On-site and off-site relationship in a large watershed (1987 km 2 ) draining from Pasoh region wa... more On-site and off-site relationship in a large watershed (1987 km 2 ) draining from Pasoh region was assessed in terms of hill slope erosion and sedimentation at downstream. Soil erosion was modelled using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) in ArcVIEW-GIS. The landuse compositions were derived from satellite images. Forest makes up about 62% of the catchment area, followed by rubber (22.4%), oil palm (10.7%) and sundry crops (3.1%). Total estimated soil loss from the entire watershed was 7.15 mil t/yr or equivalent to 35.9 t/ha/yr. The highest soil loss was predicted for non tree sundry cultivation and the least for undisturbed forests. Consequently, nutrient loss from primary forest is low compared to the other land-uses. The observed sediment yield at the catchment outlet ranges from 0.58 to 6.44 t/ha/yr with a mean of 1.52 t/ha/yr. On an average only 4% of the soil eroded from hill slopes finally reach at the catchment outlet.
This paper reviews the performance characteristics of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission an... more This paper reviews the performance characteristics of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) remote sensor, the standard data products, and applications of the most recently developed image processing methods applied to ASTER data as a tool for mapping hydrothermal alteration mineral zones associated with porphyry copper and epithermal gold mineralization and related host-rock lithology. Hydrothermal alteration zones associated with porphyry copper deposit such as phyllic, argillic, and propylitic mineral assemblages can be discriminated from one another by virtue of their spectral absorption features, which are detectable by ASTER SWIR spectral bands. The identification of the phyllic zone is important in the initial stages of porphyry copper exploration as an indicator of high economic-potential for copper mineralization. Two new crosstalk-corrected ASTER SWIR reflectance products including AST-07XT and RefL1b are more reliable than previous ASTER data products for regional mineral mapping without use of additional spectral data from the site for calibration. Four types of algorithms were used to extract spectral information of ASTER data: 1) band-ratio, indices and logical operator based methods; 2) principal components and enhancement based methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF); 3) shape-fitting based algorithms such as Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM), Matched-Filtering (MF), and Mixture-Tuned Matched-Filtering (MTMF); and 4) partial unmixing methods such as Linear Spectral Unmixing (LSU) and Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM). This review emphasizes that the logical operator algorithms can be best suited for hydrothermal alteration mineral mapping, including phyllic and argillic zones associated with porphyry copper mineralization in a regional scale. Shape-fitting based and partial unmixing algorithms are robust and reliable for detecting particular mineral and mineral assemblages in hydrothermal alteration zones in a district scale. Consequently, the integration of the results derived from the logical operator, shape-fitting based, and partial unmixing algorithms can produce comprehensive and accurate information for the reconnaissance stages of copper and gold exploration at both regional and district scales. All of the methods and applications reviewed in this paper demonstrate the utility of ASTER data for exploration of the porphyry copper and epithermal gold deposits around the world.
In this study, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) derived aerosol optical dept... more In this study, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) derived aerosol optical depth (AOD) was used to retrieve air pollution (PM 10 ) in Peninsular Malaysia. Located in an equatorial and maritime region, the strength of the correlation between MODIS derived AOD and in situ data were given less attention due to data availability, and monsoon wind effect. To make used of MODIS derived data, long term (2001 to 2006) retrieval and investigation on its reliability was performed. The cloud cover and wind effect were taken care by using a modified 5x5 moving mean filter to smoothen and extrapolate gaps in MODIS AOD dataset. Besides, relationship between daily and monthly average MODIS AOD and PM 10 were established. Monthly average shows higher correlation of 0.6 with 12.90 μg/m 3 RMSE for six years. These suggest that, MODIS estimated PM 10 has the potential to be utilized in air quality monitoring over Peninsular Malaysia.
Bau gold mining district, located near Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, is a Carlin style gold deposit... more Bau gold mining district, located near Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, is a Carlin style gold deposits. Geological analyses coupled with remote sensing data were used to detect hydrothermal alteration rocks and structure elements associated with this type of gold mineralization. Image processing techniques, including principal components analysis, linear spectral unmixing, and Laplacian algorithms, were employed to carry out spectrolithological-structural mapping of mineralized zones, using Advanced Land Imager, Hyperion, and JERS-1 synthetic aperture radar scenes covering the study area and surrounding terrain. Hydrothermally alteration mineral zones were detected along the SSW to NNE structural trend of the Tai Parit fault that corresponds to the areas of occurrence of the gold mineralization in the Bau limestone. The results show that potentially interesting areas are observable by the methods used, despite limited bedrock exposure in this region and the constraints imposed by the tropical environment.
