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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)SnowballRedes SociaisArs
French blurb / quatrième de couverture: Ce livre est le fruit d'un projet ambitieux visant à replacer l'émergence du portrait européen dans le contexte large d'une évolution où parmi d'autres facteurs les rites funéraires et les masques... more
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      ReligionAnthropologyMedieval PhilosophyVisual Studies
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Dubbelbespreking: Arnold Heumakers, De esthetische revolutie. Hoe Verlichting en Romantiek Kunst uitvonden [Boom 2015] en Peter Henk Steenhuis en René Gude, Door het beeld. Door het woord [ISVW 2015]. in: Tijdschrift voor... more
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryArt TheoryHistory of Science
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      ArsArs Disputandi
"Surveys of vocalizations are a widely used method for monitoring anurans, but it can be difficult to coordinate standardized data collection across a large geographic area. Digital automated recording systems (ARS) offer a low-cost... more
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      Machine LearningEcologyArsStudy design
A similaridade é uma força tão fundamental na linguagem que está presente mesmo na linguagem de imagens do cinema. É o que mostram sequências de Outubro (1929), de Eisenstein, apesar do cineasta declarar que seu princípio de montagem é o... more
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Joseph Beuys: o elemento material como agente social* Joseph Beuys: matter as a social agent. O presente artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o papel social do elemento material na obra, ação e pensamento do artista alemão Joseph Beuys... more
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Postscript 1.1. 2015 The recent repeated killings of young black males (YBMs) in several American states, like Missouri, New York, Ohio, and California -almost all of them unarmed, except in Berkeley, Missouri, where police claims that... more
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      RacismEmployment DiscriminationNational Science FoundationArs
Recerca aplicada a l'anàlisi de les xarxes associatives del barri Raval de Barcelona.
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      RedesArsRaval De BarcelonaAssociacions
O texto volta-se para a noção de cânone, de modo a problematizar a narrativa historiográfica da arte e os impasses teórico-metodológicos frente à existência e à consolidação de outras histórias à margem ou incorporadas a essa... more
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      ArsCanoneHistoriografia da arteHistória da arte no Brasil
Pretendo apresentar neste trabalho alguns aspectos da percepção quando esta envolve obras no uso de tecnologias emergentes, tanto para o fazer artístico, como na relação de fruição da obra. Para isto, trago conceitos de modos interativos,... more
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Objectives. During puberty, important somatic changes that alter body composition take place. In girls, the production of ovarian estrogen generates an important metabolic change. The objective of the present paper is to analyze the... more
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Referring to Bernard of Clairvaux’s famous letter in which he denounced the ornamented art of his time, Lilian M. C. Randall lists three characteristics of motifs typical for later Gothic marginalia: as ornaments they are too extravagant,... more
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      BordersMarginaliaArsPersian Manuscript Painting
Brasilia is recognized for its exceptional modernist architecture and urbanism, as well as for the socioeconomic segregation represented by the satellite cities. Its metropolitan area has more than three million inhabitants, of which 90%... more
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      HistoryBrazilian CinemaCinema and the CityArs
The study of accounting in its environmental contexts requires an understanding of accounting beyond its technical and numerical aspects. To obtain social, cultural and political legitimacy, organizations tend to adopt formal structures... more
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      Organizational CulturePolitical ScienceInstitutional TheorySocial construction
Relegado a notas de rodapé da história do Fluxus e cena pós-Cage de Nova Iorque, Henry Flynt desenvolveu, entre 1960 e 1966, uma abordagem crítica da vanguarda a partir de postura revolucionária, procurando respostas para perguntas que... more
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      MarxismExperimental MusicArt and PoliticsNeo-Avant-Garde
The Patagonian Icefield has the largest temperate ice mass in the southern hemisphere. Using remote sensing techniques, this study analyzed multi-decadal glacial retreat and expansion of glacier lakes in Northern Patagonia. Glacial... more
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      GeologyRemote SensingArsGlaciers
This paper assesses the changes in forest cover in Yok Don National Park of Vietnam between 2004 and 2010, and the implications of such changes on the biomass stocks of this national park. Remote sensing and GIS tools along with the... more
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      ArtRemote SensingArs
Objectives. During puberty, important somatic changes that alter body composition take place. In girls, the production of ovarian estrogen generates an important metabolic change. The objective of the present paper is to analyze the... more
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A reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method for the simultaneous estimation of amlodipine and metoprolol in marketed formulation is developed. The determination was carried out on a Kromasil C18 (250 x 4.6 mm,... more
