Antique jewlery
Recent papers in Antique jewlery
Texto correspondiente a la comunicación presentada en las IV Jornadas Predoctorales celebradas los días 13 y 14 de noviembre de 2020 de manera telemática.
Н. Чаусидис, Неолитските корени на „македонските бронзи“ и на други синхрони бронзени предмети од Средниот Балкан (Abstract: Neolithic roots of "Macedonian bronzes" and other synchronous bronze objects from the Middle Balkans) // Љ.... more
The oldest pearl in the world was found in the United Arab Emirates and dates from 7500 BP. Gemmologists and jewellers have popularised the idea that the oldest pearl in the world is the 5000-year-old Jomon pearl from Japan. Discoveries... more
This paper deals with a site in the Alacranes Reef, Yucatan, where a group of archaeological materials made up of gold and emeralds were recorded.
Die Perle was a technical trade journal published in Naunhof bei Leipzig, Germany, from 1924 to 1929. Although written in German, it was aimed at the entire European beadmaking community. In the early years, its full title was Die Perle:... more
On the occasion of marriages of their daughters, the Catholic Monarchs tried they were to meet their husbands surrounded by a great luxury. Apart from provisions of the prenuptial agreement, the princesses brought with them a considerable... more
This content helps people avoid confusion between antique and vintage jewellery by highlighting the factors that set them apart.
The site lies in the northern Golan Heights, situated next to the small spring of ‘Ein el-Makhfi. Remains of a structure were identified at the center of the site, where a large amount of tell soil had accumulated; it yielded numerous... more
Exploring the regal allure of pearls in 16th century Sweden with a link to Queen Elisabeth I of England