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Democracy is a highly desirable but contested concept in education. However, little is known about how current and future educators perceive, experience and relate to democracy, which could have a significant impact on how students learn... more
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      EducationDemocracyStandardizationStandardized Testing
There is a conflict between civil society's larger purpose and the self-interest of professionals who work in the sector. That conflict can only be resolved if developmental professionals strive to become irrelevant by enabling the... more
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      Civil Society and the Public SphereParticipatory DemocracyPublic GoodActive Citizenship
As we are living amid an unprecedent environmental crisis, the need for schools to empower students into environmental citizenship is intensifying. Teachers are considered as the main driving force in fostering students’ environmental... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationGlobal Citizenship
The chapter deals with civic participation as an important dimension of integration of migrant women. A broad understanding of civic participation is adopted that includes any form of activism or involvement in political and/or community... more
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      Political ParticipationTransnationalismMigrationPolitics
What are the European Youth Goals and how do they relate to the EU Youth Strategy? Do they embody the principles of solidarity? Can they contribute to solidarity in the youth field at a national and European level and if yes, how? This... more
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      Human RightsEquality and DiversityEuropean UnionStrategy Implementation
This paper presents a case study conducted as part of a PhD Thesis on testing Life Coaching as a learning method for fostering emancipation in vulnerable groups (adult patients), using a participatory-action-research approach. The lessons... more
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      Case Study ResearchCoaching and Personal DevelopmentEmancipatory ResearchActive Citizenship
The research develops in the context of recent experiences of active citizenship and of the transformative processes carried out for the regeneration of urban spaces, recognized as "common goods". The contribution proposes a... more
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      Urban RegenerationAdaptive ReuseCommon GoodSocial Innovation
As we are living amid an unprecedent environmental crisis, the need for schools to empower students into environmental citizenship is intensifying. Teachers are considered as the main driving force in fostering students’ environmental... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationGlobal Citizenship
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      SociologySocial SciencesHealth Care AdministrationUrban Sociology
Taking direction from the well-received exhibition Design with the Other 90%: CITIES (2011 – 2012) in America, this paper will refer to the notion of ‘Architecture “with the Other 90%”’. By making reference to collaborative community-led... more
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      ArchitectureParticipatory DesignCollaborationUrbanism
A note with all important information together in english along with important danish words and terms from the lecture material for active citizenship test in Denmark (2020)
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      DenmarkActive Citizenship
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      Intercultural EducationHuman Rights EducationEquality and DiversityActive Citizenship
The processes of globalization have led to a transformation in citizenship from a more legalistic one to active citizenship. This transformation has been enabled, in parts, by the rise of social media. Therefore, Social Networking Sites... more
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      AnthropologyPolitical AnthropologySocial MediaEthnography of Communication
L’istituto dello stage come raccordo tra istruzione e occupazione in vista di una cittadinanza attiva.
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      EmployabilityInternships (Active Learning)Active CitizenshipFlexicurity
In 2019, Eco-Schools celebrates 25 years of excellence in the field of Environmental Education (EE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It is, to date, the largest school network globally, implemented in over 68 countries,... more
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      Environmental ScienceEducationEnvironmental EducationClimate Change
After we analyse the terms political thinking and critical political thinking, as two of the main kinds of thinking that sociopolitical education subjects should cultivate among students of secondary education, we propose different... more
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      Critical ThinkingTeaching MethodologyActive Citizenship
Vatandaşlık; sosyal, siyasal, ekonomik ve hukuksal boyutlarıyla uzun yıllar sonucunda şekillenen ve hala dönüşüm içerisinde olan bir olgudur. Bireyin devlet ve toplumla sahip olduğu geleneksel ilişki biçimlerine farklı bir boyut getiren... more
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      Education for CitizenshipActive CitizenshipPolitical LiteracyLegal literacy
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsPolitical communicationPublic Participation In Governance
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      Active CitizenshipParticipatory ProcessesTerritorial Identity
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      Youth StudiesYouth Civic EngagementYouth Political ParticipationActive Citizenship
“Perchè la sharing economy è la a nuova frontiera da esplorare per il volontariato” è il titolo del nuovo numero di Vdossier. Un tema delicato e quanto mai attuale che coinvolge anche il Terzo settore. La questione di che cosa si intenda... more
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      Third SectorVoluntary AssociationsCivil SocietyVolunteer management
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEducation for CitizenshipEnvironmental PoliticsEnvironmental Sustainability
This thesis inquires into possibilities for young children‘s active citizenship as provoked through a practice of social justice storytelling with one Preparatory class of children aged five to six years. The inquiry was... more
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      Social ChangeEarly Childhood EducationSocial JusticeStorytelling
The study aims to determine the effect of the National Youth Commission (NYC) Volunteers’ Program on active citizenship in the Philippines. The researchers decided to focus on the Volunteers’ Program because it stresses the important role... more
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      Program EvaluationPublic AdministrationYouth Civic EngagementYouth and Volunteerism
Publicata in 2014 la Presa Universitara Clujeana, cartea este rezultatul cercetarii de doctorat.
