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      Abject ArtAbjection In Art
Mold is a living organism that has always repelled humans; yet, artists have explored its aesthetic potential long since seventeenth and eighteenth-century still lifes. Our predecessors have taught us that mold is saprogenic and... more
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      Contemporary ArtAbject ArtArt and Death
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      AbjectionClassical MythologyAbject ArtWim Delvoye
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      Art HistoryArtInstallation ArtContemporary Art
Foreground) Chrysalis and (background) Supernova, 2000. Hand-cut poly urethane panels on aluminum armature and polyurethane coating, installation view.
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      Cyborg TheoryInstallation ArtContemporary ArtInstallation (Art)
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      Translation StudiesPhotographyStylisticsGrammatology
ÇAĞDAŞ BİR EĞİLİM OLARAK ABJECT ART (İĞRENÇ SANAT) Öz 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısı sanat alanında, dönemin sosyokültürel ortamıyla bağlantılı olarak izleyicide şok etkisi yapacak konuların ve malzemelerin kullanılmaya baş-landığı bir... more
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      Contemporary ArtThe Abject BodyJulia KristevaAbject Art
In his article Obscene, Abject, Traumatic, art historian Hal Foster unpacks Lacan's understanding of the relationship between viewer, representation, and viewed object in relation to the 'abject art' of the 1990s.
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      LacanThe Abject BodyJacques LacanAbjection
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtLesbian StudiesHorror Film
[Índice y Presentación] Pensar el monstruo es un ejercicio a la vez desafiante y polémico, atravesado por más interrogantes y ambigüedades de las que el tema parece sugerir a primera vista. De ahí que Mabel Moraña articule en torno a... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesPhilosophyPopular Culture
A critical commentary that presents and contextualizes a film and video making practice spanning three decades. It locates a contemporary visual music practice within current and emerging critical and theoretical contexts and tracks back... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesMusicMusicology
Human waste and rot inspire a morbid fascination. Despite being perpetually in the process of degrading and defecating, our bodies engage in a tenuous relationship with these materials; digested and rotted food are innately abominable for... more
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      Julia KristevaAbject Art
This chapter explores the ways in which the back-and-forth between graphic body horror and clean, almost surgical violence in 'Dexter' engage, frustrate, and otherwise play with Julia Kristeva’s concepts of the “abject” and "abjection."
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      Critical TheorySemioticsCultural StudiesPsychoanalysis
This study responds to the ways in which linguistics, "the scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of grammar, syntax, and phonetics" 1 and utterances, "something expressed in speech or writing" 2 have been... more
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      Social PsychologyPhilosophy Of LanguageStructuralism (Literary Criticism)Contemporary Art
This thesis analyses the concepts of affectivity and abjection in relation to contemporary art practice. Its main focus is the strategic use of notions of abjection by artists and theorists in relation to "abject art", particularly in... more
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      Contemporary ArtSurrealismVideo ArtGilles Deleuze
Głównym celem artykułu jest zbadanie źródeł zjawiska skandalu w sztuce współczesnej oraz zaprezentowanie w tym kontekście artystycznych działań Abnormals Gallery. Wychodząc od założeń psychoanalizy lacanowskiej przyglądam się dwóm... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArt HistoryPerforming Arts
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      1960s (U.S. history)Modern ArtHistory of SexualityAbjection
In this essay, I will discuss the vague, ambiguous and confusing theories and philosophies of four of the 20th century’s greatest writers, philosophers and critics: Georges Bataille on the informe, Rosalind Krauss on Bataille’s informe... more
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      Contemporary ArtGeorges BatailleAbject ArtJean Baudrillard
This interview was reprinted in Dutch by the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in Deurle, Belgium: "De chaos van het leven vatten: een gesprek met Peter Buggenhout", in "Museum Doordacht 8", 2009, pp. 47 – 50. It was also reprinted in English:... more
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      Contemporary ArtAbstract ArtSculptureAbject Art
Abstract: Anxieties surrounding the demonic and female beauty are connected in sixteenth and seventeenth century printed illustrations. With developments in printing methods early modern readers increasingly demanded images to... more
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      Gender StudiesDemonologyMonster TheoryGilles Deleuze
Abstract Patriarchy in affect subjugates the blood of women by controlling the way it is visualised and thematised as waste, dirty and abject. The work of Julia Kristeva and her seminal account of abjection, as well as Barbara Creed’s... more
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      Performance StudiesContemporary ArtHIV/AIDSMenstruation
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      The Abject BodyAbjectionPrimitivism (Art History)Abject Art
Praca stanowi próbę opracowania motywu skóry w sztuce. Analizując dzieła wybranych twórców, starałam się zgłębić temat poprzez skupienie się na relacji skóry i człowieka, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem granic między wnętrzem a zewnętrzem.... more
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      PsychoanalysisArtificial IntelligenceGender StudiesTechnology
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
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      AestheticsQueer TheoryPoeticsGertrude Stein
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtVisual CultureArt Criticism
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      ChristianityPsychologyPsychoanalysisSocial Psychology
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      TextilesTextile and Fiber ArtAbject ArtPsychoanalysis and art