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      Inorganic ChemistryAsianArs
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Para onde vai a História da Arte? Griselda Pollock / Tradução: Sônia Salzstein ESPECIAL : Histórias da Arte sem lugar que pensar historicamente sobre quaisquer práticas artísticas era tido como algo contrário à História da Arte; tal campo... more
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Many supervised classification algorithms have been proposed, however, they are rarely evaluated for specific application. This research examines the performance of machine learning classifiers support vector machine (SVM), neural network... more
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Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo de crítica genética nas artes visuais. Estarão sendo analisados alguns cadernos de trabalho de Daniel Senise. Com a intenção de melhor compreender o processo criativo desse artista,... more
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Esta investigação se dedica ao estudo da ação coletiva empresarial que tem incidido na educação pública latino-americana, privilegiando o estudo da Rede Latino-Americana de Organizações da Sociedade Civil pela Educação (Reduca), da qual... more
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      ArsAmérica LatinaReforma EducativaREDUCA
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Pola asuh yang tepat penting untuk proses perkembangan anak, hal ini bertujan agar anak tidak tumbuh dengan emosi negatif. Namun, pada kenyataannya banyak orang tua yang tidak mengetahui akan pentignya pola asuh yang yang tepat sehingga... more
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Land cover change is a major challenge for many developing countries. Spatiotemporal information on this change is essential for monitoring global terrestrial ecosystem carbon, climate and biosphere exchange, and land use management. A... more
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      Environmental ScienceRemote SensingArs
Objectives. This study examines the anthropometric characteristics of the cranial series from the necropolis around the "40 Holy Martyrs" that dates back in the second half of the 13th-14th c. AD, revealing new data about the population... more
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A passagem do plano para o espaço, ocorrida na arte brasileira desde o final dos anos 1950, desdobra-se em trabalhos ambientais que incorporam elementos dadaístas e surrealistas à matriz construtiva original no período conhecido como... more
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Authors: Wouk Edward H. Title: FRANS FLORIS AND DISEGNO. A RETURN TO THE QUESTION. Source: ARS year: 2009, vol: 42, number: 1, pages: 47-63 More information. Keywords: DISEGNO, FLORIS FRANS, ART, DRAWING, CREATIVE PROCESS, PERSONAL STYLE.... more
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Este artigo situa Jackson Pollock, uma das figuras mais importantes do Expressionismo Abstrato, no quadro do debate, caraterístico dos anos 1950 e 1960, sobre a relação entre arte e vida. Analiso, nesse contexto, os limites da crítica... more
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      Art HistoryAbstract ExpressionismJackson PollockArs
Un estudio comparado entre el film Límite (Brasil/1931) de Mario Peixoto y Perón. Sentimiento (Argentina 1995/1998) de Leonardo Favio, dos obras centrales de la vanguardia audiovisual en América Latina.
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Rosin, a natural resin, was used as a hydrophobic matrix material for the controlled release, using diltiazem HCl as model drug. Matrix tablets were prepared by direct compression method using rosin as matrix forming material in different... more
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Centre d'études en sciences sociales sur les mondes africaines, américaines et asiatique (CESSMA),
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      SociologySocial MovementsAnthropologyGlobalization
Em 21 de setembro de 2020, a exposição itinerante “Philip Guston Now” foi adiada nos Estados Unidos e na Inglaterra. O artigo tenta entender as razões da reação e a dificuldade das instituições de enfrentar as contradições... more
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      Political ScienceArs
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      ArtAby WarburgArsUSP
Em entrevista realizada em seu estúdio na cidade de Turim, em 12 de maio de 2014, Giuseppe Penone fala sobre seu interesse na tecnologia existente na natureza-a cultura própria à natureza-, sobre redefinições dos valores culturais em que... more
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Objectives. Changes in the economy and occupational profile, implementation of new technologies and fragmentation of tasks and work processes justify the urgent needs in specialized occupational health and basic services. The national... more
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Mon propos est de montrer, par le biais de références à quelques Commentaires de saint Thomas aux ouvrages d’Aristote, que ce caractère formel de la logique provient de sa constitution en tant qu’<ars> – là où ‘<ars>’ est la traduction... more
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      Aristotelian LogicAristotle's CommentatorsArsSan Tommaso d'Aquino
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O ensaio interpreta uma cena do filme Top Hat, de 1935, na qual Ginger Rogers e Fred Astaire dançam “Cheek to cheek”, e discute o significado da dança e o mundo criado pelos seres dançantes.
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The geometric forest of Paul Claudel: frontier between two worlds.
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      ArtModernism (Art History)BalletTropical forest