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During the P.E.F. excavations at the Ophel in Jerusalem in the 1920s a large sherd of an Iron Age II jug was found with a pictorial design incised on the surface. The design shows two humanoid figures above a series of semi-circles... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelArchaeology of Religion
Religious and Secular Festivals in the Trans-Zabs and its Neighbouring Areas in the Light of the Cuneiform Records Dlshad A. Marf Archaeology Department, Salahaddin University-Erbil. [email protected] [email protected]... more
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      Mesopotamian ReligionsAncient Mesopotamian ReligionsAncient Near Eastern ReligionAdiabene
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeology of Ancient IsraelMesopotamian ArchaeologyBiblical Studies
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      EgyptologyClassicsAncient Near EastAncient Near Eastern Languages
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyPhoeniciansIconologyPhoenician Punic Archaeology
The paper discusses some key texts from Ancient Mesopotamian and also Hebrew mythologies which may have had several indications and contained many ancient understandings about the early views on the modern notions of a nation, national... more
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      Ancient HistoryMythologyBiblical StudiesOld Testament
In the ancient Mesopotamia, the creation of the divine statue was a complex process that required deep cultic knowledge and technical skills. Since the statue was not only the image of a god or a goddess, but the very essence of him/her,... more
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      Sumerian ReligionMesopotamian ReligionsAncient Near EastAncient Near Eastern Religion
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      ClassicsJewish StudiesMediterranean prehistoryMediterranean Studies
The recent publication of an 8th century BCE incised sherd from Jerusalem portraying two deities identified as YHWH and Asherah has cast fresh light on Israelite and Judahite religion in the period of the monarchy. The Canaanite elements... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelArchaeology of ReligionDeuteronomistic History
The article discusses the reference to Edom at the end of Lam 4. It makes two proposals. First, it argues that we should understand nearly all of the clauses in Lam 4:21–22 as volitive expressions that convey the speaker’s wishes or... more
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      Hebrew BibleBiblical StudiesPrayerBook of Lamentations
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEconomic History
Nell'ambito della documentazione ugaritica di carattere rituale esistono due testi 1 che menzionano bn mlk e bt mlk, cioè "i figli del re" e "le figlie del re". Sul significato letterale delle due espressioni non possono esservi dubbi,... more
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      History of ReligionsUgaritic StudiesLebanon, Syria, Israel and Palestine (History and Archaeology)Ancient Near Eastern Religion
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyCypriot ArchaeologyCypriot Bronze AgeAncient Near Eastern Religion