Archaeology of Sexuality
Recent papers in Archaeology of Sexuality
Archaeology faces the unique challenge of stretching social theories of sexuality in new chronological and methodological directions. This essay uses an analysis of citational practices to consider how feminist and queer theories... more
The archaeology of empire is permeated by sexual narratives. This has been especially true of archaeological research on the Spanish Americas, where the material remains of colonial settlements have often been interpreted as products of a... more
During the 19th century, sublime depictions of North American mounds captivated Euro-American colonists and Romantic travelers. Settlers frequently embedded farms and homesteads into the material fabric of these Indigenous ruins across... more
Over the past twenty years, the themes of sex and gender have emerged as central concerns to archaeology internationally. The interrogation of gendered concepts and terminology began with the feminist critique of archaeology in the 1980s,... more
Lecture title: The Olfactory Landscape of Lovemaking and Sexuality in Ancient Egypt Date: December 11, 2019 Lecture series by Dora Goldsmith: The Scent of Ancient Egypt, November 20 - December 11, 2019 Location: Haus Bastian, Center for... more
Comparative Studies in Society and History 58 (2016): 519-549
Los artículos que conforman este libro fueron sometidos a un proceso de dictamen bajo la modalidad de doble ciego realizado por pares expertos en la materia.
What is considered masculine is not something given and innate to males but determined by cultural ideas and ideals constructed through performative practices – today and in the past. This book questions whether androcentric archaeology... more
la decaPitación coMo sÍMBolo de castración entre los MeXicas -Y otros GruPos MesoaMericanos-Y sus connotaciones GenÉricas jAime echeVerríA GArcíA miriAm lóPez hernández Introducción los ámbitos de la decapitación entre los nahuas y otros... more
Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal RODRÍGUEZ-SHADOW, MARÍA J.;LÓPEZ HERNÁNDEZ, MIRIAM Antropología y arqueología de la sexualidad: premisas teóricas y conceptuales Contribuciones desde Coatepec,... more
2009, en Contribuciones desde Coatepec, núm. 16, enero-junio, pp. 77-89.
los ambitos de la decapitacion entre los nahuas y otros grupos mesoamericanos fueron diversos, y su importancia se hace de inmediato evidente en los codices, vasijas, bajorrelieves y restos oseos, entre otros materiales prehispanicos, asi... more
Сущность и игра полов в Мироздании.
The essence and the game of sexes in the Universe.
The essence and the game of sexes in the Universe.
In this episode, we chat with Dr. Julie K. Wesp about methods and ideas in bioarchaeology. We focus on her recently published book, Exploring Gender in Bioarchaeology co-edited with Dr. Sabrina Agarwal and published by the University of... more
Resumen: Las transgresiones sexuales ocurrieron en el tiempo mítico y en el cotidiano. Dioses y seres humanos infringieron la norma sexual con prácticas incestuosas, adúlteras, homosexuales, entre otras. Las transgresiones en ambos... more
In this interdisciplinary study, Barbara Voss examines religious, environmental, cultural, and political differences at the Presidio of San Francisco, California, to reveal the development of social identities within the colony. Voss... more
ABSTRACT: The term bodyscape encourages thinking about representation of bodies at multiple scales—from different bodies as they move through space to the microlandscape of individual bodily differences. A hegemonic bodyscape's... more