Podiform chromite ore deposits in ultramafic parts of ophiolite rock complexes can be detected us... more Podiform chromite ore deposits in ultramafic parts of ophiolite rock complexes can be detected using remote sensing data. This study focuses on the discrimination of chromite bearing mineralized zones using Landsat TM and Advance Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite data in Abdasht ophiolite complex, south of Iran. Several image processing methods, including Log residual, Decorellation Stretch, Band ratio and Mixture-Tuned Matched-Filtering (MTMF) have been evaluated for lithological mapping using Landsat ETM and ASTER data. The outcome showed that TIR band ratios of ASTER can discriminate quartzite, carbonate and mafic-ultramafic rocks in the ophiolite complex. Log residual, Decorollation Stretch and MTMF methods were more capable than previous published ASTER methods specifically for lithological mapping at a regional scale. New geological map of Abdasht region was produced based on the interpretation of ASTER image processing results and field verification. Consequently, the proposed methods demonstrated the ability of ASTER and Landsat ETM data to provide information for detecting chromite host rock (serpentinized dunites) that is valuable for chromite prospecting in study area. Additionally, the techniques used in this study are subtle for exploration geologist and mine engineering to identify high-potential chromitebearing zones in the ophiolite complex, minimizing costly and time-consuming field works.
Ground Penetration Radar is the subsurface imaging tool that widely used in most of the engineeri... more Ground Penetration Radar is the subsurface imaging tool that widely used in most of the engineering practices in the modern cities. It is well established for accurately detecting the planimetric position (x, y) and the depth (z) of the underground utility assets. These two parameters of the underground utility asset are the focus of all the underground utility assets mapping projects. As such, utilization of ground penetrating radar for underground utility assets mapping has been misunderstood where it can only retrieve limited information. Nevertheless, the backscatter reflection that recorded by the ground penetrating radar system are in fact entitle to provide more information apart from these two parameters. The backscatters reflections are very practical for estimating the radius of the utility assets and identifying the material types (mild steel, ductile iron, clay and etc.) of the utility assets. In this paper, the ground penetrating radar backscatter characteristics of each utility asset are figured out and validated through a series of tests conducted on selected test site with known parameter. Results, pinpointed that the unique ground penetrating radar backscatter of the utility assets are functional for material recognition apart from conventional utility assets detection and localization. This provides a new benchmark in application of ground penetrating radar for utility assets material recognition using these unique backscatter reflections. Thereby, the good agreement between the backscatter reflections of ground penetrating radar with respective utility assets in term of radiometry (i.e. material types, and condition assessment for civil infrastructure management and maintenance), is opening a platform for valuable addition to the ground penetrating radar software improvement with new material recognition facility in the near future in addition to current practical utility detection and localization facilities.
This paper introduces a new methods for mapping coastal bathymetry change by using three-dimensio... more This paper introduces a new methods for mapping coastal bathymetry change by using three-dimensional (3D) model from Airborne AIRSAR/TOPSAR Synthetic Aperture data. The new method is based on integration between Fuzzy B-spline and Volterra algorithm. Volterra algorithm is used to simulate the ocean surface current from AIRSAR/POLSAR data. Then, ocean surface current information used as input for continuity equation to estimate the water depths at different locations in AIRSAR/POLSAR data.
Abstract; The importance of tropical forest ecosystem is emphasized in considering climatic varia... more Abstract; The importance of tropical forest ecosystem is emphasized in considering climatic variation and global warming countermeasures, and forest management and maintenance have become urgent themes. The National Institute for Environmental Studies participated in the construction of vegetation basic data, which is useful for the grasp of the present state and long-term fluctuation of natural forests in the tropical zone, and the appropriate forest management and forest regeneration and repair program.
Malaysian researchers and scientists are required to design a new sensor which might be different... more Malaysian researchers and scientists are required to design a new sensor which might be different than TuingSAT-1 and RAZAKSAT microsatellites in term of its physical properties and application too. Multi-polarized sensor has tremendous use in the coastal zone studies. In addition, polarized sensor is able to investigate the coastal problems such as erosion and sedimentation. AIRSAR polarized sensor could be an ideal concept in developing such sensor.
Optimizing the target separability of covertypes inventorying in humid tropical region. MAZLAN HA... more Optimizing the target separability of covertypes inventorying in humid tropical region. MAZLAN HASHIM, SAMSUDIN AHMAD Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 9 th, Bangkok, Thailand, 1988. 43 EARTH RESOURCES(AH).
