Recent papers in ASTER
L'ANSTJ se donne pour objectif de faire pratiquer les sciences et les techniques à un public de jeunes. Depuis vingt ans qu'elle existe, les activités qu'elle organise ont beaucoup évolué. La structure de projet demeure une constante,... more
This work is aimed at estimating the sulfur dioxide emission of Mt. Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy) using the thermal infrared images remotely sensed by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). A new... more
This paper describes the problems involved with learning and understanding math for vision impaired students and developing a computer system approach for rendering mathematical formulae into audio form. Access to mathematics is an... more
GIS and remote-sensing provides better options for managing resources and enhancing the productivity. This study is carried out to access the optimum Aqua farming or Aquaculture sites in Pune area. Using the different essential parameters... more
Ce texte reprend une recherche conduite dans le cadre d'un appel à association de l'INRP, unité CRESAS, de 1996 à 1999. L'équipe que nous avons constituée souhaitait développer l'étude des processus de construction des connaissances chez... more
Flood related scientific and community-based data are rarely systematically collected and analysed in the Philippines. Over the last decades the Pagsangaan River Basin, Leyte, has experienced several flood events. However, documentation... more
Groundwater is considered the major portion of the world's freshwater resources. One of the main challenges facing the sustainable development of Egypt is the need for better management of its limited fresh water resources. Groundwater... more
The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) is a high spatial resolution, multispectral imager with alongtrack stereo capabilities scheduled for launch on the first NASA spacecraft of the Earth Observing... more
Dans la perspective d'enrichir l'éducation scientifique d'une dimension citoyenne, et plus spécifi quement écocitoyenne, la prise en compte des questions socioécologiques requiert l'intégration dans les curriculums de sciences,... more
L'invention empirique d'innovations didactiques visant à répondre à l'hétérogénéité des élèves doit s'accompagner d'une réflexion sur les concepts qui tentent de théoriser ce champ :
Les échanges langagiers sont nécessairement inscrits dans un contexte déterminé. Ici nous abordons l'argumentation dans les débats en classe sur des questions socialement vives. Après avoir défini ce que nous entendons par « questions... more
Chikurachki volcano (Northern Kurile Islands Chain, Paramushir Island 50-20VN, 155-27VE; elevation 1816 m, stratovolcano) has been in a state of unrest for over twenty years. Its most recent eruption that began in April 2003 was preceded... more
Dans le cadre d'une recherche de l'INRP, intitulée "Des images pour apprendre les sciences", nous nous sommes intéressées aux situations didactiques au cours desquelles des élèves sont placés face à des images et nous avons conduit des... more
This paper proposes an integration of Spectral Mixture Analysis and Endmember Remote Sensing Indices to derive land surface temperature (LST), to identify urban heat islands (UHI) and to investigate their relationships to land use/land... more
Résumé/Abstract L'Éducation à l'environnement (ÉE) est citée dans les textes officiels français depuis 1971. Ceux de 1993 demandaient un regard pluridisciplinaire soit dans le cadre de projets, soit au sein de chaque discipline.... more
The Neoproterozoic Wadi Kid metamorphic belt in southeastern Sinai in Egypt represents a structurally and metamorphically complex assemblage of metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks folded into a series of ENE-WSW-trending antiforms and... more
تتناول الدراسة شدة الجزيرة الحرارية لمدينة المنصورة وتباينها الداخلي على المستوى المكاني والزمني، وعلاقة ذلك بالقصور الحراري وخصائصه. وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على الاستشعار من بعد بشكل رئيسي لمعالجة وتحليل المرئيات الفضائية بهدف استخلاص العمران... more
Les conceptions sur la formation des maîtres sont implicites, diverses, contradictoires ; elles oublient trop souvent que les maîtres enseignent des disciplines scolaires. Comment penser aujourd'hui la formation des enseignants à la prise... more
Minicurso ministrado durante o VI Workshop Internacional Sobre Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Sustentável de Bacias Hidrográficas, realizado entre os dias 11 e 15 de julho de 2017, na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, MG. O minicurso... more
The NW–SE trending Central Iranian Volcanic Belt hosts many well-known porphyry copper deposits in Iran. It becomes an interesting area for remote sensing investigations to explore the new prospects of porphyry copper and vein type... more
This study investigates the application of spectral image processing methods to ASTER data for mapping hydrothermal alteration zones associated with porphyry copper mineralization and related host rock. The study area is located in the... more
Geologists have used remote sensing data since the advent of the technology for regional mapping, structural interpretation and to aid in prospecting for ores and hydrocarbons. This paper provides a review of multispectral and... more
TETHYS is a relational GIS database that combines geophysical, remote sensing, geochemical, and geochronological data, developed as a flexible resource for studying magmatic and geodynamic responses to continental collisions. In this... more
Many ore deposits are first detected in the field by the recognition of hydrothermally altered host rocks, and are typically zonally distributed. Ore deposits are often produced by fluid flow processes that alter the mineralogy and... more
This research focuses on the application of HyMap airborne hyperspectral data and ASTER satellite multispectral data to mineral exploration and lithologic mapping in the Arctic regions of central East Greenland. The study area is the Kap... more
Accurate delineation of watershed and drainage networks is crucial for hydrological and geomorphological models, water resource management, change of floodplains, flood risk management, and surface water mapping. Since high-resolution... more
Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) images covering the Um Rus area in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt were evaluated for mapping geologic... more
Satellite remote sensing methods are a powerful tool for detailed geologic analysis, especially in inaccessible regions of the earth's surface. Short-wave infrared (SWIR) bands are shown to provide spectral information bearing on the... more
Remote sensing data can be effectively used as a mean to build geological knowledge for poorly mapped terrains. Spectral remote sensing data from space- and air-borne sensors have been widely used to geological mapping, especially in... more
The increased availability of remote sensing platforms with appropriate spatial and temporal resolution, global coverage and low financial costs allows for fast, semi-automated, and cost-effective estimates of changes in glacier... more
The mapping of hydrothermal alteration zones associated with mineralization is of paramount importance in searching for metal deposits. For this purpose, targeting alteration zones by analyzing airborne geophysical and satellite imagery... more
(élèves de 13 ans). Le cycle 3 de l'école primaire correspond aux trois dernières années de la scolarité primaire (élèves de 8 à 10 ans) : Cours élémentaire 2 (CE2), Cours Moyen 1 (CM1) et Cours Moyen 2 (CM2). (7) Goery Delacôte. Préface... more
Traditionnellement l'enseignement scientifique se propose immédiatement d'introduire au savoir actuel La prise en compte des obstacles n'a de sens que si l'on se propose le passage de la pensée commune à la pensée scientifique de façon à... more