Ancient Warriors
Recent papers in Ancient Warriors
Analyzed are eight biblical episodes that culminate in an aggressive act of killing, done in an exceptional state of sudden rage, generally termed “qin’ah.” Traditionally but questionably rendered as “jealousy,” it actually means “fury,... more
In Judg 14–15, the source of Samson’s strength is not his uncut hair, but the רוח־יהוה. A Leitmotif of the biblical warrior tradition, the רוח־יהוה is a corporealized metaphor of fiery anger that envelops Samson and grants him great... more
This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the... more
Digital reconstruction of a bronze helmet from Camarina sea floor
The European Beta-tradition is the second in the series of five Homeric oral traditions that Ward Blondé discovered in the Iliad. In contrast to the Mykenaian Alpha-tradition, the Beta-tradition has its origins in the proto-Celtic Europe... more
The northern Balkan Peninsula was the place where, beginning with the 4th century BCE, important ethnocultural, economic, political and military changes took place. The peninsula was successively disturbed by the Celtic invasion, by the... more
Ethnopharmacological relevance The Norse berserkers were wild warriors of Scandinavia known to enter a trance-like state that allowed them to fight with increased strength and a rage that granted them immunity to many forms of harm in... more
In the days of the epic poem Beowulf, a king’s strength was determined by his will, competence, wealth, and power. He had to rule over entire tribes of people and had to be willing to put down any rebellion. But he was human, for he... more
This article looks at the motif of "the river of battle" - the battlefield as a river/stream/sea, which the warrior attempts to cross - in the ancient Indian Mahābhārata and Old Norse texts. It is argued that this motif should be seen in... more
The series of identical or similar type of arrowheads, produced using one of similar type molding boxes, were identified in quivers from the North Pontic region kurgans through the search among Scythian symmetrical arrowheads with hidden... more
A fresh and original translation from Sanskrit of the dashrajnya hymn (hymn 7.18 of Rig Veda) describing this defining battle between Aryan king Sudas and his Aryan as well as non-Aryan foes. The decisive battle led to the uprooting of... more
Cătălin Borangic
Seniorii războiului în lumea dacică. Elite militare din secolele II a.Chr.-II p.Chr. în spațiul carpato-dunărean
Editura ISTROS a Muzeului Brăilei "Carol I" Brăila-Alba Iulia, 2017
Seniorii războiului în lumea dacică. Elite militare din secolele II a.Chr.-II p.Chr. în spațiul carpato-dunărean
Editura ISTROS a Muzeului Brăilei "Carol I" Brăila-Alba Iulia, 2017
The Memory of Battle in Ancient Greece: Warfare, Identity, and Materiality centers upon warfare in late Archaic and Classical Greece. Specifically, it looks to the material culture of battle and examines its role in the experience,... more
Στον χώρο της Μακεδονίας η ταυτότητα του πολεμιστή γίνεται ιδιαιτέρως αισθητή μέσα από τα ταφικά σύνολα του 6ου και του 5ου αι. π.Χ. Ειδικότερα στην περιοχή της Μυγδονίας, η οποία αντιστοιχεί γεωγραφικά ως επί το πλείστον στη σημερινή... more
The subject of the present study revolves around the burials of warriors in the area of Greece during antiquity, with emphasis on the phenomenon of burying the dead with arms. The time period, which is examined here begins from the Iron... more
The aim of this article is to examine a passage of the Paul Diacon’s Historia Langobardorum, where the author writes about the presence of cynocephalic warriors, dog-headed men, among the Lombards. The legend is interpreted in the light... more
The scale and intensity of cultural networking during the period between 2000 and 1200 BCE is unprecedented, the beginnings of which are deeply rooted in the previous millennium, but also with far echoing effects that lasted several... more
The term “The Valley of the Thracian Kings” covers the territory of the present-day municipalities of Pavel Banya, Kazanluk and Muglizh in Central Bulgaria. The name is well deserved because of the Kazanluk Tomb, an UNESCO site, the... more
This dissertation focuses on a detailed study of Iron Age weapons burials, geographically located in or on the edge of present-day East Riding of Yorkshire. This study is based on the composition of a list of 50 Iron Age burials (49... more
The banter between warriors plays a role in several battle scenes within the books of Samuel. The repartee is a useful way for the author to add color and depth to the narrative. What do these dialogues reveal? What insights do they... more
The purpose of this article is to describe the construction and capabilities of javelin used by Roman light-armed troops (velites) in the period from 3rd to 2nd centuries BC. Based on written and archeological sources, as well as with... more
Nueva figura de guerrero celtibérico pintado en un abrigo del Alto Maestrazgo de Teruel, con una panoplia militar completa y un casco con apéndices que demuestra su vinculación con los cascos celtibéricos procedentes de Aranda del Moncayo... more
Central Dalmatian group occupies the coastal area between rivers Krka and Neretva, southwestern Bosnia and western Herzegovina. The cultural group's specific archaeological characteristics and development date back from late Bronze Age... more
È opinione comune da parte della critica trattare unitamente il mito della nascita di Romolo 1 e quello di Ciro il Grande 2 alla luce di facili analogie: entrambi avrebbero conosciuto l'appartenenza a una stirpe regale, la gelosia di un... more
The present study discusses, the defensive and offensive weapons used by the Middle Assyrian warrior. The information proceeds mainly from the archival documentation. The defensive weapons were the helmet (qurpisu) or hat (kubšu), armour... more
In 2014, a citizen from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza village, discovered in the waters of the Siret River a Corinthian type Greek helmet. Without realising the importance of the discovery, he took the helmet home. Although he did not appear to... more
This translation strikes at the many misconceptions about Indra as well as Vrtra.
As promised, in this second stage of the revisions to my original thesis chapter on the battle at Gaugamela I examine the regional backgrounds to the units of the Persian Army engaged at Gaugamela. Then, at the end, I offer a... more
This chapter marks the beginning of a three stage revision of my original thesis chapter on Alexander the Great's battle against the Persians at Gaugamela. When the original Honour's thesis was written I did not have time to adequately... more
The "apprentice of Zalmoxis" from Plato's Charmides is an imaginary personage who symbolizes the universality of the Socratic philosophy.
JEUNESSE C. (2020) Les influences steppiques sur l’Europe occidentale : une première vague antérieure à l’impact Yamnaja ?, Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche LXX S1, 2020, 161-180. Steppe influences on Western Europe: a first wave before... more