On-site and off-site relationship in a large watershed (1987 km 2 ) draining from Pasoh region wa... more On-site and off-site relationship in a large watershed (1987 km 2 ) draining from Pasoh region was assessed in terms of hill slope erosion and sedimentation at downstream. Soil erosion was modelled using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) in ArcVIEW-GIS. The landuse compositions were derived from satellite images. Forest makes up about 62% of the catchment area, followed by rubber (22.4%), oil palm (10.7%) and sundry crops (3.1%). Total estimated soil loss from the entire watershed was 7.15 mil t/yr or equivalent to 35.9 t/ha/yr. The highest soil loss was predicted for non tree sundry cultivation and the least for undisturbed forests. Consequently, nutrient loss from primary forest is low compared to the other land-uses. The observed sediment yield at the catchment outlet ranges from 0.58 to 6.44 t/ha/yr with a mean of 1.52 t/ha/yr. On an average only 4% of the soil eroded from hill slopes finally reach at the catchment outlet.
This paper reviews the performance characteristics of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission an... more This paper reviews the performance characteristics of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) remote sensor, the standard data products, and applications of the most recently developed image processing methods applied to ASTER data as a tool for mapping hydrothermal alteration mineral zones associated with porphyry copper and epithermal gold mineralization and related host-rock lithology. Hydrothermal alteration zones associated with porphyry copper deposit such as phyllic, argillic, and propylitic mineral assemblages can be discriminated from one another by virtue of their spectral absorption features, which are detectable by ASTER SWIR spectral bands. The identification of the phyllic zone is important in the initial stages of porphyry copper exploration as an indicator of high economic-potential for copper mineralization. Two new crosstalk-corrected ASTER SWIR reflectance products including AST-07XT and RefL1b are more reliable than previous ASTER data products for regional mineral mapping without use of additional spectral data from the site for calibration. Four types of algorithms were used to extract spectral information of ASTER data: 1) band-ratio, indices and logical operator based methods; 2) principal components and enhancement based methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF); 3) shape-fitting based algorithms such as Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM), Matched-Filtering (MF), and Mixture-Tuned Matched-Filtering (MTMF); and 4) partial unmixing methods such as Linear Spectral Unmixing (LSU) and Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM). This review emphasizes that the logical operator algorithms can be best suited for hydrothermal alteration mineral mapping, including phyllic and argillic zones associated with porphyry copper mineralization in a regional scale. Shape-fitting based and partial unmixing algorithms are robust and reliable for detecting particular mineral and mineral assemblages in hydrothermal alteration zones in a district scale. Consequently, the integration of the results derived from the logical operator, shape-fitting based, and partial unmixing algorithms can produce comprehensive and accurate information for the reconnaissance stages of copper and gold exploration at both regional and district scales. All of the methods and applications reviewed in this paper demonstrate the utility of ASTER data for exploration of the porphyry copper and epithermal gold deposits around the world.
In this study, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) derived aerosol optical dept... more In this study, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) derived aerosol optical depth (AOD) was used to retrieve air pollution (PM 10 ) in Peninsular Malaysia. Located in an equatorial and maritime region, the strength of the correlation between MODIS derived AOD and in situ data were given less attention due to data availability, and monsoon wind effect. To make used of MODIS derived data, long term (2001 to 2006) retrieval and investigation on its reliability was performed. The cloud cover and wind effect were taken care by using a modified 5x5 moving mean filter to smoothen and extrapolate gaps in MODIS AOD dataset. Besides, relationship between daily and monthly average MODIS AOD and PM 10 were established. Monthly average shows higher correlation of 0.6 with 12.90 μg/m 3 RMSE for six years. These suggest that, MODIS estimated PM 10 has the potential to be utilized in air quality monitoring over Peninsular Malaysia.
Bau gold mining district, located near Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, is a Carlin style gold deposit... more Bau gold mining district, located near Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, is a Carlin style gold deposits. Geological analyses coupled with remote sensing data were used to detect hydrothermal alteration rocks and structure elements associated with this type of gold mineralization. Image processing techniques, including principal components analysis, linear spectral unmixing, and Laplacian algorithms, were employed to carry out spectrolithological-structural mapping of mineralized zones, using Advanced Land Imager, Hyperion, and JERS-1 synthetic aperture radar scenes covering the study area and surrounding terrain. Hydrothermally alteration mineral zones were detected along the SSW to NNE structural trend of the Tai Parit fault that corresponds to the areas of occurrence of the gold mineralization in the Bau limestone. The results show that potentially interesting areas are observable by the methods used, despite limited bedrock exposure in this region and the constraints imposed by the tropical environment.
