Alexander Severus
Recent papers in Alexander Severus
Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Augustus (208-235 CE) was the final emperor of the Severan dynasty (193-235). He was raised to the purple as a teenager, following the assassination of Elagabalus. Contrary to his short-lived... more
The reign of the Roman emperor Maximinus (235 to 238 CE) is often seen as a turning point marking the beginning of the „Crisis of the Roman Empire“. In this paper I try to demonstrate that the reign of Maximinus and the civil war of 238... more
Julius Calpurnius Piso, a son of Arrius Piso, was the author of The Revelation. He was married to Hadrian's sister and was father-in-law of Tacitus' son. He wanted his grandson to become emperor after Hadrian, and was killed by Hadrian in... more
Since I have been studying so many different areas of ancient history, particularly that of ancient Rome, this subject has been of some interest to me and others for a number of reasons. It has been apparent that the decline in the... more
Esta monograjla que tan generosamente ha acogido entre sus puhlicacionl!S la Fundación Pastor responde a un prolongado eifuerzo de rehabilitación histórica. Desdl! el s(qlo XIX, todos los relatos de las fuentes clásicas descritos como... more
Paper details much information regarding Ptolemy, his family and his work, particularly with regards to geography and his understanding of the world.
The building programs of the last two Severan emperors are comparatively ignored in scholarship, in particular regarding thematic intentions behind them. In addition, scholars tend to think of imperial monuments in terms of how they... more
EXPEDItIO PERSICA I TRIUMF CESARZA SEWERA AlEKSANDRA NAD PERSAMI (231-233 R.) P oczątek trzeciej dekady III w. po Chr. upłynął pod znakiem ostrego konfliktu militarnego pomiędzy Imperium Romanum a sasanidzką Persją. W następstwie ataku... more
According to the author of the Historia Augusta, Severus Alexander placed in his lararium maius the images of Apollonius of Tyana, Christ, Abraham and Orpheus alongside the deified Roman emperors and the maiorum effigies, in the context... more
The analysis of the epigraphic documentation concerning the Severans in Lucania, Southern Samnium and Apulia showcases the vitality of these regions during the reigns of Septimius Severus (193– 211), Caracalla (211–217), Elagabalus... more
Sauf à leur but administratif et militaire les voyages officiels des représentants de l’empire Romain servaient aussi à la représentation et l’expression du pouvoir central qui se manifestaient entr’autres dans la quantité et la qualité... more
Freundschaftlicher Dank gilt Hadrien Bru (Besançon), der uns unmittelbar nach dem Inschriftenfund die entsprechenden Abbildungen gezeigt und dann genauere Hinweise zum Fundkontext sowie der Natur des Inschriftenträgers gegeben hat.... more
The project of an ideal monarchy that Dio Cassius put into the mouth of Maecenas is considered by modern scholars to be the political programme of the senatorial aristocracy of the early third century A. D., who were ready, to give up... more
Augusta (1), abrange o período desde a ascensão de Adriano em 117 até a morte de Numeriano e Carino em 284-285. É redigida uma biografia não somente de cada um dos imperadores principais (Angustí), mas também são focalizados os... more