Anthropology and Sociology of Emotions
Recent papers in Anthropology and Sociology of Emotions
What happens when journalism is made superfluous? Combining ethnography, media analysis, moral and political theory this book examines the unraveling of professional journalism in Russia over the past twenty-five years, and its effects on... more
Papua New Guinean nurses work in a sociomedical system in which cultural and linguistic diversity are matters of pressing concern. Using data drawn from ethnographic research with PNG nursing students, I show how nursing education... more
"Remembrance and Solidarity Studies" nr 4/2015 In this article we address a research problem bordering on sociology and history – the emotional climate in Poland in the 80s in the light of personal documents. We will describe the most... more
70.00 hardcover (0-521-84745-1) In The Sociology of Emotions Turner and Stets cover the waterfront of theoretical contributions in the extended area of the sociology of emotions. The format of the text is intuitive and reader-friendly.... more
Resumo O presente artigo busca discutir o fenômeno social e esportivo conhecido como MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), a partir de uma reflexão sobre os usos dos corpos e as práticas de consumo dos espectadores e praticantes desse esporte na... more
This article makes propositions on how to ethnographically investigate discourse practice as it is embedded in affective dynamics. Discourse practice events have usually been investigated with a focus on language and speech. Without... more
The chapter ‘From Housing to Home: Buying Housing to Build a Home’ focuses specifically on an analysis of statements from people buying their first housing. The statements of respondents reveal buying a home to be a dynamic process that... more
CORPS du malade, du mourant, du mort, du pauvre : au cœur de nos sociétés contemporaines, des agents administrent pour le monde social et à sa place les marges de la vie biologique et sociale. Comment les pompiers, les travailleurs... more
Die Lebenssoziologie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten ohne Zweifel zu einer veritablen Wissenschaft des Sozialen formiert. Dabei handelt es sich jedoch nicht um eine Wissenschaft im klassischen Sinn, nicht um eine ›Königswissenschaft‹,... more
The recent ‘materialist turn’ stresses the fundamental role of nonhumans in the constitution of our social and political life, and argues that our inability to grasp their importance dooms our normative prognoses for ordering society to... more
RESUMO Expomos um conjunto de reflexões elaboradas nos - e a partir de - uma variedade de registos dos nossos diários de campo «poéticos», resultantes do nosso trabalho de terreno em São Tomé e Príncipe. Damos especial atenção às... more
From a sociological viewpoint, emotions, especially collective emotions, were already positioned and described within the context of religion by Emile Durkheim (2001 [1912]). In his perception of society they comprise a fundamentally... more
Resumen Desde hace unos años venimos explorando el modo en que la dimensión emocional de la experiencia escolar interviene en los procesos de inclusión-exclusión educativa en el nivel secundario. Aquí analizamos en pro- fundidad las... more
What is the function of clerical leadership in Alevism based on sociocultural and political understandings? To answer that complex question, Deniz Cosan Eke examines the political, cultural, and religious debates surrounding Alevis and... more
Este artigo tem o objetivo de discutir a relação entre o ativismo biossocial e político de HIV/AIDS e a linguagem cultural das emoções. Minha proposta enfoca dois eixos específicos de análise: 1) a formação de sujeitos soropositivos, isto... more
This paper conceptualizes eroticism as emotional experience. I use the Renaissance Faire to illustrate the construction of asexual eroticism along three dimensions: the carnal experience of Faire, its focus on physicality, and intimations... more
Cet article propose d’affiner la description sociologique de la figure du « bon citoyen » en Iran (le motamed). À partir d’une enquête ethnographique menée dans les conseils de quartier téhéranais entre 2007 et 2012, cet article propose... more
Dedicamos nuestro programa a entrevistar a Marisa Ruiz Trejo, investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, quien acaba de terminar una reciente investigación sobre la producción y uso de las radios latinas en Madrid. El trabajo,... more
Resumen es: Desde hace unos anos venimos explorando el modo en que la dimension emocional de la experiencia escolar interviene en los procesos de inclusion-exclusion...
Cet article propose une analyse du rôle joué par les émotions lors des interactions médicales. Il se fonde sur la comparaison d'interactions entre des professionnels et des patients dans deux services de gériatrie (consultations mémoire)... more
From the theme "Affects: emotions and feelings from the perspective of the anthropology of emotions" I bring a presentation that is divided into 2 topics, where in the first I present an overview of anthropology and then go into the... more
Dossier "The Urban Peripheries" I-State violence: militarization of urban peripheries and 'pacification apparatus' Violent action among friends: an ethnographic reflection on processes of moral and emotional perceptions and justifications... more
Why and how do norms emerge? Which norms do emerge and why these ones in particular? These questions belong to the “problem of the emergence of norms” that consists of an inquiry on the production of norms in social collectives. It is... more
Abstract: This article, based on ethnography, accompanies the everyday struggles of a caring community constituted by the residents of a street in a popular neighborhood in the city of João Pessoa, called X Street. X Street not only... more