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationYouth Civic EngagementActive CitizenshipCommunity participation and engagement
In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, it has been stated that all learners should acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development. Consequently, and also with the great proliferation of knowledge and... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentGeography EducationActive CitizenshipTeaching and Learning methods
M M Mu u ul l lt t ti i il l li i in n ng g gu u ua a al l l A A Ac c ca a ad d de e em m mi i ic c c J J Jo o ou u ur r rn n na a al l l o o of f f E E Ed d du u uc c ca a at t ti i io o on n n a a an n nd d d S S So o oc c ci i ia a al... more
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      EducationActive Citizenship
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      Youth StudiesCritical PedagogyArts EducationGlobal Citizenship
This PhD research project tackles youngsters’ role as citizens, by recognising them as experts of their own life experiences, capable of giving unique contributions and views on addressing certain issues related to their local and... more
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      Active LearningDesign ResearchResearch Through DesignActive Citizenship
This paper has not been generally available. It was originally prepared as an introductory paper for an EU unit interested in promoting 'active citizenship'. It has been quoted in : Nelson, J. and Kerr, D. (2006), Active citizenship... more
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    • Active Citizenship
This paper argues that the Hikajat Khonghoetjoe (The life story of Confucius), written by Lie Kim Hok in 1897, is a medium to propose modern ideas of flexible subjectivity, cosmopolitanism, active citizenship and the concepts of good... more
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      CosmopolitanismBiographyConfucianismActive Citizenship
Over the last few decades in Mumbai, incessant urbanization stimulated by flows of property capital has pushed government to privilege private development over public space. In this neoliberal context, citizens’ groups have pressured... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesEnvironmental SustainabilityUrban And Regional Planning
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      Political ParticipationRomanian HistoryDemocratic TheoryDemocratization
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      Participatory ResearchThird SectorCommunity Engagement & ParticipationVoluntary Associations
Football is a powerful catalyst for social identities, as football teams and matches are usually a primary motivating factor for assertion and celebration of various identities, whether they are local, religious, ethnic or professional.... more
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      SemioticsIdentity (Culture)Youth subcultures (Sociology)Active Citizenship
This article scrutinizes the ways that young children are described and supported as active participants for change within the Australian and Swedish national steering documents for early childhood education. A critical theory lens was... more
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      EducationCurriculum DesignEarly Childhood EducationEnvironmental Sustainability
A Program to End Hunger: Hunger 2000 presents a politically feasible and economically
affordable plan for overcoming widespread undernutrition worldwide in the early 21st century.
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      Food SecurityHungerPoverty and Hunger eradicationActive Citizenship
Measuring active participation and Citizenship Martin Billingham, MA. Institute of Education, University College London. Keywords: communication, cooperation, participation, assessment, teamwork, dialogic education UNICEF have declared... more
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The 20th century has been characterized, amongst other ways, by the new role of intellectuals in public debate. Julien Benda’s book La Trahison des clercs represents a sort of summary of all the problems that emerged until the end of... more
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      IntellectualsCulture and PoliticsSociology of IntellectualsActive Citizenship
O Projeto IRRESISTIBLE teve como objetivo envolver professores, alunos e membros da comunidade na discussão sobre Investigação e Inovação Responsáveis (IIR), promovendo a construção de conhecimento sobre tópicos de investigação de ponta... more
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      Science EducationSustainable DevelopmentYouth activismExhibition
This paper addresses the debate surrounding the participatory and emancipatory approaches in disability research. The purpose is to provide evidence in order to answer the research question related to what extent participatory and... more
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      Participatory ResearchDisability StudiesEmancipatory ResearchSocial Innovation
While attention is now being paid to emotions and personal sustainability in social movements, relatively little attention has been paid to difference between social movement situations or broader cultural contexts. This paper locates the... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsEmotionIrish Studies
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      CampaigningCommunity Engagement & ParticipationNon-profit ManagementEmpowerment
In: A. Alietti, M.Olivera and V. Riniolo (2015), "Virtual Citizenship? Roma communities, Inclusion Policies, Participation and ICT Tools", McGraw Hill, Milan, Italy.
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)ICT in EducationRomany StudiesMinority Studies
This article draws on the findings of the EU Framework 7 project DISCIT to explore the living situation of people with disabilities a decade after the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in nine... more
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      DisabilityActive CitizenshipCommunity LivingEquality and Non Discrimination
This article discusses advantages and limitations in associating art, education and citizenship.-For the discussion presents a literature review of concepts and data from several areas of knowledge-Discusses advantages and limitations of... more
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      Performing ArtsArts EducationTheatre of the OppressedCitizenship
The so-called ‘participatory turn’ or ‘social turn’ (Bishop) has been propelled by the arrival of the digital culture and new possibilities in the area of technology and communications, which offer audiences unprecedented possibilities... more
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      Theatre StudiesParticipatory ResearchAudience StudiesCultural management
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ParticipationPolitical CulturePolitics
The author explains that volunteer work currently arises as a tool of active citizenship and participation of citizens in an attempt to meet the community's social needs. She looks into volunteer work within the current social and... more
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      Comparative LawPublic AdministrationVolunteeringActive Citizenship