Associated Press
Recent papers in Associated Press
DESCRIPTION Examines American journalists' and media companies' roles in Hitler's Germany, reigniting the debate on the relationship between political power and the media. Despite Hitler's international use of propaganda, and despite the... more
Das »Dritte Reich« war kein abgeschotteter Propa- gandastaat, sondern in eine internationale Medien- öffentlichkeit eingebunden. Der Nationalsozialismus wurde global wahrgenommen und debattiert; NS- Deutschland versuchte seinerseits... more
Malawi has experienced significant media coverage during disasters, with the Malawian media playing a vital role in raising awareness of Cyclone Freddy and its impact. This study aims to contribute to these efforts by researching the... more
Analyzing the peer assessment portion of the US News and World Report's college rankings, we find that administrators and faculty rate more highly universities whose football team receives a greater number of votes in either the final... more
In the past, pressing fluids from ground plant matter has typically been accomplished with a hand press. Fluids must be separated from dry matter as part of the methodology for various applications in plant species including latex... more
Abstract Tesi di Laurea Magistrale
La prédiction des prix des actions est un domaine crucial dans le monde de la finance. L'utilisation du traitement du langage naturel (NLP) pour analyser les données non structurées telles que les actualités, les rapports financiers et... more
The 2008 U.S. Presidential election was a voting booth landslide for Democratic candidate Barack Obama over Republican candidate John McCain among 18-to-29 year old voters. This research analyzes 2008 National Election Pool exit poll data... more
This paper examines the exclusion of Vanessa Nakate, a Ugandan climate activist, from a group photo published by the Associated Press (AP) during the 2020 World Economic Forum. Using the muted group theory, it explores the implications of... more
A dramatização no rádio nos seus primórdios vinculou-se a interesses publicitários e era direcionada, sobretudo, ao público feminino, potencial comprador dos produtos patrocinadores. A maioria dessas... more
Response heaping (also referred to as rounding or digit preference) occurs when respondents show a preference for rounded numbers (often those divisible by five or 10). Conventional wisdom is that this is the result of taking cognitive... more
We investigate multiple biases in the individual weekly ballots submitted by the 65 voters in the Associated Press college football poll in 2007. Using censored tobit modeling, we find evidence of bias toward teams (1) from the voter's... more
One of the central questions surrounding the 2008 presidential election is the role of race in shaping electoral choice among non‐Hispanic whites, and whether race played an equivalent role among Hispanics, whose willingness to vote for... more
We investigate multiple biases in the individual weekly ballots submitted by the 65 voters in the Associated Press college football poll in 2007. Using censored tobit modeling, we find evidence of bias toward teams (1) from the voter's... more
For the 65 colleges and universities that participate in the Power Five athletic conferences (Pac 12, Big 10, SEC, ACC, and Big 12), the football and men's basketball teams are highly visible. While these programs generate tens of... more
For the 65 colleges and universities that participate in the Power Five athletic conferences (Pac 12, Big 10, SEC, ACC, and Big 12), the football and men's basketball teams are highly visible. While these programs generate tens of... more
For the 65 colleges and universities that participate in the Power Five athletic conferences (Pac 12, Big 10, SEC, ACC, and Big 12), the football and men's basketball teams are highly visible. While these programs generate tens of... more
Diferentes fotoperiodistas habrían sido anoticiados por los terroristas de Hamás de la macabra incursión a implementar el pasado 7 de octubre.
We propose a new approach to uncertainty communication: we keep the uncertainty representation fixed, but adjust the distribution displayed to compensate for biases in people's subjective probability in decision-making. To do so, we... more
Today, international news agencies are faced with an ever-changing technological landscape and pace of production to which they must adapt. They must also balance the loss of revenue, the loss of audience loyalty, and the competition they... more
Supplemental material, Online_Appendix for How Internet Search Undermines the Validity of Political Knowledge Measures by Brianna Smith, Scott Clifford and Jennifer Jerit in Political Research Quarterly
Purpose- This study aims to investigate entertainment marketing activities in the digital entertainment era. In doing so, this study targets to explore digital entertainment marketing activities and strategies. Methodology- The study... more
In this study, we investigate the similarities and differences between rankings of search results by users and search engines. Sixty-seven students took part in a 3-week-long experiment, during which they were asked to identify and rank... more
A content analysis of four non-elite U.S. newspapers found news wires are the strongest predictors of international news. Coverage at some newspapers tends to spotlight a narrow list of countries and neglects the cultural heritage of... more
This study adds visual analysis to the body of work on solutions journalism. Guided by visual theory focusing on the dominating nature of messages included in visual content versus text, we use content analysis to explore the use of... more
Photographs are representations of images used for communication on newspapers. They evoke readers’ feelings and excite emotions on the presented issue. How newspaper readers in Onitsha respond to photographs dealing with violence, like... more
Data from a national survey found that routine gatekeeping forces exerted more influence on the professional role conceptions of print and online journalists than did individual level forces.
In the 2003 California gubernatorial recall election 2,775,785 absentee ballots were cast, representing about 30 percent of all voters statewide. Given the number of absentee ballots and the increasing propensity for voters in California... more
Spontaneous, open-ended survey responses can sometimes better reveal what is actually on people’s minds than small sets of forced-choice, closed questions. Our analysis of closed questions and trade-related open-ended responses to 2016... more
The 2020 Presidential Primary Election Exit Poll asked LA County voters for whom and for what they voted and their overall voting experience at their respective vote centers. The following data brief reports on questions related to the... more
- by Max Dunsker
Following the historical 2008 presidential election, academics and pundits alike marveled over the high voter turnout among youth. In 2008, 51 percent of those under the age of 30 turned out to vote. This compares with a mere 40 percent... more
- by Terri Bimes
Does the decision to vote signify that African Americans are "fired up" (i.e., that they are excited about the election), or is it a function of Blacks' long-term commitment to activism (i.e., that their sense of social responsibility... more
Some aspects of our attitudes are composed of things outside of our consciousness. However, traditional survey research does not use measurements that are able to tap into these aspects of public opinion. We describe, recommend, and... more
This study looks at the evolution of international news agencies Reuters, AP, AFP and Bloomberg at a time where they face multiples challenges from GAFA, AI and a permanent media crisis.
Controversies over voting outcomes, and subsequent laws to seemingly curb irregularities, have led to increased scrutiny over the process of voting day activities. While studies find evidence that majorities perceive rampant fraud, the... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
The presence of an African-American candidate on the ballot running for President in 2008 raises the possibility that the election outcome might have been influenced by anti-African-American racism among voters. This paper uses data from... more
Executive Summary Anti-Black attitudes became slightly more common between 2008 and 2012. Sizable proportions of both Democrats and Republicans manifested anti-Black attitudes, though anti-Black attitudes were more common among... more