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      Joaquin SorollaModern History of SpainArcher M. HuntingtonIgnacio Zuloaga
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      Spanish HistoryHistory of the Spanish NetherlandsSpanish NetherlandsModern Numismatics
CtRr ir I Eu un¡ carta féchada cl 2 de julio cle lglt),7.uloaga escribc a \I:rrairón que en unos clí:rs se r'¡archa a París, pcro que ¡ su regreso sc instalará "n 7¡¡1¿i¿.(en dondc nos he¡nos clc r,er, r¡ pint¡r cl retrato). \'¡mos a vcr... more
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      Gregorio MarañónDaniel Vázquez DíazArcher M. HuntingtonArte Español Del Siglo XX
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      History of photographyLatin American photographyPhotography and CollectionsArcher M. Huntington
Discusses the statue of Joan of Arc at 93d Street in New York City and the life and work of the sculptor Anna Hyatt Huntington (1876-1873).
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      SculptureHistorical medalsArcher M. HuntingtonMedals and Military History
The Hispanic Society of America, Diario de Archer Milton Huntington (HSA: Diario de Huntington), 1889. Si bien, informalmente, se los denomina el diario de Huntington, los documentos que han sobrevivido no son un verdadero diario. Al... more
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      History of photographyLatin American photographyHispanic SocietyPhotography and Collections
ILCEA [En ligne], 44 | 2021, mis en ligne le 02 novembre 2021. URL :
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      Collecting and CollectionsSpain (History)Spain and Spanish americaColeccionismo y Museos