Podiform chromite ore deposits in ultramafic parts of ophiolite rock complexes can be detected us... more Podiform chromite ore deposits in ultramafic parts of ophiolite rock complexes can be detected using remote sensing data. This study focuses on the discrimination of chromite bearing mineralized zones using Landsat TM and Advance Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite data in Abdasht ophiolite complex, south of Iran. Several image processing methods, including Log residual, Decorellation Stretch, Band ratio and Mixture-Tuned Matched-Filtering (MTMF) have been evaluated for lithological mapping using Landsat ETM and ASTER data. The outcome showed that TIR band ratios of ASTER can discriminate quartzite, carbonate and mafic-ultramafic rocks in the ophiolite complex. Log residual, Decorollation Stretch and MTMF methods were more capable than previous published ASTER methods specifically for lithological mapping at a regional scale. New geological map of Abdasht region was produced based on the interpretation of ASTER image processing results and field verification. Consequently, the proposed methods demonstrated the ability of ASTER and Landsat ETM data to provide information for detecting chromite host rock (serpentinized dunites) that is valuable for chromite prospecting in study area. Additionally, the techniques used in this study are subtle for exploration geologist and mine engineering to identify high-potential chromitebearing zones in the ophiolite complex, minimizing costly and time-consuming field works.
Ground Penetration Radar is the subsurface imaging tool that widely used in most of the engineeri... more Ground Penetration Radar is the subsurface imaging tool that widely used in most of the engineering practices in the modern cities. It is well established for accurately detecting the planimetric position (x, y) and the depth (z) of the underground utility assets. These two parameters of the underground utility asset are the focus of all the underground utility assets mapping projects. As such, utilization of ground penetrating radar for underground utility assets mapping has been misunderstood where it can only retrieve limited information. Nevertheless, the backscatter reflection that recorded by the ground penetrating radar system are in fact entitle to provide more information apart from these two parameters. The backscatters reflections are very practical for estimating the radius of the utility assets and identifying the material types (mild steel, ductile iron, clay and etc.) of the utility assets. In this paper, the ground penetrating radar backscatter characteristics of each utility asset are figured out and validated through a series of tests conducted on selected test site with known parameter. Results, pinpointed that the unique ground penetrating radar backscatter of the utility assets are functional for material recognition apart from conventional utility assets detection and localization. This provides a new benchmark in application of ground penetrating radar for utility assets material recognition using these unique backscatter reflections. Thereby, the good agreement between the backscatter reflections of ground penetrating radar with respective utility assets in term of radiometry (i.e. material types, and condition assessment for civil infrastructure management and maintenance), is opening a platform for valuable addition to the ground penetrating radar software improvement with new material recognition facility in the near future in addition to current practical utility detection and localization facilities.
This paper introduces a new methods for mapping coastal bathymetry change by using three-dimensio... more This paper introduces a new methods for mapping coastal bathymetry change by using three-dimensional (3D) model from Airborne AIRSAR/TOPSAR Synthetic Aperture data. The new method is based on integration between Fuzzy B-spline and Volterra algorithm. Volterra algorithm is used to simulate the ocean surface current from AIRSAR/POLSAR data. Then, ocean surface current information used as input for continuity equation to estimate the water depths at different locations in AIRSAR/POLSAR data.
Abstract; The importance of tropical forest ecosystem is emphasized in considering climatic varia... more Abstract; The importance of tropical forest ecosystem is emphasized in considering climatic variation and global warming countermeasures, and forest management and maintenance have become urgent themes. The National Institute for Environmental Studies participated in the construction of vegetation basic data, which is useful for the grasp of the present state and long-term fluctuation of natural forests in the tropical zone, and the appropriate forest management and forest regeneration and repair program.
Malaysian researchers and scientists are required to design a new sensor which might be different... more Malaysian researchers and scientists are required to design a new sensor which might be different than TuingSAT-1 and RAZAKSAT microsatellites in term of its physical properties and application too. Multi-polarized sensor has tremendous use in the coastal zone studies. In addition, polarized sensor is able to investigate the coastal problems such as erosion and sedimentation. AIRSAR polarized sensor could be an ideal concept in developing such sensor.
Optimizing the target separability of covertypes inventorying in humid tropical region. MAZLAN HA... more Optimizing the target separability of covertypes inventorying in humid tropical region. MAZLAN HASHIM, SAMSUDIN AHMAD Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 9 th, Bangkok, Thailand, 1988. 43 EARTH RESOURCES(AH).
Papers by mazlan hashim