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The meaning of the phrase "Son of God" -especially in connection with the messianic figure -is sometimes considered as a dividing line between Judaism and Christianity and a central factor in the parting of the ways between them during... more
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      First century Judaism and ChristianityParting of the Ways: Early Christian HistorySecond Temple Judaism and Early ChristianityThe Parting of the Ways Between Judaism and Christianity
Various Roman cults have special references to astronomy. For contemporaries, this is most evident in the external presentation of the corresponding works of art. They represent a popularizing short form of the cult. A nice example is the... more
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      History of ReligionOrigins of ChristianityMithrasRoman Cult of Mithras
Abstract: In his Dialogue with Trypho, Justin Martyr (second century A.D.) repeatedly reproches the Jews with different kinds of persecutions against Christians: rejection, aspersions, curse, insults, slows, death… An analysis of the... more
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      PatristicsHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityHistory of Religions
Abstract. Although little studied in the bibliography on Justin's works, his notion of teaching is an essential one. Founder of a school in Rome and propagator of the “didascolic" doctrine of Christ, the Apologist places his writings and... more
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      Greek LiteratureEarly ChristianityOrigins of ChristianityJewish - Christian Relations
in Intertextual Explorations in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature, ed. Jeremy Corley and Geoffrey Miller. DCLS 31. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2019.
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      MetaphorJewish apocalyptic literatureBiblical IntertextualityAncient Judaism and Christian Origins
In this short study Pieter W. van der Horst introduces the reader to a little known but very fascinating early Christian document, viz., the oldest 'dialogue' between a Jew and a Christian after Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho the... more
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    • Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins
The bare outline of the story of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is well known both to scholars and in the popular imagination. The precise details--the sequence and causal interplay of events, even some of the key players behind... more
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)QumranAncient Judaism and Christian Origins
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Second Temple JudaismTemptationAncient Judaism
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      New Testament EthicsPauline EthicsSecond Temple Judaism and Early ChristianityNew Perspective on Justification and Paul
*WORLD PREMIERE OF FILM IN UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN IN FALL 2018* Have you ever wondered about the true story about Christianity’s emergence? What was its relationship with Judaism or with other cultures in the Graeco-Roman World?... more
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      ChristianityClassical ArchaeologyClassicsRoman History
This week I launched a new audio podcast at also available on most popular podcast players. The name of the program is Gnostic Insights. Presenting gnosis as simply as humanly possible. Each episode explains basic... more
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      Early Christian Apocryphal LiteratureGnostic GospelsAncient ChristianityNag Hammadi Codices