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GIULIANA CAVALIERI MANASSE L'area di San Zeno in Oratorio in età romana e tardoantica L a chiesa sorse nei pressi di un asse stradale suburbano assai importante: la via da/per Brescia, cosiddetta via Gallica, che con l'età imperiale e la... more
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      ArcehologyArcheologia romana, Topografia antica
İstanbul’un şehir tasarımı gerek Roma gerekse Osmanlı döneminde çok detaylı ve coğrafyaya uygun düşüncelerin ürünü olarak planlanmış olmalıdır. Bu planlama içinde İstanbul’un ayrılmaz bir parçası olarak gördüğümüz ulaşımda en önemli... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyArcehologyInternational Operation In Maritime & Shipping Industry
The perspective of the West towards the East, its struggle with the East and the legitimization strategies that are used during the colonial processes appear in different forms in the history and become a question of debate over and over... more
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Cette première opération de prospection inventaire diachronique sur la commune de Granieu a permis d’obtenir de nouvelles informations sur l’occupation du sol des Basses-Terres dauphinoises.
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Roman PotteryGallo-roman archaeologyArcheologie
This workshop is organized within the scope of the BIAA's Living Amid the Ruins Project (LAR). LAR is funded by the British Academy Sustainable Development Programme. For more information on LAR please visit:
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSocietyArcehology
: Rochette (M.) – « Corbeilles Les terres neuves / Auxy Les faucamberges, entre les deux chemins » . In A. Ferdière et T. Guiot, Les sites archéologiques de l’autoroute A19 (Loiret), 54e supplément à la Revue Archéologique du Centre de la... more
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    • Arcehology