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Guy Lambert, « Recherche doctorale. Métier : architecte », Archiscopie, n° #2, avril 2015, p. 88-91.
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      ArchitectureArchitectural History- Architecture historyHistory of architecture
Объектом исследования является система многоуровневого непрерывного образования и профессионального развития архитектора в США. Цель состоит в том, чтобы выявить закономерности организации и функционирования американской системы... more
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      American StudiesArchitectural EducationArchitectural Profession
Recension de Chadoin, O., Être architecte. Les vertus de l'indétermination. De la sociologie d'une profession à la sociologie du travail professionnel. Limoges: Pulim, 2006. L'ouvrage décline l'étude du «travail professionnel», défini... more
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      SociologyArchitectureSociology of ProfessionsArchitectural Profession
U ovom poglavlju se kritički analiziraju aspekti i domeni arhitektonske profesije u Kraljevini SHS/Jugoslaviji, koja se do Drugog svetskog rata razvija nekoherentno, ne uspevajući da se u potpunosti profiliše prema konceptima... more
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      ArchitectureModern ArchitectureHistory and Theory of Modern ArchitectureArchitecture Education
Research, once associated only with academia, now equally connects to learning and practice in architecture, as focus has shifted towards a wider design research community. Research has become inclusive of formerly marginalised areas such... more
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      ArchitectureDesign Research Method (Architecture)Design ResearchArchitectural Education
In the process of the production of space, architects are representatives of institutional knowledge. They have power and control over production of space either directly by taking part in this process via their personal practices or... more
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      EthicsArchitectureProfessional Ethicsarchitectural Ethics
In the last year of the university studies, the architecture student finds himself in direct contact with the profession of an architect by spending a minimum of eight months in a professional internship. By being a part of a team in an... more
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      ArchitectureConstruction management (Architecture)Architecture and DesignProfessional practice in Architecture
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      Modern Turkey HistoryHistory of ArchitectureArchitectural Profession
Professional practice is the application of an expert body of knowledge to solve certain social and personal needs. In architecture, professional practice is concerned with creating value for the customer; such value has come to mean... more
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      Nigerian LiteratureArchitectureContinuing Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development
Zadruga Arhitekt unikatna je inicijativa u vremenu nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata u granicama Federativne Narodne Republike Jugoslavije (FNRJ). Iako osnovana kao odgovor na monopolizaciju, centralizaciju i birokratizaciju poslijeratne... more
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      Cooperative movementsArchitectural ProfessionArchitectural History Post World War IIArchitectural publications
This paper focuses on the ethical theories and practices relating to Critical Regionalism, Tropicality, and Contemporary Vernacular today. Ethical Relativism is selected as a main ethical philosophy to question, challenge, and examine the... more
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      EthicsCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Cultural RelativismEthical relativism
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      Modern ArchitectureModern TurkeyArchitectural Profession
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      Women's HistorySociology of ProfessionsWomen ArchitectsArchitectural Profession
Mimarlık alanının tarihsel gelişimine baktığımız zaman, mimarlığın bir zanaat olarak ortaya çıkışını ve zanaatkar ustalar olarak mimarların bu alandaki kontrolü ele geçirmelerini, daha sonra mimarlığın bir disiplin haline gelmesini ve... more
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      ArchitectureArchitecture and politicsSociology of SpaceHistory of architecture
Why are architects faced with a long-standing crisis of legitimacy in democratic countries, even though going to an architect is required by law in most of these countries? Design work and project management have now turned into a... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthoritySociology of WorkArchitectureArchitectural History
The link between the intent for architecture and its presencing: Researching technic as proxy in the profession's self definition and the implied vectors for architectural evolution.
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      ArchitectureEthical Architectural practicesProfessional practice in ArchitectureArchitectural practice
Version auteur du texte publié dans Archiscopie, n° #13, février 2018, p. 100-102.
