Papers by Erika M O R E I R A Martins
Práxis Educativa, 2024
Neste artigo, visa-se compreender a emergência e a ação de uma rede de governança multinível na A... more Neste artigo, visa-se compreender a emergência e a ação de uma rede de governança multinível na América Latina e no Caribe. Para tanto, analisa-se a Rede Latino-Americana de Organizações da Sociedade Civil para a Educação (Reduca), uma "rede de redes" que almeja fomentar uma agenda regional em conformidade com a reforma global da educação, sem negligenciar os interesses dos empresários organizados localmente. Utilizando-se dos referenciais teóricos de Rhodes (2007) e Jessop (1998) sobre a nova governança e empregando métodos como a análise de documentos, observação de eventos e realização de entrevistas, estabelece-se a conexão entre a origem da Reduca e o contexto, os atores e os objetivos das redes que a antecederam, sob uma perspectiva relacional. O estudo ressalta como a dinâmica entre o local, o regional e o global pode ser impactada pela convergência de interesses entre organizações multilaterais e redes empresariais e suscita questionamentos acerca da relação entre governança multinível e participação democrática. Palavras-chave: Reforma educativa. Governança multinível da educação. Redes de política. América Latina e Caribe. Reduca.
Educação Temática Digital, 2023
This article analyzes the political use of evidence in the debate on the reopening of schools dur... more This article analyzes the political use of evidence in the debate on the reopening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic by delving into the proposition of Bill no. 5.595/2020, which seeks to prohibit the suspension of in-person classes in basic and higher education during pandemics and public calamities. From a qualitative approach, we scrutinize the positions and evidence used by different actors published in mainstream periodicals from January 2020 to July 2021. By contextualizing these actors and contrasting their evidence, the sway of political and economic interests becomes increasingly apparent. In essence, evidence is selected and filtered through a particular political lens, serving as a tool for advocacy, bolstering reform agendas, and transforming rights into services. Our argument goes beyond the instrumentalism of 'policy-based evidence' per se, shedding light on the criteria used to validate and democratize debates concerning knowledge, the political application of evidence, and the objectives of the policy at hand. In conclusion, we posit that evidence, as a representation of informed knowledge, is merely one component in a just and democratic decision-making process.
Práxis Educativa, 2024
Neste artigo, visa-se compreender a emergência e a ação de uma rede de governança multinível na A... more Neste artigo, visa-se compreender a emergência e a ação de uma rede de governança multinível na América Latina e no Caribe. Para tanto, analisa-se a Rede Latino-Americana de Organizações da Sociedade Civil para a Educação (Reduca), uma “rede de redes” que almeja fomentar uma agenda regional em conformidade com a reforma global da educação, sem negligenciar os interesses dos empresários organizados localmente. Utilizando-se dos referenciais teóricos de Rhodes (2007) e Jessop (1998) sobre a nova governança e empregando métodos como a análise de documentos, observação de eventos e realização de entrevistas, estabelece-se a conexão entre a origem da Reduca e o contexto, os atores e os objetivos das redes que a antecederam, sob uma perspectiva relacional. O estudo ressalta como a dinâmica entre o local, o regional e o global pode ser impactada pela convergência de interesses entre organizações multilaterais e redes empresariais e suscita questionamentos acerca da relação entre governança multinível e participação democrática.
This article aims to understand the emergence and action of a multilevel governance network in Latin America and the Caribbean. To this end, the Latin American Network of Civil Society Organizations for Education (REDUCA) is analyzed, a “network of networks” that seeks to promote a regional agenda in line with global education reform, without neglecting the interests of locally organized entrepreneurs. Drawing from theoretical frameworks by Rhodes (2007) and Jessop (1998) on new governance and employing methods such as document analysis, event observation and interviews, the connection between the origin of REDUCA and the context, actors, and objectives of the networks that preceded it from a relational perspective is established. The study highlights how the dynamics between the local, regional, ad global levels can be impacted by the convergence of interests between multilateral organizations and business networks and raises questions about the relationship between multilevel governance and democratic participation.
Revista Portuguesa de Educação, Jun 1, 2018
Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia
Recensão ao Livro: Verger, A., Fontdevila, C., & Zancajo, A. (2016). The privatization of educati... more Recensão ao Livro: Verger, A., Fontdevila, C., & Zancajo, A. (2016). The privatization of education: A political economy of global education reform. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. A privatização da educação tem sido percebida como uma tendência mundial, principalmente em referência aos seus indicadores educacionais fundamentais, como provisão e financiamento. Os debates sobre os benefícios, os desafios e os custos da privatização da educação em escalas local e global têm desafiado pesquisadores nacionais e internacionais. Nesse contexto, a obra The Privatization of Education: A Political Economy of Global Education Reform (A Privatização da Educação: uma economia política da reforma da educação global, em tradução livre), cujos autores são Antoni Verger, Clara Fontdevila e Adrián Zancajo, investiga o fenômeno da privatização da educação, não como um processo monolítico, mas a partir de uma perspetiva comparada e global da economia política. Contribui, desta forma, para suprir...