What are possible artistic forms of resistance in the context of contemporary capitalism, which is aiming at the colonization of our mind, affects and desires? This essay examines contemporary post-cinematic media within the framework of... more
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      Abject ArtPost-CinemaNeurocultureCognitive Capitalism
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtThe BodyThe Abject Body
The paper examines the function of abjection in Pasolini's 120 Days of Sodom (1975). Through an examination of Julia Kristeva's The Powers of Horror and Pasolini's subsequent subversion of that abjection, it is apparent that the... more
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      Film StudiesRoland BarthesAbjectionItalian Cinema
This article is about the shifting relationship between the city of Warsaw and the Palace of Culture and Science – a gigantic Stalinist skyscraper which dominates the city centre – in the aftermath of the 10 April 2010 plane crash that... more
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      ArchitectureAbject ArtSocialist RealismStalinism
Robert Gober: Aspiration et effet de réel au sein de l'avant-garde. L'artiste américain Robert Gober et son travail sculptural profitent d'une véritable notoriété depuis bien d'années déjà. Influencé par le surréalisme, la pop art, le... more
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      Contemporary ArtAbject ArtRobert Gober
Nad)użycia ciała w kulturze, red. T. Rachwał, K. Więckowska, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń 2012, ss. 47-64 Andrzej Marzec Obrazoburcze ciało. Cielesność jako miejsce subwersji i oporu Ciało podobnie jak rzeka rozlewa się życiem.... more
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      Roland BarthesAbjectionJulia KristevaCindy Sherman
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      The Abject BodySlavoj ŽižekAbjectionAbject Art
El arte en los últimos decenios ha desarrollado una paradójica postura frente al tiempo: la inmediatez absoluta del presente continuo subraya lo efímero del momento al mismo tiempo que la infi nitud del cambio. El hombre se presentará de... more
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      The Abject BodyConceptual ArtAbject ArtArte contemporáneo
Mapping the Gap Visual Multidisciplinary Paper by Multidisciplinary Feminist Artist and activist Shira Richter for Mamsie M(o)ther Trouble: An International Conference on Feminism, Psychoanalysis and the Maternal 2009 The Mother... more
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      Gender StudiesVisual StudiesPhotographyParenting
The article discusses the relationships between the production of late American artist Mike Kelley and commercial television in light of considerations on the idea of abjection in contemporary art.
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      Television StudiesContemporary ArtPerformance ArtVideo Art
Laini Burton, ‘Abject Appeal and the Monstrous Feminine in Lady Gaga’s self-fashioned persona “Mother Monster”’, in Re-told Feminine Memoirs: Our Collective Past and Present, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxfordshire, England, 2013. ISBN:... more
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      MusicFashion designPerformance StudiesIdentity (Culture)
Paradoks postljudskog tela u polju zazora: od potvrde falogocentričnog Simboličkog do obećanja trangresivnog prestupa i nazad I Fenomenologija ljudskog i postljudskog Od trenutka kartezijanskog rascepa ljudskog bivstvovanja na duh i telo,... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryPsychoanalysis
Stworzenie precyzyjnej definicji jest tu o tyle trudne, że podobnie jak wiele innych żywych dziś zjawisk, choć przecież nie zrodzonych współcześnie, guilty pleasure leży w oczach (trzewiach?) doświadczającego i totalizującej definicji po... more
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      AnthropologyFilm TheoryArt and Independent CinemaAbject Art
Mandragora to halucynogenna roślina, która rozpalała wyobraźnię ludzi właściwie od zarania dziejów. Jej przypominający nieco sylwetkę człowieka korzeń stał się obiektem dociekań medyków, roślina ta była także postrzegana jako symbol... more
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      Corporeal FeminismAbject ArtCorporealityHerbarium
The pdf I've uploaded here contains the page-proofs of my contribution to the book Abject Visions: Powers of Horror in Art and Visual Culture, edited by Rina Arya and Nicholas Chare, Manchester University Press, 2016.
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      Jacques LacanAbjectionDavid Foster WallaceAbject Art
Este trabalho apresenta uma série de apontamentos sobre o conceito de abjeto a partir da análise de algumas fotografias produzidas pelo artista visual nova-iorquino Joel-Peter Witkin. Recorrendo ao abjeto como um fenômeno que causa... more
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      Art HistoryArtContemporary ArtSexuality
Curatorial text for the exhibition "UGGA" with Anna Siggelkow, Indré Urbonaité, Joshua Tarplin, Sara Wu, Shelli Weiler and Theo Ellison.
Exhibition inserted in the programme of the 3rd cycle of Parallel - European Photo Based Platform
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      AbjectionAbject ArtUgliness
Есе върху изложбата на Боряна Росса и Олег Мавроматти "Гражданска позиция", Институт за съвременно изкуство - София, България, 2-30 юли 2011 г.
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      Performing ArtsPerformance StudiesAbjectionPerformance
Öz: Kadavranın yaşam ve ölüm arasındaki anlamsız, tanımsız ve belirsiz konumuna odaklanan bu metin; karşılıklı ilişkiyle belirlenen gündelik yaşamın içindeki ben, öteki, ben-olmayan ilişkisini temel almaktadır. Ölü bedenin bozulma ve... more
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      Abject ArtCadaverThe Abject (Kristeva)Bakış
Resumo Refletindo sobre as singularidades da arte poética de Glauco Mattoso, esse trabalho analisa alguns metapoemas da chamada fase cega do escritor, em que a audição passa a ser ferramenta fundamental no processo de criação, assim como... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureContemporary LiteratureContemporary PoetryAbject Art
ART HISTORY & PSYCHOANALYSIS WORKSHOP 2 14:00- 18:00, Saturday 8 June 2013 Seminar Room 3+4 Art History Department University College London This event is free but registration is required. To register, please email:... more
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      PsychoanalysisVisual StudiesArt HistoryArt
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      Body ImageAbject ArtHomosexualityGender Politics