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      ArchitectureArchitectural Theory- Architecture historyHistory of architecture
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      History of Professions- Architecture historyHistory of ConstructionProfessions and expertise
Rönesans sonrasında bir disipline dönüşen mimarlık zanaatı, usta-çırak ilişkisine dayalı olan geleneksel yetişme yöntemlerinden uzaklaşarak, 17. yüzyıldan itibaren "Ecole Nationale et Speciale des Beaux-Arts" başta olmak üzere Avrupa'da... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural EducationArchitectural HistorySociology of Space
In India’s transition from a socialist to a neoliberal economy in the second half of the twentieth century responsabilities among the stakeholders in the construction sector have changed significantly and new actors have emerged. Building... more
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      ContractorsProfessional practice in ArchitectureEarly Contractor InvolvementArchitectural Profession
Temom izlaganja na naučnom simpozijumu posvećenom ulozi umetničkih, visokoškolskih i stručnih ustanova i udruženja u Kraljevini SHS/Jugoslaviji problematizuju se i kritički analiziraju aspekti i domeni arhitektonske profesije, koja se u... more
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      ArchitectureYugoslaviaArchitectural HistoryHistory of architecture
As a result of a recent adoption of the so called «third generation» of the Federal Higher Educational Standards Russian architectural education is getting ready for a period of radical reforms. There appears a chance to reach an accord... more
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      Architectural EducationTheory Of ArchitectureArchitectural DesignArchitectural Profession
Après une introduction sur le rôle de l’histoire de l’architecture dans les écoles d’architecture en Italie, la première partie de la conférence sera dédiée à illustrer mon parcours et mes itinéraires de recherche, en posant l’accent sur... more
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      Drawings (Architecture)History of Architectural RepresentationHistory of architectureRenaissance and Baroque Architectural Drawings
This paper traces the implications of Semper's Bekleidung theory on working processes in the field of architecture in Zagreb. The idiosyncrasies of the work of freshly graduated architects in a peripheral Austro-Hungarian city are... more
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      Art NouveauZagrebArchitectural Profession
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      Visual StudiesPortraitsVisual CultureArchitectural History
Article about the production of design knowledge in the architectural profession in HORIZONTE Journal For Architectural Discourse #11 "Wissen/Knowledge". What does architecture know? Its knowledge is often taken for granted, as a common... more
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      ArchitectureCreativityArchitectural TheoryKnowledge Production
Comparative analysis of architectural educational standards is provided in the United States and Russia with an emphasis on the importance of balancing profit-making and public interest in this professional field. The conclusion is made... more
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      Architectural EducationProfessional EthicsComparative Cultural StudiesRussia
Globalization and Neo-liberalization of the political economy in different nations has transformed the organization of labour power, instruments of production and their relations in recent decades. The industrial period’s... more
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      Urban PlanningArchitectural HistoryNeoliberalismArchitectural Theory
La présentation est dédiée à l’exposition à ma recherche en cours, consacrée à l’investigation sur le métier de l’architecte, en Italie, à l’époque moderne, ciblée particulièrement sur certains aspects techniques et opérationnels de la... more
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      Drawings (Architecture)History of Architectural RepresentationHistory of architectureRenaissance and Baroque Architectural Drawings
La formation des architectes dans les ateliers de l’École des beaux-arts au XIXe siècle est peut-être l’une des plus propices aux manifestations de convivialité : si celles-ci font écho au mode individuel et collectif de l’apprentissage,... more
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      History of EducationArchitectural EducationHistory of higher educationBeaux Arts (Architecture history)
The four ‘Adelphi’ brothers are today considered the leaders of architectural design in eighteenth-century Britain; John, Robert, James and William Adam have accordingly been studied in great depth. However, largely omitted from the... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryArchitectural HistoryWomen and Culture
« Quelle école fréquenter ? » en matière de formation des futurs constructeurs, est une question fondamentale qui se pose dans un pays au statut périphérique en matière de formation architecturale comme la Suisse, dont les écoles... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistory of SwitzerlandSchools of Architecture
This chapter in Lifting the Curtain book looks at diverse types of alternative design practices and collectives that had emerged in Belgrade, Serbia, during the socialist era. I would argue that there were practices developing under... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural practiceArchitectural Profession