Thesis, 2019
The purpose of this research is to investigate the mobilization - the set of proposals, initiativ... more The purpose of this research is to investigate the mobilization - the set of proposals, initiatives, and actions - of business groups for education in Latin America, based on the study of REDUCA (Latin American Network of Civil Society Organizations for Education). REDUCA represents the strengthening of an organized corporate action that connects various associations to the interests of governments. Orchestrated by international organizations expressing the pattern of imperialist domination in Latin America, REDUCA is structured around a process of reinventing capital with a view to safeguarding commercial interests. Therefore, we maintain that the foundation of this corporate action lies in the ‘accumulation strategy’, which extends to political and ideological issues, in which education represents a decisive dimension. Articulating global processes, national trajectories and regional dynamics, methodologically, we use the relational approach, in which corporate collective action would be the result of existing relations of forces, highlighting the conflictive and historical dimension. Since REDUCA is constituted as a ‘network of networks’ promoting ‘network governance’, within Social Network Analysis we mobilize the concepts of ‘policy networks’ as well as tools such as network ethnography. As a result, we have that, corporate reorganization, within the space of incidence in educational policy, must be understood as part of a hegemonic project that affirms its general interest in accumulation but also leverages the particular interests of subordinate forces. Indeed, the emergence of REDUCA can be assimilated as part of the response that responds to both corporate aspirations and the interests of US imperialism in the face of new geopolitical contours. The strengthening and deepening of the links between business and education has reached an unprecedented level in Latin American history: a situation that has forced entrepreneurs to refine the discursive matrix on the participation of ‘civil society’ and the ‘right to quality education’. For the Latin American bourgeois fractions this would be an attempt to realign social forces around accumulation strategies and state projects, boosting the accumulation of capital on a national or international scale. In turn, imperialism maintains its domination and dependence on the region, ensuring penetration by efficient ‘networked’ organizations. Dependency relationships are still in place, but now they are reinvigorated and energized.
Universidade e Sociedade, 2019
Esta investigação se dedica ao estudo da ação coletiva empresarial que tem incidido na educação p... more Esta investigação se dedica ao estudo da ação coletiva empresarial que tem incidido na educação pública latino-americana, privilegiando o estudo da Rede Latino-Americana de Organizações da Sociedade Civil pela Educação (Reduca), da qual fazem parte 15 organizações distribuídas pelos países da América Latina e Caribe. Orienta todo o trabalho a questão: Qual, afinal, é o projeto da burguesia para a educação pública na América Latina? Posicionado no cenário latino-americano, procura-se compreender como os processos globais, as trajetórias nacionais e as dinâmicas regionais se articulam na condução de uma ação empresarial organizada a fim de desvelar a direção que a Reduca pretende imprimir à educação na América Latina, explicitando suas determinações econômicas e políticas na definição dos rumos das reformas pretendidas.
Papers by Erika M O R E I R A Martins
This article aims to understand the emergence and action of a multilevel governance network in Latin America and the Caribbean. To this end, the Latin American Network of Civil Society Organizations for Education (REDUCA) is analyzed, a “network of networks” that seeks to promote a regional agenda in line with global education reform, without neglecting the interests of locally organized entrepreneurs. Drawing from theoretical frameworks by Rhodes (2007) and Jessop (1998) on new governance and employing methods such as document analysis, event observation and interviews, the connection between the origin of REDUCA and the context, actors, and objectives of the networks that preceded it from a relational perspective is established. The study highlights how the dynamics between the local, regional, ad global levels can be impacted by the convergence of interests between multilateral organizations and business networks and raises questions about the relationship between multilevel governance and democratic participation.
This article aims to understand the emergence and action of a multilevel governance network in Latin America and the Caribbean. To this end, the Latin American Network of Civil Society Organizations for Education (REDUCA) is analyzed, a “network of networks” that seeks to promote a regional agenda in line with global education reform, without neglecting the interests of locally organized entrepreneurs. Drawing from theoretical frameworks by Rhodes (2007) and Jessop (1998) on new governance and employing methods such as document analysis, event observation and interviews, the connection between the origin of REDUCA and the context, actors, and objectives of the networks that preceded it from a relational perspective is established. The study highlights how the dynamics between the local, regional, ad global levels can be impacted by the convergence of interests between multilateral organizations and business networks and raises questions about the relationship between multilevel governance and democratic participation.