Adoration of the Magi
Recent papers in Adoration of the Magi
Il saggio è dedicato alla "lettura" dell'architettura nell'Adorazione dei Magi di Leonardo, dai disegni al dipinto, secondo una impostazione specifica della Storia dell'architettura e alla luce delle nuove conoscenze emerse dal restauro... more
Author is comparing Adoration of the Magi from Mimara Museum with other Bastiani paintings. He discovers that Bastiani is using very often same pattern on the brocade on his paintings.
tesi di laurea triennale in "scienze dei beni culturali"
Tema predilecto de los Medici y motivo frecuente en las capillas mortuorias, en esta obra convergen la política, los negocios y la religión; las expectativas y ambiciones de un próspero intermediario bancario y las de un artista. El Arte... more
Tributes to David A. Freedberg: Image and Insight (Brepols, 2019), 75-88.
English translation of the article L’ Adorazione dei Magi e i luoghi di Leonardo - 2017
in the book on the restoration of the Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci.
in the book on the restoration of the Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci.
This contribution is dedicated to an image depicting the Mother of God seated on a throne which regularly appears within compositions of the Adoration of the Magi. One of the most significant examples of this image is preserved on a... more
This paper argues that the invention of the classical ruin in late-Quattrocento Nativity and Adoration paintings is a symbolic gesture imbued with theological meaning and historical self-awareness. The appearance of the ruin in the event... more
The traditional understanding of Matthew 2:9 leads to a type of Christian mysticism concerning the Star of Bethlehem. There is another way of reading the text which avoids some of the problems associated with the main historical... more
Nell’ambito di un progetto di ricerca post dottorato incentrato sulla produzione sacra e seriale di Paolo Veronese e in particolare sui dipinti con il miracoloso incontro di Cristo e il Centurione di Cafarnao, ho rintracciato documenti... more
The fist-hand results on Leonardo's technique coming from the analyses carried out on the Adoration of the Magi, currently under treatment at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence. A scientific systematization and some art-history... more
A red Jew or why the character in Bosch’s Epiphany is not the Antichrist The character present in the stable of the Epiphany in Prado Museum – traditionally identified as the Antichrist – is the best link between Flemish Art and the... more
This document is a summary of several symbolic royal celestial events in the years near the birth of Jesus. In the ancient world, Jupiter was thought of as the "king planet" and Regulus as the "king star." Regulus had been spoken of a... more
MUL.BABBAR The White Star Over Bethlehem is a historical novel about the wise men and the Star of Bethlehem. The book places Dwight Hutchison's theory of the star into a historical context. There are about 400 pages of the main text and... more
Acceder al Paraíso tras el Juicio Final y contemplar el rostro de Dios era el anhelo que en la Edad Media compartían papas y monarcas, miembros de la nobleza y la incipiente burguesía, que idearon el modo de anticipar ese feliz instante a... more
Il fatto che quest'anno ricorrano ben 1700 anni dall'editto di Milano, emanato da Costantino I il Grande nel 313, ha riacceso l'interesse nei confronti delle testimonianze artistiche afferibili al periodo in questione; una grande mostra,... more
The iconographic representation of the Nativity is constant throughout the history of Christianity. In early times, the theme construction follows the setting of the feast of Christmas, but develops into two main themes: the Byzantine... more
A recently discovered icon by George Klontzas (c.1530-1608), The Sacrifice of Abraham and the Adoration of the Magi. While researching for El Greco's early paintings, I came across Pergola's article "Un Greco giovanile" in Emporium,... more
Thèse de doctorat d'italien, sous la direction d'Anna Fontes-Barato, université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3. Soutenue le 24 novembre 2012 Giulia Puma 1 Cette thèse porte sur l'iconographie de la Nativité du Christ dans la peinture italienne... more
Retraçant sur un même tableau 4 épisodes Bibliques ;
_ 1. La nativité.
_ 2. L’Annonce aux bergers de la naissance de Jésus.
_ 3. L’adoration des bergers à gauche
_ 4. L’adoration des Rois Mâges.
_ 1. La nativité.
_ 2. L’Annonce aux bergers de la naissance de Jésus.
_ 3. L’adoration des bergers à gauche
_ 4. L’adoration des Rois Mâges.
Σύμφωνα με το Κατά Ματθαίον Ευαγγέλιο και την Εκκλησιαστική παράδοση μετά την γέννηση του Ιησού Χριστού εμφανίστηκαν σ’ αυτόν Μάγοι «από την Ανατολή» και Τον προσκύνησαν, προσφέροντας σ’ Αυτόν δώρα. Ποιοι, όμως, ήταν οι Μάγοι, πόσοι ήταν,... more
Al llarg del període gòtic, el contingut de l'Adoració dels reis mags es va fondre amb l'esbós gràfic d'altres adoracions de la divinitat prota-gonitzades pels donants, segons he pogut remarcar ja en diversos treballs precedents. 2 El... more
5 minute video on the Uffizi Facebook page:
Was the Renaissance global? In this short film, Dr Leah Clark discusses a Renaissance painting by the Italian court artist Andrea Mantegna, which depicts the Adoration of the Magi. Mantegna provides us with one of the first... more
Written together with Mauro Natale.