systems. The SV of case study... more
Scanning electron microscopy, x-ray phase analysis, and infrared spectroscopy are used to study samples selected from a near-surface zone of glass blocks of vitrified radioactive wastes from nuclear power plants after they have been in... more
In late 2011 The Japanese Diet ratified four civil nuclear cooperation treaties, with Vietnam, Russia, Korea, and Jordan, adding them to the seven already in place with other countries, including China. The move was significant not only... more
The world’s first nuclear power plant operated for almost 48 years. Over this period of time, the neutron fluence on the graphite masonry reached ∼1022 cm−2, which resulted in activation of the impurities present in the graphite. During... more
Atomic energy has long been a controversial topic among politicians, clean energy advocates and citizens alike. The outright benefits of such technology include a clean, efficient and reliable source of energy, which could potentially... more
The total cross sections of (γ, n) reactions were measured for 12 nuclei from45Sc to208Pb using an activational method on bremsstrahlung from a microtron with maximum energy 25 MeV. Calculations of the total cross sections were performed... more
The characteristic feature of the investigations performed was the wide-scale and representative selection of samples of graphite masonry from reactors and the comprehensive analysis of their radioactive contamination. An analysis of a... more
to study the atmospheric fallout of heavy metals and radionucildes in the Southern Urals. Epithermal neutron activation analysis is used to determine the concentrations of 38 and 33 elements in soil and moss samples, respectively.... more
Two phenomena were recently observed: efficient diffuse reflection of very cold neutrons (VCN) from nano-structured matter for any angle of neutron incidence to the matter surface, and also quasi-specular reflection of cold neutrons (CN)... more
ABSTRACT The aim of the present work is the: critical analysis of the results, measurement errors, and correlative estimates necessary to obtain final values of the cross sections from the experimental data.
The development of nuclear power dictates higher requirements for mass-spectrometric instruments. The MTI-350G specialized mass-spectrometric system for isotopic analysis of uranium in the gas phase meets these requirements. The design... more
Methodological aspects in realization of Probabilistic Methods (PMs, i.e., those taking into consideration the corresponding distribution laws for values used) are scrutinized. The wish to improve the radioecological prediction of some... more
A brief exposition of the γ-x-ray spectrometric method and apparatus for analyzing the content of plutonium and241Am in samples of soil and vegetation is presented. The results of an analysis of some samples from the regions where... more
Experimental and computational investigations of turbulent flow past projectiles is modeled as axial flow past a cylinder with a free-spinning base. A subsonic wind tunnel with a forward-sting mounted spinning cylinder is used for... more
Experimental and computational investigations of turbulent flow past projectiles is modeled as axial flow past a cylinder with a free-spinning base. A subsonic wind tunnel with a forward-sting mounted spinning cylinder is used for... more
A new chemically modified carbon paste Al(III) ion selective electrode based on 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone (DHAQ) as an ionophore is described. This sensor has a wide linear range of concentration (1.0x10-6 – 1.0×10-1 mol L-1) and a low... more
A scheme for accumulating radioactive ions, which is geared toward a quasicontinuous low-intensity flux, is discussed. It is based on individual correction of the trajectory and momentum deflection of each ion in the transport channel and... more
A simplified one-dimensional (1D) simulation model has been elaborated in AMESim environment, which is capable for analyzing and predicting the flow characteristics of small electropneumatic (EP) valves within a wide range of pressure... more
Restenosis remains the main complication of balloon angioplasty and/or stent implantation. Preclinical testing of new pharmacologic agents preventing restenosis largely rely on porcine models, where restenosis is assessed after... more
The Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 in Japan has had an impact on the overall pace of building of new nuclear reactors in particular, and on the attitude towards nuclear energy, in general. However, it could not bring an end to... more
A computational analysis is performed of the use of zirconium dioxide ceramic in melt containment systems with relatively thin heat-conducting structures. The results of an investigation of the physicochemical processes for the... more
ABSTRACT Computational studies are performed for choosing an optimal material and dimensions of a moderator for forming a beam of epithermal neutrons for boron-neutron-capture therapy based on a proton accelerator and the reaction 7 Li(p,... more
... VS Karasev, VS Kislik, GF Shred, and RV Grebennikov ... Curve 1 has eight well-resolved peaks (denoted by Roman numerals), enabling one to determine with sufficient accuracy the charac-teristic temperature of the corresponding stage... more