Architectural profession is stratified, it contains different layers of activities, with diversified 'social fundamentals'. But this fact rarely affects education. In this paper five niches of professional services are isolated, and... more
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      Architectural EducationArchitectural TheoryArchitectural DesignArchitectural Profession
Technology advances as 'progress' and efficacy, while danger builds. This danger is conflict in humanity and conflict with nature. This is proposed as similar to architectural value in conflict with the technicist value proxy to question... more
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      SpiritualityArchitectural EducationArchitectural practiceArchitectural Profession
Parmi les moyens qu’emploient au XIXe siècle les sociétés professionnelles d’architectes pour revendiquer l’honorabilité de leur métier, défendre le titre et construire une confraternité corporative, les publications tiennent une place... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistory of Professions- Architecture history
Current debates about building performance evaluation often emphasise the 'performance gap' between how buildings perform in practice and how performance was envisaged during the design stage. While such debates continue to be dominated... more
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      Archival StudiesArchitectureOrganizational LearningConstruction Management
English translation of a presentation by Helen Fessas-Emmanouil to the 11th Panhellenic Architectural Conference on the theme of “The Architectural Profession”, 17-20.3.2011, Athens, Zappeion Hall (See:... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryModern GreeceModern Architecture
The study inquires into the modes of operation, relations of production and forms of institutionalization in the architectural scene of the first half of the 20th century in Turkey, the period that witnessed the professionalization of the... more
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      Built EnvironmentModern ArchitectureModern TurkeyProfessional Practice
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      HistoryDesign ResearchGraphic NovelsComics and Graphic Novels
Mekan üretim sürecinde mimarlar, kurumsal bilginin temsilcileridirler. Mimarlar ya kişisel pratikleriyle doğrudan mekan üretiminde yer almalarıyla, ya da dolaylı olarak kurumsal örgütleri aracılığıyla kolektif bir biçimde bu üretim... more
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      ArchitectureMimarlıkİş AhlakıArchitectural Profession
Organisée par l’Association d’histoire de l’architecture (AHA), cette table-ronde examinera les formes que peuvent prendre la dérision et la caricature dans la culture des architectes aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Indice d’une sociabilité... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Architectural HistoryCaricature (Art)- Architecture history
Many scholars posit that Adam's success, after settling in London in 1758, was immediate and exponential, skipping from his Grand Tour (1754-1758) straight to major architectural commissions like Croome Court in 1760 and Syon House in... more
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      Scottish HistoryScottish EnlightenmentScottish IdentityRobert Adam
Après un numéro inaugural (Varia), ce premier opus des « Publications en ligne du GHAMU. Annales du Centre Ledoux (Nouvelle série) » rassemble une partie des communications des tables-rondes sur le « Métier de l’architecte au XVIIIe... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural History18th & 19th Centuries18th Century Art
This project takes on the unspoken in architectural education, and by extension practice, with an approach to spirituality that brings an evaluation of the role of technology in architecture. An unspoken issue of increasing priority in... more
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      SpiritualityArchitectural EducationArchitectural TheoryArchitectural practice
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      Architectural History- Architecture historyHistory of ConstructionHistory of architecture
Η εισήγησή αφορά κατ' αρχήν στην εξέλιξη της δομής των σπουδών στις Αρχιτεκτονικές Σχολές σε σχέση με την Διακήρυξη της Μπολόνια (2000) και τις μετέπειτα προσπάθειες εφαρμογής της, σε συνάρτηση με τις προβλέψεις των Οδηγιών για την... more
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      EducationArchitectureArchitectural EducationEuropean Union
Research into the basic components of North American system of architectural professionalism, embracing collegiate education, practical internship (IDP) and continuing education controlled through accreditation, licensure exam (ARE) and... more
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      Architectural EducationAccreditation and Quality AssuranceComparative StudyRussia
This paper was presented at the ID@50 Integrated Design Conference, 30 June – 1 July 2016, University of Bath, UK. The paper discusses the research design for a PhD project that examines how 'early career architects' engage with detailed... more
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      Architectural DetailsArchitectural detailingArchitectural practiceArchitectural Design Process (ADP)
The article belongs to the thematic "Crisis of the Profession" of the themes set by the curator —Association of Greek Architects (SADAS-PEA). This article was published in English and Greek languages in the official edition of the... more
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      Participatory DesignUrban DesignUrban CommonsArchitectural Profession