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Yayoi Kusama, flamboyant, obsessive, and wildly ambitious, and Donald Judd, by nature solitary, shy (a trait he attributed to his family moving from state to state when he was young ) and vehemently against careerism and the... more
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      MinimalismWomen ArtistsYayoi KusamaDonald Judd
Longer version of Frieze interview in Turkish and English, published in the monthly magazine Sanat Dünyamız. DAN GRAHAM WAS IN ISTANBUL FOR HIS FIRST SOLO EXHIBITION AT PROTOCINEMA. THEY MET WITH CAN ALTAY IN A CROWDED BACKYARD CAFE IN... more
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      ArchitectureContemporary ArtInstallation (Art)Architectural Theory
Le champ de la phénoménologie est l’un des plus dynamiques tant de la recherche philosophique qu’en matière d’esthétique. Depuis la parution en 1991 du dossier de La Part de l'Œil consacré à “L’art et la phénoménologie” (volume rapidement... more
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      Maurice Merleau-PontyEdmund HusserlCarl EinsteinPhénoménologie
Παρόλο που η χρήση του όρου ‘μουσικός μινιμαλισμός’ δε βρίσκει σύμφωνους ούτε τους ίδιους τους εκπροσώπους του ρεύματος, ενώ και η ακαδημαϊκή κοινότητα για δεκαετίες αδιαφορούσε για το ρεύμα αυτό, η σημασία του ενδεχομένως να έγκειται στο... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyMinimalism
20. yüzyılın ilk yarısından başlayarak yaşanan yıkımlar zinciri, dil, din, ırk gözetmeksizin tüm insanlığın yazgısını değiştirecek ve toplumbilim, felsefe, bilgibilim gibi alanların yanı sıra yazın alanında da etkisini gösteren büyük... more
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      PostmodernizmArt minimal et post-minimalismePostmodern Edebiyat
C’est dans le cadre des changements sociopolitiques influents se reflétant sur tous les domaines de la vie que le postmodernisme se fait entendre. Les approches esthétiques qui faisaient foi dans le passé ne suffisent plus à traduire la... more
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      LiteratureArt minimal et post-minimalismeEric Chevillard
Często, aby odświeżyć znaczenie jakiegoś słowa, którym się mamy posługiwać lub którym posługujemy się stale tak, jak każą prawa zwyczajowe, bezwiednie przyjmowane i akceptowane, zastanówmy się, co mówi nam ono samo przez się, co mogło... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtThe Sixties
In the sixties Robert Morris expanded sculpture not only to installations (spatial expansion), but to projects for the production of vapour in outdoor areas, too. In the seventies the artist developed projects for land reclamations and... more
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      Land ArtMinimalism (Art)EarthworksArt minimal et post-minimalisme
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      MathematicsArt minimal et post-minimalismeFrançois Morellet
La estetización es un fenómeno presente en gran parte del arte y el pensamiento actuales que puede rastrearse en los escritos de filósofos desde la Ilustración hasta nuestros días. Cuando la experiencia artística es tal que los... more
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      MusicMusicologyPopular Music StudiesPopular Music