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El propósito de la educación científica es que todos los alumnos y alumnas logren en su formación general una educación de calidad. Esto involucra, que el aprendizaje de las ciencias sea un proceso activo de investigación y... more
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      Higher EducationExperiential LearningAttitudeScientific Inquiry
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to establish the connections in the triad woman, entrepreneurship and competences from a holistic perspective in order to mean what are the key competences and how they contribute to the development... more
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      GenderResultsLabor MarketSkills
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the work contained in this thesis is, unless otherwise stated, my own original work and has never been submitted in part or in its entirety at any University for any requirements towards the... more
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    • Abilities
This chapter is about the translation and cultural adaptation of a new psychological assessment for intellectual ability, the Aurora Battery, which is currently being developed in the United States, for use in the United States but also... more
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The article considers the main aspects of the relationship of individual psychological characteristics and motivational component with the level of ability to master foreign languages. It was found that the ability to learn a foreign... more
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      MotivationForeign LanguageAcademic SuccessAbilities
Purpose: determination of influence of technologies of motor and intellectual aspects’ impact on process of basic light athletic movements’ development. Material: in the research 2 groups of pupils participated: control (n = 22 – girls,... more
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The purpose of this paper is to establish the connections in the triad woman, entrepreneurship and competences from a holistic perspective in order to mean what are the key competences and how they contribute to the development of... more
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      SociologyGenderResultsLabor Market
Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar os resultados de um levantamento realizado junto a gestores de empresas industriais da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. O objetivo da pesquisa é identificar o grau de importância e a atual... more
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      Industrial EngineeringCompetencesAbilities
Several currently popular areas of research—brain training, mind-set, grit, deliberate practice, and the bilingual advantage—are premised on the idea that environmental factors are the overwhelming determinants of success in real-world... more
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      GeneticsPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
The article considers the main aspects of the relationship of individual psychological characteristics and motivational component with the level of ability to master foreign languages. It was found that the ability to learn a foreign... more
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      MotivationForeign LanguageAcademic SuccessAbilities
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      GeneticsPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
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In the present study, the effects of Mozart's sonata K.448 on voluntary and involuntary attention were investigated by recording and analyzing behavioral and event-related potentials (ERPs) data in a three-stimulus visual oddball task.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceElectrophysiologyAuditory PerceptionCognition
This paper aims to analyze the psychobiological, cultural and family aspects that make entrepreneurship possible, considering the gender perspective and analyzing the differences between men and women for each of these aspects. Attributes... more
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      Gender StudiesGenderSkillsAbilities
Today, the importance of learning Arabic language and the need for educating qualified experts in Iran are felt more than the past centuries due to the governing religious, social and political approaches. Whether graduates in these... more
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The world is really in a fast-changing process with the emergence of new technologies and new products, and the market makes it in a state of constant motion. All of this results in each individual's mot ivation, knowledge and... more
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This chapter is about the translation and cultural adaptation of a new psychological assessment for intellectual ability, the Aurora Battery, which is currently being developed in the United States, for use in the United States but also... more
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