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O artigo analisa, dentro das contribuições da criminologia cultural, da criminologia crítica e dos estudos pós-coloniais e decoloniais, o caso do grafite na metrópole brasileira de São Paulo nos últimos dez anos (2007-2017). O caso de São... more
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      Cultural StudiesPostcolonial StudiesEnvironmental StudiesUrban Planning
Questa tesina avrà come obiettivo centrale l’approccio sociologico sulla migrazione di nigeriani in Italia e la sua influenza nella criminalità organizzata soprattutto a Palermo, dove organizzazioni mafiose nigeriane sono riusciti a... more
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      CriminologiaMafiaRobert K. MertonBoko Haram
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      LiteratureMichel HouellebecqMaurice BlanchotWriting
En mémoire de Madeleine Borgomano « J'ai fondé des Empires dans le Confus, à la lisière des silences, pour mener la guerre fauve qui verra la fin de l'Exact. » Fernando Pessoa, « Voie lactée » in Le livre de l'intranquillité Qu'on la... more
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      Literary TheoryGenre TheorySagasMarguerite Duras
Translation & ideology, translation & (mis)interpretations; semantic slippage in translation; translation and bias; David Coward's translation of Albert Cohen's most crucial passage in Belle du Seigneur.
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      Jewish StudiesTranslation Studies20th Century French LiteratureTranslation Theory, French-to-English Translation
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      French Literature20th Century French LiteratureLitterature FrancaiseSwiss French Literature
« Ce que la judéité fait à la pensée de la littérature », L’Esprit créateur, « Race and the Aesthetic in French and Francophone Cultures », vol. 59, n° 2, 2019, p. 42-55.
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      Cultural StudiesFrench LiteratureJewish StudiesLiterature
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      Discourse AnalysisFrench LiteratureLiteratureNarratology
It would be wrong to attribute a mythical dimension to the characters, despite the aura that gives them their name. We are in full immanence subsumed by a transcendence of a purely cosmic nature (the presence of an arbiter would have... more
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      MythologyMythsAlbert CohenMythcriticism
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      ImaginaireImaginaryPostureAlbert Cohen
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      Jewish StudiesLiteratureJewish LiteratureJudaism
Qu'est-ce que le personnage de Jérémie nous apprend du regard d'Albert Cohen sur les exilés et les réfugiés ? On observera ici à quel point le dramaturge, le romancier et le conseiller juridique puis le directeur de la section de la... more
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      Refugee StudiesAlbert Cohen
Note de Lecture sur Aurore Touya, La Polyphonie romanesque au XXe siècle, Paris : Classiques Garnier, coll. « Perpectives comparatistes », 2015, 573 p., EAN 9782812431258.
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      William FaulknerToni MorrisonJuan RulfoMario Vargas Llosa
The main purpose of this article is to analyse the film adaptations of Mangeclous and Belle du Seigneur. These novels, which have been adapted by Moshé Mizrahi (1931-) and Glenio Bonder (1956-2011), are part of a main saga called Solal... more
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      French LiteratureLiterature and cinemaFilm AdaptationCinema
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      French LiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary TheoryRomance Languages and Literatures
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      French LiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary TheoryRomance Languages and Literatures