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History of the Graphite Pencil The word pencil comes from the Latin lapis, which means stone. This name was given in relation to the graphite stone. The graphite pencil is one of the most used materials and perhaps the first one that we... more
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      GraphitePencil Drawings
Drawing Media. Each stcp-by-step portrait demonstration presents a different method of rendering form, texture, and light and shade in pencil, chalk, and charcoal. You'll see how form is rendered entirely with lines and strokes; how tone... more
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      DrawingPencil Drawings
drawing is one of the primary ways we catch our environmental elements. It is the main fundamental expertise for some specialists. Clearly a basic strategy, it depends on the relationship between what is portrayed and the visual... more
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      DrawingArchitectural DrawingPaper and Pencil AssessmentPencil Drawings
The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design (National Museum, Oslo, Norway), owns about 750 drawings by Thomas Fearnley, a Norwegian romantic landscape painter. Examination of 190 pencil drawings by Fearnley enabled the... more
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      Cultural HeritageGrand TourArtists' materialsHistory of Paper
The article presents the exhibition 'Simone Cantarini. Opere su carta agli Uffizi', held at the Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi in 2015 and devoted to the prints and drawings by Simone Cantarini.
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      Italian Renaissance ArtItalian Baroque artPrints and DrawingsOld Master drawings
Prendiamo due modi di scrivere: la scrittura digitale propria della tastiera della macchina da scrivere e, in seguito, del computer, e la scrittura grafica che qui considero alla lettera, ovvero come scrittura con la matita in mano. Se la... more
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      Creative WritingContemporary ArtHandwritingPencil Drawings
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    • Pencil Drawings
A very Essential lessons on learning how to sketch for those who have interests in becoming;Artists,Video game designers,Cartoon artists,Special effects artists,Interior Designers,Fashion Designers,Surveyors, Engineers,... more
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      DesignVisual ArtsSketchingPencil Drawings
A very Essential lessons on learning how to sketch for those who have interests in becoming;Artists,Video game designers,Cartoon artists,Special effects artists,Interior Designers,Fashion Designers,Surveyors, Engineers,... more
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      DesignVisual ArtsSketchingPencil Drawings
The story of American illustrator Vernon Howe Bailey (1874-1953) was one of private tragedy and public accomplishment.

Article published in Dark Ink Magazine, Volume I, Issue II, Spring 2018
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      Art HistoryIllustrationNew York historyAmerican art/ Art of the United States
A very Essential lessons on learning how to sketch for those who have interests in becoming;Artists,Video game designers,Cartoon artists,Special effects artists,Interior Designers,Fashion Designers,Surveyors, Engineers,... more
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      Visual ArtsSketchingDesign SketchingPencil Drawings
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A very Essential lessons on learning how to sketch for those who have interests in becoming;Artists,Video game designers,Cartoon artists,Special effects artists,Interior Designers,Fashion Designers,Surveyors, Engineers,... more
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      DesignVisual ArtsSketchingPencil Drawings
A very Essential lessons on learning how to sketch for those who have interests in becoming;Artists,Video game designers,Cartoon artists,Special effects artists,Interior Designers,Fashion Designers,Surveyors, Engineers,... more
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      Visual ArtsSketchingDesing and artsPencil Drawings
A very Essential lessons on learning how to sketch for those who have interests in becoming;Artists,Video game designers,Cartoon artists,Special effects artists,Interior Designers,Fashion Designers,Surveyors, Engineers,... more
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      Visual ArtsSketchingPencil Drawings