Recent papers in Arvicolinae
1. Blood coagulation factor levels and the normal ranges of commonly used coagulation tests were established for Sigmodon hispidus. 2. The white cell, red cell and platelet counts have been determined together with the red cell parameters... more
The absence of an appropriate restriction ermyme site for ltgation in common plasmid vectors can make it necessary to resort to blunt-end ligation after treatment with T4 DNA polymerase (3' overhang) or Klenow ermyme (5' overhang), a... more
The formation of enduring relationships between adult mates (i.e., pair bonds) is an integral aspect of human social behavior and has been implicated in both physical and psychological health. However, due to the inherent complexity of... more
In dit artikel wordt een voorlopig overzicht gegeven van acht jaar inventarisatie van vondsten van kleine zoogdieren op stranden in de provincies Zeeland en Zuid-Holland. Het merendeel van de vondsten werd gedaan in suppletiezand dat... more
Recent genetic studies have challenged the traditional view that the ancestors of British Celtic people spread from central Europe during the Iron Age and have suggested a much earlier origin for them as part of the human recolonization... more
The Arvicolidae is a widely distributed rodent group with several interesting characteristics in their sex chromosomes. Here, we summarize the actual knowledge of some of these characteristics. This mammalian group has species with... more
The extant Cabrera's vole, Microtus cabrerae, differs in morphology and evolutionary history from the other species of Microtus. This arvicoline has unique derived features in the cranium, mandible and dentition. Probably its most... more
The spatial genetic structure of Martino's vole, a rare palaeoendemic species of the western Balkans, was investigated using DNA isolated from archived museum samples. The study was based on partial sequencing (555 bp) of the... more
Attempts to study the genetic population structure of large mammals are often hampered by the low levels of genetic variation observed in these species. Polar bears have particularly low levels of genetic variation with the result that... more
In a study of two congeneric rodent species, sex differences in hippocampal size were predicted by sexspecific patterns of spatial cognition. Hippocampal size is known to correlate positively with maze performance in laboratory mouse... more
The relative effects of host species identity, locality and season on ectoparasite assemblages (relative abundances and species richness) harboured by four cricetid rodent hosts (Akodon azarae, Oligoryzomys flavescens, Oxymycterus rufus... more
Gene flow in natural populations may be strongly influenced by landscape features. The integration of landscape characteristics in population genetic studies may thus improve our understanding of population functioning. In this study, we... more
We compared amphetamine-induced dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens of vole species that exhibit differing mating systems to examine potential interactions between social organization and substance abuse. We found no species or... more
Hantaviruses infect humans via inhalation of viral particles in infected rodents' secretions such as saliva, urine and faeces or via direct contact with infected rodents. The rodent species that are known as the carriers of Dobrava... more
We review the population dynamics of redbacked voles (Myodes species) in North America, the main deciduous and coniferous forest-dwelling microtines on this continent, and compare and contrast their pattern with that of the same or... more
Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain factors influencing male alloparental behavior in cooperatively breeding species. Mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus) are ideal animal models to investigate these factors because they are... more
Climate change is occurring more rapidly in the Arctic than other places in the world, which is likely to alter the distribution and abundance of migratory birds breeding there. A warming climate can provide benefits to birds by... more
Previous studies have revealed that the response of prey species to predatory risk comprised either freezing (when the prey remained immobile), or fleeing (when it ran frantically in order to remove itself from the vicinity of the... more
It is widely believed that intensive forestry has influenced small mammal population dynamics, and thereby the entire mammalian community in Fennoscandian boreal forests. The nature of these impacts on the different species is subject to... more
densities. Our results suggest that lemmings and voles should be treated separately in future empirical and theoretical studies in order to better understand the role of predation in this study system.
Identification of rodents is very difficult mainly due to high similarities in morphology and controversial taxonomy. In this study, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) was used as DNA barcode to identify the Murinae and... more
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a highly contagious always fatal neurodegenerative disease that is currently known to naturally infect only species of the deer family, Cervidae. CWD epidemics are occurring in free-ranging cervids at... more
Diurnal and nocturnal animals differ with respect to the time of day at which the ovulatory surge in luteinizing hormone occurs. In some species this is regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the primary circadian clock, via... more
The phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic affinities of coccidia with isosporan-type oocysts have been unclear as overlapping characters. recently discovered life cycle features. and even recently discovered taxa, continue to be... more
The present study focused on the movements that owls perform before they swoop down on their prey. The working hypothesis was that owl head movements reflect the capacity to efficiently follow visually and auditory a moving prey. To test... more
Between September and December 2004, a total of 411 voles (318 common voles and 93 water voles) were caught in the Austrian province of Vorarlberg (Lustenau, Hohenems, and Dornbirn) and were examined by macroscopy, microscopy, and... more
Maternal corticosterone but not testosterone level is associated with the ratio of second-to-fourth digit length (2D:4D) in field vole offspring (Microtus agrestis)
1. Understanding which factors regulate population dynamics may help us to understand how a population would respond to environmental change, and why some populations are declining. 2. In southern Finland, vole abundance shows a... more
In Europe, bromadiolone, an anticoagulant rodenticide authorized for plant protection, may be applied intensively in fields to control rodents. The high level of poisoning of wildlife that follows such treatments over large areas has been... more
In Svalbard, Norway, the only intermediate host for Echinococcus multilocularis, the sibling vole, has restricted spatial distribution. A survey of feces from the main host, the arctic fox, showed that only the area occupied by the... more
The role of small mammals as reservoir hosts for Borrelia burgdorferi was investigated in several areas where Lyme disease is endemic in northern Spain. A low rate of infestation by Ixodes ricinus nymphs was found in the small mammal... more