A Theory of Justice
Recent papers in A Theory of Justice
The following are revised entries on "Charles Beitz", "H.L.A. Hart", "Citizen", and "Sovereignty" for _The Rawls Lexicon_, edited by Jon Mandle and David Reidy, forthcoming from Cambridge University Press.
羅爾斯的《正義論》被認為是20 世紀最重要的政治哲學著作,其中一個原因是它「一石激起千重浪」,引起不少學者的討論批評。 然而,當中不少批評卻是源於誤讀《正義論》的真義。有些學者認為羅爾斯的理論和效益主義同出一轍,忽略了個體的獨立性;有些學者認為羅爾斯表面中立,實際上不過是否定任何價值的虛無主義;有些學者認為羅爾斯把穩定性納入正義問題的討論中是一大失著,犯了範疇錯誤。 這些評論都有一個共通點︰他們忽略了羅爾斯的理論其實是建基於「自由平等的道德人」這個對人的理解。... more
Amy R. Baehr, “Feminist Receptions of the Original Position,” forthcoming (2016) in Timothy Hinton (ed.) The Original Position (Cambridge University Press). The original position’s principles are in reflective equilibrium with some... more
a fost un filosof de origine americană, a predat filosofia politică la Harvard și a " reflectat asupra socialului și politicului " 1. El este autorul celebrei lucrări " A theory of justice " prin care " prefigurează teoretic concepția de... more
Índice Índice_________________________________________________________________1 Prefácio_______________________________________________________________2 Introdução_____________________________________________________________4 Por que ler... more
In this article I examine the importance of self-respect in the justification of Rawls's theory of justice. First, I present two elements that are part of the contemporary debate on self-respect as a form of self-worth-namely, moral... more
This essay is an inquiry into the fundamentals of contemporary liberalism. I defend the following claim: the premises of contemporary liberal theory cannot avoid referring to the ideal of equality of individuals in some way. equality is a... more
This is my undergraduate honors thesis based on the philosophy of international wealth distribution. I draw on John Rawls's Law of Peoples and the surrounding controversy to address my contention that such redistribution should not be a... more
Théorie de la justice étant au programme de l'oral de l'agrégation externe de philosophie 2016, Juliette Roussin organise en avril 2016 une journée d'étude consacrée à cette oeuvre à destination des agrégatifs des universités de Rennes 1... more
Resumen: En este artículo discuto la relevancia que tiene el autorrespeto en la teoría de la justicia de Rawls. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo, en primer lugar examino las nociones de valor moral y mérito y su vinculación con el... more
This essay begins by offering a brief, but perhaps needed, biographical sketch of John Rawls, so as to foreground very unique personal dimensions of his approach to the question of justice as fairness in terms of the "sense of justice."... more
За багато років, що минули з того часу, як Джон Ролз видав свою працю «Теорія справедли- вості» (1971), в академічних колах сформувалося і набуло великого поширення ставлення до Ролзової теорії як до нового етапу розвитку... more
A obra de Rawls é responsável pela reabilitação e revigoramento da filosofia política e da filosofia moral. Todavia, existe visivelmente, como alguns críticos afirmam, um certo déficit quanto ao tratamento dado ao direito. À luz disso,... more